Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 125: The Goddess of War. 1916 CE

Chapter 125: The Goddess of War. 1916 CE

The trenches of No Man’s land is a place that no one wants to stay in for long. Soldiers cramped to one place, refugees also spread out across the trenches, running from the Germans across the battlefield, and shortages of food for them is not an uncommon thing.

Thena and Pluto are also there, giving food and blankets to the refugees. They volunteered to the army as support, not as fighters, deciding to help the refugees and the innocents that caught up in the war.

Thena was bringing cans of food to a group of family, but then they pulled her closer.

“Please…” a mother begged. “My sons and daughters… they’re still with the Germans…”

“I’m sorry…” said Thena sadly. “This is no man’s land… we’re barely moving…”

“They’re killing them… please…”

“I’m sorry…” Thena said once again, she released the mother’s grasp on her hand, and walked away from the weeping family. She walked towards Pluto, who was sorting out the inventory of the army.

“People are dying too quickly…” said Thena softly as she helped him sort the food. “You’d think Arishem would do something about it.”

“But we’ve grown used to his silence, have we?” said Pluto rhetorically. “When the black death happened, he didn’t even say anything, and that killed almost half of the population.”

Thena hummed as he stared at the sitting refugees around the trench. She then looked at the land across the trench, and sighed. “Why don’t we do something about it?”

“People will see you.” stated Pluto.

“They’ll not talk.” argued Thena calmly.  “Nobody would believe them anyway.”

Pluto sighed. “They still have to report it, and our record of existence will be stored around the world.”

“We already did that with Britain.”

“That’s different,” said Pluto. “I know who knows, so I could erase our trace, but when you come out of that trench, I can’t erase it fully.”

“Then what should we do? Just stay here? Giving food to people?”

Pluto took a deep breath as he put the last of the canned food on the inventory. “Thena–”

But then, a yellow gas started to come out from across the land, blown by the wind towards their trench, making people around them panicked.

“GAS! USE YOUR FACE MASKS!” a soldier shouted desperately as he used his mask. The other soldiers soon followed, but Thena could see a problem.

The refugees don't have it.

“Oh no…” Thena murmured nervously. “Pluto…”

“Got it.” Pluto hummed as both of them ran towards the refugees, who were also scared when they saw the gas approaching their trench.

The yellow gas quickly enveloped the trench, and Pluto conjured a barrier around the refugees, blocking the gas.

“W-What is this?” a refugee stuttered, dropping to the ground as he saw the barrier surrounding them.

The refugees quickly gathered in the middle of the barrier dome, and prayed for their safety. The surroundings were clouded with gas, and they couldn’t see anything, they could only see yellow.

“It’s our chance…” Thena murmured. “We could attack them now, these people won’t see it.”


“There’s a village ahead darling,” Thena insisted. “You heard those refugees, they’re killing them.”

Pluto sighed. “Fine, be careful.”

Thena just smiled, and she quickly ran through the barrier, even though the other refugees shouted at her not too. She ran past the gas, and jumped from the trench, leaping across no man’s land as he landed in the middle of the barren soil.

The Germans quickly saw Thena, and aimed their guns at her. Men started shooting with their bolt action rifle, bullets flew across the land, travelling to her.

Thena conjured her shield, and easily blocked the bullets that came towards her. He ran towards the German trench, she summoned a golden spear, and leaped to the sky.

She threw her spear as the germans’ vision was blocked by the sun, and when the spear landed on the trench, it exploded, sending waves of golden energy through the specific part of the trench.

The German soldiers began to panic, and they brought their machine guns to the front, and started loading it with bullets.

Soon, a barrage of lead flew through no man’s land, flying to Thena.  She just raised her shield, continuing to run to the trench as bullets piled up around her, deflected by her golden shield.

She leaped once again, this time, directly to the trench. As she landed, golden energy spread widely around the trench, knocking many soldiers out. She conjured a string of golden energy, and a golden knife was attached to the string. She quickly threw the knife to the nearest soldier, and pulled the string making the knife tear the body apart. 

Soon, between the yellow gas, the soldiers could only see golden strings of light glowing across the land, moving around soothingly, and the sounds of screaming accompanied it.

An hour had passed, and the soldiers didn’t hear any screams anymore. The yellow gas had passed, and they couldn’t feel the bullets flying through the air anymore. They were confused of course, and so, one brave man journeyed to no man’s land, and surprisingly, he wasn’t hit at all.

Other soldiers quickly marched towards the trench in front, and once they arrived, they saw the trenches littered with mangled bodies, blood covered the bottom of the trench.

Many soldiers threw up when they saw the bloodbath in that trench, and the culprit was nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, in the previous trench, Pluto was giving Thena clothing so that she could change, because she was bathed in blood.

“I couldn’t…” she murmured as Pluto took her clothes off for her. “I couldn’t stop… once I saw blood, I just…”

“Shhh… it’s okay…” Pluto cooed. “It’s war, it’s always been like this, you should know this.”

“I know, I just… Old habits…”

Pluto helped her wear new clothing as he cleaned her hair using clean cloth. “I have old habits too. Don’t be ashamed of it.”

Thena hummed. “I think… I’ve had enough of this… after we saved the villages, let’s go somewhere else…”

“Sure.” Pluto hummed, kissing her forehead gently.

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