Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 173: Dao of Sham Part 2

Chapter 173: Dao of Sham Part 2

A few minutes ago,

"No, I won't be a second generation. And how do you even ask me to do something so embarrassing?" Johnny shook his head and directly rejected little black advice. He couldn't help but look at the sword in his hand with disgust on his face.

He didn't expect little black would say something like that. I mean, people should instead tell him to work hard but here, his own sword is telling him to be a second-generation, using his background. Not to mention, his mother just asked him to get stronger on his own.

"And mother just told me not to rely on my big brother." Speaking of this, he stopped talking about it. After all, he has no reason to continue talking about it. But just when he was about to walk out, he heard the anxious shout from little black.

"Young master, don't you want to surpass little lord?"

These words stopped his movement. After all, he had made his goal to get stronger as his big brother. But he didn't think of surpassing him. When he stopped, the little black made an excited expression and spoke "Do you know the difference between you and little lord? Do you know why lord is stronger than little lord even if he is not strongest at any?"

"Why?" Johnny couldn't help but feel bewildered thinking these words. From his perspective, little black words were true. His big brother cultivates Laws and his Sword Dao was almost equal to Uncle Zhen. But then, why was he weaker than his father? Bloodline may be the reason but he found there must be something else.

For him, this must be the reason why little black stopped him. But what has this got to do with the second generation?

"Young Master, when I traveled with the young lord, some time I also traveled with the lord. At that time, I noticed the difference between the lord and the young lord and you. Do you know why the lord send you here? It wasn't because he felt insecure with you. The reason or the main reason he sends you here was because of the halo that you possess."

"There are only a few peoples with this kind of Halo, even Master Zhen and Little Lord do not possess this Halo. It is called Protagonist Halo. It is like a Son of Destiny but much more powerful. Even though everyone surpasses Lord in certain terms, he is still the strongest. Although madam said this has something to do with his bloodlines, from my research, I learned it had something to do with that Halo."

"Those with such Halo have the brightest life. Because of this Halo, Lord never got himself in any kind of troublesome situation but still became the strongest. But the main effect of this Halo is not talent or easy life. Rather, it gives a person some kind of armor. With this armor, even if you are beaten to death, you will end up surviving somehow."

"Do you know even Master Zhen didn't have this Halo? But if he had, then he would've been strongest between Lord and true antagonist."

"Are you freaking serious?" Johnny felt this was truly ridiculous. He knows such thing only happens in films or novel. There is no way such a thing would happen to him.

"I am a hundred percent serious. You might not believe it because Lord himself didn't face such situations many times. But there is another person who has been through such a situation many times. In fact, he has died many times and come back to life."

"He was truly Lord's only enemy and also a true antagonist. His life was no different than a cockroach, no! Even cockroaches would die after few times. But he was like an ancestor of a cockroach. So, this Halo has a big effect to keep you alive under any kinds of situation."

"All you need to do is pretend." Little Black was about to continue but he was interrupted by Johnny "No! I won't pretend even If I have such Halo."

"Young master, can you at least let me finish?" Little Black felt speechless after getting such a hasty rejection but still decided to convince him. Finally, Johnny nodded and he continued "Young master, I telling you to pretend because if you can pretend properly, you'll be able to learn Dao of Sham."


Suddenly, Johnny smashed the sword and shouted "Can you even speak Human? Do you think I'll believe in your words? There is no way for such Dao to exist."

"Young master, just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Dao is infinite, anything can be Dao. People have even cultivated Dao of Fart, not to mention Dao of Sham is the most mysterious, powerful and extremely needy."

Hearing little black words, disgust appeared on his face. Dao of Fart, who in the right man would practice such dao?

Somewhere in the different universe,

On a huge mountain, a monk with a bald head was sitting in front of the crowds of millions.

"Achoo!" Suddenly, he sneezed which attracting everyone's attention.

One of the men standing near him asked with an anxious expression "Lord of Fart, did you caught a cold?"

"Idiot! I cultivate Dao of Fart. Such a profound dao and with my cultivation, do you think I'll suffer from cold? Someone must have got addicted to my fart and keeps remembering me." He had a profound look when he scolded the man. Then, he closed his eyes and suddenly a shocking sound came from him.


At the same time, he shouted "Everyone, run your cultivation technique and prove the worth of Dao of Fart."

Hearing his words, nobody was disgusted by his fart rather everyone was excited. When his fart spread into the environment, suddenly this caused the law and Karma of this world to appear around them. These brought tsunamis of immortal energy.

When everyone ran their cultivation technique, the immortal energy was sucked inside their dantian but it seems the speed of absorption was very slow. If not for the laws and Karma that was merged with immortal energy, they would be no different than normal people.

In fact, everyone here was Immortal King but their talent was no different than a normal person. If not for the Dao of Fart, they might never even reach the second or third immortal realm in their entire life. Dao of Fart, not helps others to cultivate faster but also increases their perception for a certain amount.

But the effect only reaches the point where his fart can reach. But he was the Lord of Fart, just a single fart can reach hundreds and thousands of miles. Dao is mysterious, it is infinite, and it is powerful.

Inside the Primal Chaos Bead,

"So, how does this Dao of Sham works?" After the little black managed to convince Johnny with some great effects of Dao of Sham, Johnny asked.

"It is quite simple. Unless you cultivate your realm to the Great Emperor, finally establishing your own Dao, you just need to pretend invincible. When you fight, you need to use the treasures or weapons given by your family."

"Whenever you feel the opponent is too powerful, you need to lend him your sword and let him feel little lord. Also, you might not know but this sword is no less powerful than Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos."

"Really? But why did big brother lied to me?" He didn't care much about it other than the last sentence. Although this sword seems very powerful, from his perception, it shouldn't be stronger than the Book of Eight Extremes and Single Chaos.

"Because little lord doesn't know you have the protagonist halo. He naturally doesn't prefer the Dao of Sham since he doesn't have such Halo." Little Black explained with a voice filled with disappointment. He doesn't understand why people like little Lord, Master Zhen, even Madam don't possess such halo.

"So, how does this dao really works?" Johnny couldn't help but ask with curiosity in his eyes. Finally, he began to feel a little positive towards Dao of Sham. But he still couldn't accept it properly.

"You can enter others path, you can condense and learn other's dao. You can achieve everything that a protagonist is meant to achieve. More importantly, you'll face a stronger opponent and get the desire to be stronger. This dao is a little weird because the more you cultivate farther it pushes you from relying on your background." Little Black answered with the confusion in his idea.

In fact, even he doesn't really understand how this works. He has only gotten this idea from an ancient book that he wrote and from his lord's words. This is why he was trying to convince Johnny to be more dependent on his family.

"Wait, you mean, further I cultivate this Dao, faster I will improve and get rid of this second generation tag?" Hearing his words, Johnny confirmed even the little black don't know much about it. Suddenly, a flash of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Little black, I want to test it. I don't know if this dao will really work, but if it does then I'll achieve what I want." A cunning smile appeared on his face as he moved out of the Primal Chaos Bead.

And now,

He was standing against three big powerhouses with Black Dragon Sword in his hand.

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