Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 111: A Higher Purpose? 1612 CE

Chapter 111: A Higher Purpose? 1612 CE

[Unknown Island]

Sasaki jolted awake from his deep slumber. He looked around, it was a typical house that he used to live in, made of wood, and was relatively cool. He looked at his bed, it was soaked with sweat, his clothing too.

Then he realised he was wearing a different clothing. He was wearing a simple white shirt, but it was… foreign to him, not the clothing that he usually wore, but it was more comfortable.

He then tried to remember what had happened to him, and the memory of Miyamoto stabbing him in the chest was still clear to him. He instinctively touched his chest… but no wound at all.

“W-What is going on…” he murmured to himself. As he touched his chest, he noticed something as well in his finger, a ruby ring was in his finger. It wasn’t his, he knows it, he rarely wore any jewellery, not to mention, the craftsmanship is foreign to him.

He tried to take out the ring, but it didn’t move whatsoever. He quickly gave up, and tried to stand up.

At first, he fell down as he stood. But he tried it again and again, and eventually, he can. He quietly walked to the door, and slid it open.

It was a tidy home. The fire in the middle of the house that was used to warm up had just been extinguished, and he could feel a cool breeze from the left, meaning someone was opening the door.

He looked around again, nothing strange, well, except that there were some weapons that were displayed on a drawer, it was not a native weapon. A straight sword gilded with gold was lying around, Sasaki thought the man who owned it was an idiot, if a thief sees it, this house would’ve been the place of a deadman.

But, Sasaki took the sword, and unsheath it, using it as a means of defence. It was quite a sword, but Sasaki had no time to examine it any further, instead, he walked towards the opened door, towards the terrace outside.

As he neared the opened door, he held the sword tightly, preparing himself for a fight. He took a deep breath, and ran outside, sword raised beside his face.

As he was finally outside, he didn’t find armed men, or an army of demons waiting for him, instead, he found a man, sitting just on the edge of a terrace, painting what’s in front of him. It was again, foreign to Sasaki, people never paint like that here, using a… block? He can’t tell, it was maybe animal skin tied to a wooden frame, placed on a wooden tripod.

In front of the man, was a woman with blonde hair, sitting on a cloth to not dirty herself, wearing traditional clothing he had used to. She was drinking tea, and behind her was a pond and a sakura tree, and the pond was reflecting the beauty of the tree.

The man noticed Sasaki’s presence, but he kept painting.

“You’re awake.” he said, his voice soothing, making Sasaki mesmerised.

Sasaki dropped his guard, but he was still careful, he watched as the man kept painting, not caring about Sasaki having a sword in his hand.

“Sit down,” said the man. Sasaki was doubtful, but he relented. He walked to the man carefully, and sat down beside him.

He finally saw the man’s face. He had pitch black hair, his face seemed young and foreign, his eyes violet.

“So,” continued the man. “You must have some questions. Ask away.”

Sasaki thought about a question. He looked around, and noticed that he was on an island, but he couldn’t see the sea, instead, it was covered with fog, but apart from that, it was a beautiful place. Rabbits everywhere, along with some cats laying around the place, minding their own business.

It was a heaven to live in. and then, he thought about a question.

“Are you… god?” questioned Sasaki.

The man chuckled in amusement. “Why do you think that?”

“I was… dead… no, I am dead…” Sasaki said in doubt. “This is the afterlife, isn’t it?”

The man sighed, his face still seemed amused. “Sorry to disappoint you. But this is not the afterlife.”

“Then… who are you?”

“Hoo… I don’t quite know anymore really…” hummed the man. “I’ve been called a lot of things in my life. But right now… I’m your saviour.”

“So that means… I’m alive?”

“You are better than ever.” smiled the man. He finally stopped painting. The woman that was drinking tea also stopped what she was doing, and walked towards them.

The man turned to him, while the woman sat beside him.

“You see… you’ve been… chosen.” continued the man.


“You are supposed to be dead, Sasaki Kojirou.” stated the man. “I saved your life, so you could do something other than waving your sword towards other men.”

The woman then elbowed the man, amused by what he said.

“Okay, that came out wrong…” murmured the man. “The point is, I chose you for something.”

Sasaki frowned. “I do not understand.”

“You now have a higher purpose in life, Sasaki.” the man said. “I will give you power, in exchange for servitude.”

“Servitude? Higher purpose?” Sasaki jolted, standing up as he raised his sword. “Demon?”

As Sasaki stood up, he could feel something near his neck. He didn’t see anything move, but he felt it. And when he realised it, the woman had stood up, and a golden transparent sword was at his throat, barely touching it.

“Careful boy.” said the woman sharply. “I might’ve chosen you between the two, but that doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind again.”

“The two? Between me and Miyamoto, you chose me?” gulped Sasaki, he took a step back, lowering his sword. “Why?”

“Because you lost.” answered the woman, making Sasaki clench his fist.

“Are you mocking me, lady?”

“No, I am impressed with your skill, if you could just control your emotion, you would win the battle easily.”

“But I lost, and I was supposed to be dead,” said Sasaki.

“We’re giving you a second chance to live.” said the man. “Will you not take it?”

Sasaki looked at the man. “What will I be? A ghost? A slave?”

“A sword.” answered the man with a smile. “Your duty is simple. When the world is threatened, you will be the sword of humanity.”

“Just me?”

“There are others like you. Older than you in fact.” said the man. “Scattered around the world.”

Sasaki looked at the Sakura tree as the wind blew the leaves, scattering the beautiful blossoms around the place.

“Before I accept, please… tell me, who are you?” Sasaki asked.

The man smiled as he simply stood up. “I’m just a simple man. Trying to be free.”

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