Major League System

Chapter 24: Batting Pointers (2)

Daichi raised his gaze up to Ken, expecting to see a laughing expression on his face. However he was shocked to see that his friend was nodding, sporting a serious look.

'Wait, does he think I can really become a pro?'

Daichi was mystified. Don't professional athletes require a life time of work and talent? He had only held a bat in his hands for the first time at the batting cages, yet Ken already believed that he could do it.

He tightened his fist, feeling a burst of determination flood his body. Daichi had never had anyone believe in him before, including his family. He wanted more than anything to try his best, so he wouldn't let down his first true friend.

"Okay, it's a deal. I will repay your kindness when I become a pro!"

Chris recoiled as Daichi stood up formally and bowed, declaring his intent. He had originally used this as a way to not make things awkward for Ken's friend, yet this boy had taken it to heart.

He turned to Ken who seemed happy, yet there was no doubt in his facial features. It was as if he had full belief that his friend would be able to achieve this feat without a doubt.

Chris could only shake his head and let out a chuckle, yet his eyes glowed with a sense of expectation.

'If Ken has such a friend, it might push him to do the same.' He thought, reaching his hand up and rubbing his chin in contemplation.

The atmosphere around the breakfast table eased after the declaration and the two teenagers head off to school in good spirits. They were both looking forward to this afternoon where they would get some good pointers in the cages.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened at school, besides Keisuke asking him why he wasn't coming to club anymore. Thankfully, Ken was adept at dodging questions after living a hermits lifestyle in his previous life.

Soon enough the two had arrived back at Ken's house before getting into the car with Chris and heading to the batting cages. Ken could see that it was not only them that was excited, his father also had a look of anticipation within his eyes.

Ken's mind started to wander, thinking about his previous life. His father had taught him how to pitch, even inundating him with personalized training programs and techniques in order to improve.

However, being a teenager, Ken had been ignorant. Once he had reached middle school and seen the effectiveness of his pitches, he disregarded all of the training his father had drawn up for him.

Would he have injured his shoulder if he had continued to follow his fathers training regime? Probably not.

A bitter smile formed on his face after realizing that he had thrown his potential away because of his lazy teenage self. Thankfully he was given another chance, this time with the added bonus of the system.

Everyone arrived at the batting cages shortly after. Being a baseball scout and fanatic, Chris had a bunch of gear, meaning they would not have to hire from the batting center.

They arrived at the row of cages, each labeled by how fast the pitching machine threw. Chris took a seat and unzipped the bag, passing a helmet and bat to both Daichi and Ken.

"Did you guys need gloves?" He asked, to which the both of them agreed.

"Okay, Daichi you go first. Head to that cage on the left and show me what you've got."

"But dad, that's the 80km/h machine. He can hit the 110km/h pitches easily." Ken said, confused at why they would go backwards.

"I'll be able to see his form a lot easier with the slower pitches." Chris smiled, patiently explaining his reasoning and motioning for Daichi to go inside.

"Ah… Makes sense." Ken felt a little stupid. He probably should have thought of such a thing himself instead of opening his mouth.

'Damn. Did my brain also regress?' he complained inwardly, lightly tapping his head with his hand.

Daichi did as he was told and headed inside. He stood at the batters box, his wide shoulders on a slight angle and his grip choked up on the bat.

It looked really awkward.

The first ball flew towards him, yet he could see it with ease. Keeping his feet flat on the floor, Daichi swung his bat, hitting the ball with the exact center of his bat. A clean DONG sound was heard as it was sent back to the machine along the ground.

The next 11 pitches played out the same way, all off the center of the bat and hit either in the air for a pop-fly or along the ground.

Chris had no reaction, but he felt really uncomfortable.

Daichi felt a smile grace his lips as he made his way out of the batting cage and stood in front of Ken's dad. Although the balls were slower, he felt that he did a good enough job to impress Chris.

"I must say. I'm certainly surprised that you were able to hit the ball with the center of the bat with that horrendous form." Chris said, feeling his back hurt from just watching the previous display.

The way Daichi's feet and hips were square and unmoving, even while swinging the bat made him cringe in pain. If the boy kept up that form then not only would he not generate any power with his swings, he would injure his body.

"Ah…" Daichi felt his enthusiasm drop at those words.

"Don't be disheartened. I guarantee you'll have an easier time hitting these balls if you copy my form." Chris said quickly, seeing the disappointment in the boys face.

He grabbed the bat from Daichi and told him to watch closely.

"First of all, make sure your non-dominant hand is resting against this knob. Then place your other hand just above it. You shouldn't be choking up on the bat unless you're aiming for a specific pitch."

"Next, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly while holding the bat like this." Chris gestured, showing his form with the bat hovering at a comfortable position out from his chest.

With his tall frame, he looked imposing with a bat in his hands.

"When you swing, I want you to plant your right foot and lift your left leg right before you're about to swing. When it's time to swing, plant your left foot down and follow through with the bat."

Chris made a swinging motion, causing the air to make a whooshing sound.

"Once you've completed your swing, let go of the bat with your dominant hand and follow through."

Chris was patient as he explained the form and swinging motion, repeating the steps a few times before Daichi and even Ken began to nod in understanding.

Once he was satisfied the two had understood, he handed the bat back to Daichi.

"Now go try again."

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