Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 120: War of the apes. 1900 CE (3)

Chapter 120: War of the apes. 1900 CE (3)

Anna woke up abruptly as she had finished her task. She was breathing heavily, her body soaked in sweat. Cleopatra then walked up to her bed with a towel, wiping her face.

“What did you see sister?” Cleo questioned.

“I did what you asked, I warned him.” she said, sighing tiredly. “I also heard Leopold sold the eastern Congo to the British, expect an assault soon.”

Cleo frowned. She put down the towel, and sat down on the bed. “First Belgians, then Zanzibari Slavers, then Britain…”

“We can’t do this anymore sister.” said Anna calmly, already recovering. “We can’t hide in the jungles anymore, we need a full assault.”

“There will be thousands of casualties if we do that.” Cleo denied.

“We have you.” Anna smiled. “We have Kojiro.”

“If we move our forces at once, the neighbours will be scared Anna.” said Cleo calmly. “They’ll bring their forces together towards us, and international relations will crumble at that point. Not to mention the existence of… well… us.”

“Where is father when you need him right…” Anna chuckled tiredly.

“We can’t ask father for help.” answered Cleo. “He can’t interfere, remember?”

“That won’t stop him, I assure you.”

“I know, but, all these years, and we can’t handle some pompous kings?” Cleo shook her head in amusement. “I can’t face father if that happens.”

“You’re right…” Anna sighed. “We’ll do it your way sis.”

A gorilla then suddenly entered the room. It was Grodd, he looked older, wiser, stronger. He stood over 8 ft tall, dwarfing the rest of the gorillas.

“Our scouts reported a British army coming towards the eastern border,” said Grodd solemnly. “Belgium ships are also coming from the river to the west. I already sent my force to the east, I’ll leave the ships to you.”

Cleo hummed. “Kojiro’s enough for the ships. Humans can’t fight well if they’re also drowning.”

Grodd grinned widely. “You know, I’m tempted to just send my forces to clear the rest of Africa.”

“That is the last resort,” said Cleo. “For now, we need to go the diplomacy route, force them for peace, and demand the release of the colonies.”

“That is not going to happen Cleo, you know that.” Grodd scoffed. “Unless you want to brainwash the leaders…”

“You are the one that needs to deal with diplomacy, remember? You are the king, not me.”

“I know.” Grodd sighed. “Anyway, the army is approaching, you should tell Kojirou to go.”

Kojirou stood at the edge of the river, facing the vast sea in front of him. He had his nodachi as usual in his scabbard, standing quietly, watching as a fleet of ships were approaching.

He took a deep breath, his forehead was sweating a bit, and he unsheathed his sword.

The ships were made out of metal, it was a standard transport ship that had a bit of cannons equipped to it.

The ship stopped just near the coast of Africa, when they aimed their cannons at Kojirou who was with some gorillas, watching as the ship approached.

The cannon shells flew through the air, towards Kojirou, but he just swung at the direction of the shell, crimson energy flew through the air as he did that, and it cut through the shell, making it explode in the air.

“Humans always find ways to kill themselves…” murmured Kojirou.

His sword then glowed red, and he raised it above his head. He took a deep breath, and he slammed his sword towards the ground, generating a huge wave of crimson energy that can’t be stopped, and it was coming towards a ship.

The energy was splitting the sea apart as it hit it, and Kojirou could see a lot of men aboard the ship was jumping to the sea, trying to get away.

As the slash hits the ship, it splits it in two, killing a lot of men in an instant, as it hits a vital part of the ship and it blows up.

The gorilla behind Kojirou was thumping their chests, dancing in circles as they saw one of the ships explode.

He started to generate crimson energy from his nodachi again, and did the same position, targeting another ship. The energy cut open the sea once again, rushing towards the ships, cutting it in half.

He did this multiple times, literally decimating the ships, sinking all of it. At the time he was finished, a lot of the coast was covered in water because of the effect of the slash cutting the sea in half. He took a deep breath one last time, turning to the gorillas.

“Make sure that there are no survivors,” he said. “If anyone sees me, if it’s the enemy, kill them, if it’s a friend, convince them to be silent.”

The gorilla nodded vigorously as they dragged a strange small transport ship to the beach, they turned it on, and it floated on the water.

Kojirou hummed. “It’s not quite the time for us to show ourselves yet…”

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