Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

A quiet office. It was the time when the sky was beginning to brighten dimly.

Ian was examining documents with a steady gaze when he rubbed his forehead. It was because the conversation he had with Jin earlier came to mind. Perhaps he had reached his physical limit again, as he found it difficult to concentrate.

‘Your Highness. Please keep this a secret between us for now. Mother is the type to share good news first. Since she doesn’t seem to know, it’s better if we pretend not to know as well.’

‘Yes. I’ll do that!’

‘But, did he say she was pretty?’

‘Very, very much so.’

The Roberside that Jin met in his dreams was already proven not to be an illusion through the Arsen incident. With Vivianna’s words too, and now a younger sister. Though he wasn’t sure what kind of ancestor this was, it was natural that each piece of information couldn’t be taken lightly.

Perhaps Philea had given birth to another child besides the illegitimate Ian? Or was it another illegitimate child of Dergha in Bratz?

Tap tap.

No, that’s not it. Ian lightly tapped the pen tip to remove excess ink. If Dergha had more illegitimate children, he would have known about it long ago.

Was there much opportunity? Between the fall and rebuilding of a territory, rumors would surely have spread among the residents. The Philea and Nersarn side seems more likely.

‘If so, it’s only right to give my blessings.’

Ian simply thought this as he signed. Philea wasn’t his birth mother, and even if she was, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Rather, it’s something to welcome. As there’s almost no possibility of him going down to the Hielo territory in the future, the child of those two would be the first step towards cultural fusion and a cornerstone of a strong alliance.

‘Above all, it’s truly fortunate for Philea. Yes. Living happily. That’s all there is to it, what else could there be?’

The process of everyone in the imperial palace fiercely competing, conflicting, and reaching agreements is all for such things.

A complete life that makes up a grand history. Sometimes when things get too hectic around you, you forget where you’re heading. But at such times, Ian surprisingly always found his way in trivial everyday moments.


For instance, things like Beric’s snoring as he’s passed out in front of the magic stove. In a way, even that could be seen as one complete life.

Hmm. Ian watched that scene seriously for a moment before closing the file of documents.


Unlike the peaceful atmosphere of the office, the titles he was looking at were all liable to cause a stir.

Knock knock.

“Excuse me.”

“Come in. I’ve just finished.”

“Ah. That’s fortunate, Sereau has-“

A mage entered with a haggard look, as if she had been waiting. She was carefully holding files of documents to her chest when she paused upon seeing Ian. Pale skin, deepened eyes, and…

“Lord Ian. Your nose is bleeding.”


A hint of red slightly visible below his nose. Ian raised his head in surprise, and the mage quickly handed him a handkerchief. Beric, who had been snoring, noticed the commotion and abruptly sat up. Saliva was stretched down the corner of his mouth.

“Whoa, what? What’s going on!”

“You’re being noisy, Beric.”

“You’re bleeding, Ian! Crazy! It’s a nosebleed!”

“Are you trying to wake everyone else up?”

“Should I? Shall I wake them?”

“…Go and bring Captain Hale here.”

Ian lightly gestured, instructing Beric.

He stumbled greatly and immediately rolled out the door. Seeing that sight, it’s understandable why strange rumors were circulating in the Ministry of Magic. Ian kept leaning his neck against the chair, holding the handkerchief to his nose.

“By the way, why Sereau?”

Ian asked with his eyes closed, fatigued. The mage who had been quietly observing his appearance was startled and continued her report.

“The resistance from the seven families, including Hayman, is more severe than expected. It seems that since they were the ones supporting the center, the judiciary and administration are facing various difficulties in carrying out their work.”

It’s not just about lives, but the survival of their families is at stake. Moreover, it’s seven families we’re talking about.

If you include all the members, employees, and even minor connections through regional and school ties, Bariel would be making a sacrifice not much different from cutting off its left arm. It was a sacrifice that could never have been made if a better future hadn’t been envisioned.


“As the schedule is being delayed, the Sereau family has gathered signatures from the opposition central nobles as a representative, they say.”

“Opposition central nobles?”

See? Opposition?

Ian finally raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the mage. As if it was somewhat unexpected.

It was a very early stage. It had only been a few days since Hayman was cut out from the lump of central nobility. Isn’t it surprising that in the meantime, the remaining ones have formed a group by naming its meaning? Especially the fact that it’s called ‘opposition’ was even more significant. It was impossible to specify what they were opposing.

“Yes. It has already been submitted to the judiciary, and the matter has been made known throughout the streets. Of course, not about the ‘magic confirmation ceremony’ incident, but about the treason of the seven families.”

Sereau was just a temporary measure. To fill the void left by Hayman, to dilute the blatant checks from the imperial palace, and to provide a means to unite other nobles as desired.

But to take the lead in gathering opposition signatures like this? Ian lightly waved the feather attached to the back of his pen.

‘It’s natural that Hayman and the seven families need to be purged quickly for their opportunity to come. They’re probably waiting for Hayman’s downfall as eagerly as the imperial family members. But to move like this without any notice…’

How should I put it? It would be right to say it’s irritating.

Half of the central nobility is Hayman’s force, and the other half are those condemning them, but if Sereau takes the center stage among them “better than expected”?

When the seven families disappear, how big can Sereau grow after receiving the scraps? Can we really guarantee that it won’t be the birth of a second Hayman?

‘Depending on the situation, showing too much enthusiasm can be troublesome in its own way, Lord Sereau.’

