Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 75: Battle Outside The Dungeon Part One

Chapter 75: Battle Outside The Dungeon Part One

"Looks like wolf meat tonight." I said jokingly. But the faces of everyone around me seemed to go sour. 

"Rei, normally it would be fine to eat wolf meat but Tinder Wolves are different they taste like. The rabbit you cooked on the first night..." Marsil explained as she lowered her voice towards the end.

I could only swallow my grievances as I know how bad the rabbit tasted. But nonetheless, I still put on a smile and said: "If we suffer, we will suffer together!" Yes, I know I was being petty but hey can you blame me? They have been picking on me every chance they got about the rabbits I cooked. Getting a little revenge here and there was okay, right? Not like we have much of a choice with a pack of wolves around there was no way any smaller prey would be hanging around.

"Forget about food for now and let's take care of the threat at hand shall we!?" Able spoke up, ending the conversation. "Everyone back to back we are already surrounded. Formation B"

We had worked up many strategies as we traveled here and this was one of them. I had suggested to give them a single letter for a name to call out and Able who had the most experience with fighting monsters would take the lead and would be the only one to call out the formation letter. Formation B was as Able had said was a back to back formation. When surrounded my back would be to Able's while Sam and Marsil would have their backs to each other. This gave one front liner and one ranged attacker on each side. In such a formation the front liner did not rush forward but instead stayed behind to protect the ranged attacker. 

We had other formations as well. Formation A was the normal two front liners and two rear. Formation C was when we would split up far away from each other. This was handy when fighting a hard monster who would single out one person based on how much damage they did. When dealing with such a foe the one with the monster's attention would just have to do what was called kiting (the act of running away from something but keeping it in range of your allies so they can still attack it.) without attacking and it would change targets once someone did a good amount of damage to it.

Formation D was a retreat based formation where one front liner would lead the way out while the range would be in the middle firing at whoever was chasing them, followed by a second front liner who protects the rear.

Those were all the formations we came up with and currently, we were using formation B. Twenty wolves walked out from the darkness. Their teeth showed as they growled and the drool dripping from their mouths sizzled as it hit the ground. The saliva of a Tinder wolf was boiling hot and was enough to burn your skin if it got on you. Between being quick and dangerous they were not easy to deal with. Luckily our team was on the stronger side. 

"Incoming!" Able yelled as the wolves finally got sick of staring at us and attacked. 

Surprisingly all the wolves attacked at the same time, but I was quick as I yelled out: "Wind Storm!" This was a magic attack that made a strong gust of wind in a circle around the caster at a distance determined by the caster. This attack was enough to blow back the attacking wolves. It was not enough to do any damage to them but since the wolves were intelligent they would not just jump back in now knowing we can ward off a group attack like that.

"Sam, only use ice to attack." I knew Sam only had two elements he could use well. This was one of those things about magic. You had to have a certain affinity for that element to be any good at them. 

"I know." Sam said through gritted teeth. I guess me saying this made him mad. It was not my intention. I just wanted to give him a friendly reminder. Monsters who have a certain element like the Tinder wolves, who were of the fire element, would heal and consume any attacks that were of that element. So my reminder was not out of place.

With the wolves being wary of us they were much easier to fend off. It did not take long for the battle to end after we killed a few wolves. Intelligent creatures could tell when a battle was a lost cause. After Marsil killed a few from a distance the wolves deemed this battle a loss and retreated. I looked at the dead wolf on the ground and asked: "Well? Are we feasting or what?"

"I'd rather not. But I also do not want to waste my rations since we do not know what kind of monsters are in the dungeon." Marsil replied.

"Yeah, it could be a dungeon with goblins which if that is the case you girls have to be extra careful." Able warned.

"Why is that?" I asked. I did have an idea of why but I was really hoping I was wrong.

"Because they will use the both of you as breeding horses. Goblins are known for taking female adventures and using them to make babies. I can only say it is best to kill yourself than to fall in their hands." Able answered with a grim expression. His answer was exactly what I was thinking. I was no stranger to this concept due to my past life.

"This is something that happens a lot with new adventurers. They think just because a goblin is ranked F they can kill them with no problem. The thing is, once you see one then there are most likely, ten, twenty, maybe even a hundred more." Marsil added in.

"Then we will need to take this slow." 


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