Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 232: Sect Battle Part 13

Chapter 232: Sect Battle Part 13

'Peeking in life, a heart is eternal, the body is immortal.' Few words come to his mind as he concentrates deeper into the divine heart. Currently, he hasn't learned anything more about his Divine Heart. It was quite hard too. He had no idea about the power that the divine heart possesses.

So for the first time, he decided to think differently. He might not be a swordsman anymore. He still has the knowledge of the sword. Not just sword cultivator, but also spear cultivator, fist cultivator, bow and arrow cultivator.

These people are different from normal cultivators. Not because they have talent. But rather, they think out of the box. They incorporate knowledge with the abilities they have and comprehend something new, something different, something powerful.

Fist Intent, Spear Intent, Sword Intent, Blood Intent, Arrow Intent.

Fighting Soul, Spear Soul, Sword Soul, Blood Soul, Arrow Soul.

Fighter Domain, Spear Domain, Sword Domain, Blood Domain, Arrow Domain.

Each of these is the evolution of knowledge with its abilities. There is nothing new. They still use the same techniques, same weapon, and same energy but whenever those are used, the power is on a completely different level.

This is the result of comprehension. At this moment, Johnny was searching for the difference. Sword Cultivator has sword path, fist cultivator has fist path, spear cultivator has spear path, bow and arrow cultivator has bow and arrow path.

Everyone is different, some have their own path, some create their own path, and some are stuck in a single point that they never recover. His path is Magic and Martial Path. But what does this path includes? What makes this path so different?

He uses a spear but his path is not a spear path. He has the experience of the sword but his path is sword path. It's completely different yet he found this path very similar.

"Whirl" "Whirl" "Whirl"

At this moment, the air around him started flicking around. His eyes were closed and his consciousness sinks deep into the black space. This black space wasn't the part of his body. Rather it was something out of him, out of the world.

Soon, he found the black space wasn't empty. As his consciousness entered deeper, he found a road. His consciousness gradually transform into himself and landed on the road. The road was golden. The end couldn't be seen.

He walked in and continued. After some time, he stopped and look back. For a moment, a deep thought came to his mind. Gradually a smile appeared on his lips and he turned front and walked straight. He didn't look back anymore.

He continued walking. The journey was long, with no obstacles, some sceneries. Sometimes, he would see fire, sometimes, he would light, sometimes he would see the earth, sometimes he would see water, and sometimes he would see words.

Only after walking for a long time, he realized he was walking in the path of Dao. At this moment, he slowly began to understand how detached his path is from the dao. Swords, spear, destiny, reincarnation, five elements, mystical energies, a lot of different aspects of the universe appeared in front of him during his journey.

Soon, when he looked at the front, he saw an end. At first, he saw shocked. He knew the path of the cultivation had no end. At least, he believes there is no end to the path of cultivation. From his previous encounter, he found the Eternal Realm wasn't the end.

There is a whole new cultivation realm on the Fifth Dimension. Since there is a fifth, there could be a sixth, seventh, eighth. There is no end to possibilities. But soon his shock turned into surprise. From the deep ground, a huge wall appeared.

It was also a golden wall. There were few words written on the wall.

Xia Long Fei- Invincible Path

Ji Urhou- Everlasting Path

Xiao Zhen- Seeking Defeat Path

Long Yan- Elder Brother Path

Suddenly, his eyes trembled. When Johnny looked at the list, he knew all of them. But what he didn't understand was the last path. Still, when he read that, his eyes moisten. He immediately understood what kind of path Long Yan chose.

Elder Brother Path, it seems funny but when you look deeper at it. One can find the true meaning behind it. Protecting his younger siblings is part of the elder brother. He knows his elder brother wasn't the biological son of his dad.

And that's why he took this path. He understands his elder brother's intention. No matter whether you are my biological brother or not, I will always have your back. Suddenly, this made him think of a day when he first met his elder.

It was kind of chaotic, but everything was solved with the sword. Suddenly, a smile formed on his lips as he muttered "Elder Brother, you were the reason I started sword cultivation. After all, you were so cool when you slaughtered those creatures."

"You were right. I was indeed foolish. Killing is bad but killing for the sake of protecting others is good. Brother, I will change and I will change for the better. Now, I have a clear path and a clear goal. Father, he wants to manipulate me but I won't allow it."

"Trust is something very hard to gain but very easy to lose. Mom was crazy but she was right. Walking in different paths is chaotic, one should have a clear goal and path so that everything will work their way."

Suddenly, he lifts his hand towards the wall. There was a golden drawing brush near the wall. He caught the brush and began to write.

"Johnny Fenton- Magic and Martial War God Path"

"I choose this path to be my goal. My words shall be the witness of my rise. I will prove Dao with the blood of a warrior and an element of a mage. I will protect the people that I love with my magic path. And I will slaughter the enemies that I hate with my martial path."

"I will once again shine the words War God in this world. All Elements, Every weapon, Thousand Daos, Hundred Domains, Ten Souls, and a single path. I won't inherit others, I will create everything on my own."

Suddenly, his consciousness began to float in the air while shining with golden light. At the same time, his real body also floated in the air. Surprisingly, it was still midnight outside. But inside, years had already passed.

After a long time, Johnny slowly opened his eyes. For a moment, a golden light burst out of his energy. This golden light shone through the entire room. But soon, it disappeared as a long sigh came out of his mouth.

"Fist, Sword, Spear, Blade, Palm, Finger, Arrows, Hammer, Axe, Dagger and Gauntlet. Eight' out of eleven, you can transform in each of them, can't you?" Looking at the black orb that had appeared in his eyes, he smirked.

This ring of his was very convenient since it would transform into anything he wants. And the power of these weapons won't decrease. More importantly, the power of these weapons can be increased with his control over those weapons.

"And I also forget to add you into the status. And because of that, I almost forgot about your existence. Well, I am used to forgetting things so I hope you won't mind. But for now, I need to focus on something else, so I hope you will stay quiet here." Transforming the orb into the ring, he added it to his status and went back to his comprehension.

At this moment, he was feeling very enlightened as if he could literally learn everything he wants. Soon, he sunk his consciousness deep into his mind and slowly disappeared into that black space once again. Here, he came to understand the power of his other talents.

For his first goal, he wants to learn how to use dao techniques to improve his battle strength. Using his dao techniques, he can certainly fight someone within emperor but above that is almost impossible unless he improves his physical body or energy.

But the problem is he can't. He had already fastened up his cultivation. If he hurries too much, his foundation would be damaged. So his goal is to simply use the dao techniques in his current state to surpass the strength of an Emperor.

Originally, he had no idea how to do it. But now, he has one big idea. Self-destruction or rather blood burning. While looking deep into his divine heart, he found his heart can heal all kinds of blood injuries and that includes self-damage.

In simple words, he can burn his blood and enhance his strength. With his divine heart, his blood won't be inflicted on his cultivation. That means he can go insane whenever he wants. Of course, he would consume stamina and soon consume his own lifespan.

But then again, his divine heart can instantly improve his lifespan. So, this would be really crazy. In fact, he has another idea but he doesn't have something to guarantee for no risk. So, for the time being, he would only focus on burning blood.

Of course, there is also a limit to how much he can burn at once. Currently, his divine heart is very weak. So, not to mention fifty percent, he can't even go past ten percent.

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