Ian inwardly clicked his tongue. It’s hard to know for certain what his intentions are. Whether it’s to drive in a loyalty wedge to Jin and Ian, that is, to the imperial palace, or to open a new horizon in the noble world with future plans.

Whatever it may be, he was now treading dangerously close to the line Ian had drawn. Without being given permission to cross it.

“I understand for now.”

For now, it’s what has happened. Regardless of the intention, it’s wise to accept it.

At that moment, Captain Hale burst into the office urgently.

Bang bang bang!


“Minister! They say you’re bleeding!”

“Oh, Captain Hale. Come here and give me some magic power.”

“M-Magic power?”

As Ian casually waved his hand, Hale stopped in his tracks.

What? He’s asking for magic power? Again?

Though he rarely felt physically strained, Hale could feel cold sweat running down. It was impossible to gauge the size of Ian’s magic power container. It might be cleaner and easier to go to a demon battle and roll around a few times.

Beric, who had followed, pushed Hale’s back and urged him.

“What are you doing? The master is asking for magic power!”

“Hey. This isn’t your business right now, is it?”

“Your business is your business! My business is your business!”

The mage who had been quietly listening beside them offered a suggestion while changing the handkerchief.

“Lord Ian. Instead of that, why don’t you get some sleep? Even for a mage, there’s a limit to recovering physical strength with external magic power. It would be more effective to have a deep sleep. You’ve only slept for one day and then continued working again.”

It’s contradictory to receive approval documents from dawn while expressing concern, but well, Ian considered it a reasonable advice. As he entered the inner room with the bed, he asked.

“Sereau has left the palace by now, right?”

“Yes. He received the sealing magic first and left.”

A privilege obtained for wanting to become Ian’s force.

Ian sat on the bed and pondered something deeply. Right now, Sereau seems very excited at the thought of succeeding Hayman, but if he openly rebukes this, it will create variables to calculate again.


“After lunch, bring Lady Melania here. Let’s say we’re having a meal together.”


“As you can see, I’m busy and the lady is confined.”

“Understood. Then, I’ll do that. Please sleep well. I’ll come to get the rest of the reports then.”

The mage shrugged as if she didn’t understand and left the office. Captain Hale also tried to sneak out behind her, but Beric clung to his arm with all his might.

“Where are you going! Ian said he wants magic power!”

“I think you’d be better than me.”

“Oh? Is that so? Ian, is that true?”

“It’s not. Captain Hale. Come here quickly.”

Ian neatly arranged the pillows. Then he lay down properly in a formal posture, only wiggling his fingers.

Captain Hale stroked his rough beard and pulled a chair next to him.


“I think I’ll need to take a magic amplification shot for this.”

“I heard Captain Akorella took it because of me. Did they say the side effects were okay? If there aren’t many, I think it might be better if I take it directly.”

‘Dragon Scales’ was included in Hayman’s list of charges. Akorella’s active cooperation was needed, but since taking the magic amplification shot, she had been staying underground and rarely showing herself. Some said it was due to side effects, while others seemed to think she was just researching as always.

“Well, yes. When I saw her yesterday, she looked exactly the same as usual except for sweating a bit. Since it’s in the experimental stage, even she doesn’t know what the side effects are. She was taking her temperature alone, laughing, writing something down… I thought she had gone mad.”

“Captain Akorella was already crazy.”

Zing. Zing.

Ian chuckled at Beric’s retort. That’s not something that should come out of Beric’s mouth, of all people.

Ian tapped the side of the bed as if to say be quiet now, and soon fell into a deep sleep.




Melania stepped out of the carriage, perfectly wrapped in a robe.

After Ian left like that, who knows how much she blamed herself and bit her lips. She should have said it differently then, should have tried approaching a little more in this way, if she had done so Ian would have reacted more strongly, and so on. Since everything around her was darkness, even a thread-like hope became all the more desperate.

“This way.”

Ian had called for her again. This meant that, in some way, Ian had shown interest. Melania calmly followed the mage’s guidance to the office.

“No, wait! Sir Romandro. That’s mine?”

“You fool, how is any of this yours? Ian bought it all.”

“It’s mine because I eat the most here!”

“Xiao, come here and eat some too.”

“No, master. I’m fine.”

“Tch. How can the efficiency be so different between servants, really. Beric, you need to reflect on yourself. Ow! Did you just bite me? Did you just bite?”

The mage who was about to announce their presence glanced at Melania’s expression. This doesn’t seem like the kind of commotion that should come from the office of the Minister of Magic, it’s more like lunchtime at some frontier school. Just as the mage was clearing her throat to announce Melania’s arrival-

“But Ian, why are you calling the youngest daughter of Hayman?”

At Beric’s question, Melania quickly grabbed the mage’s wrist. It was a desperate plea to let her eavesdrop for just a moment, just a very short moment. As this behavior was inappropriate for her position, the mage hesitated in surprise.

“Hmm. Beric. Have you ever watched a fighting match?”

“I’ve even participated in one. But why suddenly about fighting?”

“In those matches, there’s a champion and a challenger. If we’re to compare, Hayman is the champion, and Sereau is the challenger.”

“What about us?”

“We’re like the manager overseeing the match?”

Ian spoke incomprehensibly with a faint smile. Melania, who was listening closely with her ear to the door, frowned at that moment.

“Well then, Lady Melania. Stop eavesdropping and come in.”

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