Major League System

Chapter 34: Family (2)

The morning air filled his lungs as Ken pumped his legs and took in the sights. Ever since incorporating these morning runs into his schedule, he felt as if his quality of life had increased.

With the accompaniment of Daichi, the two could spurn each other on, allowing them to go above and beyond their limits and push further and faster.

After about an hour of non-stop running with sprints in between, the two stopped at a park which was near home and began their stretching and flexibility regime. This allowed their muscles to cool down and prevent injuries.

Meanwhile, back at home. Yuki had just finished explaining what had happened last night and what state Daichi had come over in. Chris kept his composure and listened to everything that his wife had to say.

However, inwardly he was seething. He couldn't fathom how a woman would be able to treat her child in such a way, especially such a good kid like Daichi.

"What do you suggest honey?" Chris said simply, sitting back in his chair and taking a sip of coffee.

"Well, of course we have to take him in! I can't imagine sending him back to his abusive mother." Yuki said matter-of-factly.

Chris nodded, he was of the same opinion. "However, it may not be that easy. Depending on what his mother decides to do." He replied.

"What do you mean? Can't he just move in without her permission?"

"No. To put it simply, we cannot force her to do anything unless we go through the legal system and have her stripped of her rights. Even if this happens, the courts will likely send Daichi to live with other family members or even put him in a foster home."

"Oh no… then what do we do?" Yuki looked stressed, almost as if it were own son that was in jeopardy.

Chris smiled upon seeing the huge heart of his wife. There were many reasons that he married her, yet none were greater than this.

He stood up and hugged her deeply, his tall frame encompassing her gently.

"There is one other option…"

A while later, both Daichi and Ken walked in the door, coated by a healthy amount of sweat from their earlier run. They were laughing and chatting away as usual, until they noticed that there was someone else in the room.

"Dad! Welcome home." Ken said with a smile.

Daichi also bowed and said something similar in turn. When he rose his head though, he saw Chris's smiling face flicker ever so slightly before returning to normal.

"Welcome home you two. Go and get cleaned up and changed for school, we'll talk more over breakfast." He said calmly, however he felt a seething rage bubbling beneath his cool exterior.

Once the two boys left he turned to his wife without a word, yet she instantly knew what he was thinking. She nodded before her face blossomed into a beautiful smile and tears welled up in her eyes.

Chris returned the smile, having now made up his mind.

Daichi and Ken returned to the dining table a while later, both dressed in their school uniforms. Yuki had washed and ironed both of their uniforms, something that Daichi was unaccustomed to.

"Have a seat boys." Chris said, gesturing to the chairs opposite himself and Yuki.

Ken nudged Daichi with his elbows and gave him a wink, trying to calm down his nerves. They had briefly talked about possibilities during their stretching session to which he had been shocked.

Of course Daichi would be thrilled to move in with Ken and his family, however he was afraid of getting his hopes up. If Ken's parents decided that it was too burdensome to take him in, then he would be crushed when he had to return home.

This was the reason why he had tried to keep his expectations low, to avoid being hurt as he always had.

Chris waited until the two were seated before opening his mouth. "I won't beat around the bush Daichi. What your mother has done to you is unacceptable to do to a child." He stated sternly.

"However, we can not forcefully take you in without your mother's consent. If she presses the issue and we refuse to send you back home, it's possible that we could be met with kidnapping charges."

Both Daichi and Ken's face paled at these words, they had never expected that things would take such a turn. Of course Daichi was the most affected, if it was between him living in that place and Ken's parents facing charges, he would without a doubt choose to suffer in silence.

Ken looked like he was about to speak up, however his mother made a shushing gesture which kept the words locked in his throat.

Daichi had already lowered his head and had not seen what had transpired. He was about to apologize for causing them trouble, however he was interrupted.

"But… If we were to adopt you into our family, then she would have no more say as to what happened to you." Chris continued, his tone warm and gentle.

Daichi felt his heart jump up to his throat as he lifted his head and gazed into the eyes of the man who had just said these words. These words that took little effort to say, yet held the weight of his whole life within them.

He felt hot tears pouring down his face as he struggled to keep his composure.

Ken too felt himself tearing up, seeing his most precious friends reaction. He had already been thinking of ways to get Daichi out of that place, even if it meant running away from school and home. However, his father had other plans.

"W-Why would you do that for me?" Daichi's voice was high pitched, clearly showing how difficult it was for him to speak with all of his emotions in turmoil.

Yuki couldn't stand seeing the poor boy on the verge of breaking down and started crying herself. She was about to get up to go and give him a proper hug, but Chris placed his hand up to stop her.

"We've gotten to know you well over the past month or so. If I'm honest, you already feel like part of the family. You and Kenny are also inseparable. Do we need any more reasons?" Chris smiled warmly.

Daichi was speechless. He saw the exact same smile on Ken's face when he had saved him from those bullies nearly a month ago before he declared him as his best friend out of nowhere.

Now here was his father, also trying to save him from his abusive mother, wearing the same smile. His gaze moved to Ken's mother whose tears were falling in droves as she sobbed.

Were these his guardian angels sent from heaven to save him? What had he done to deserve such wonderful people in his lives.

Before he could respond, Chris's face turned serious and his words got everyone's attention.

"Daichi. I need a definite answer from you before we can make any arrangements. Will you allow us to adopt you into our family?"

Daichi could feel everyone's gaze turn to him with expectation. But he didn't have to think for long.

"Y-Yes… please"

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