Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 624 - Your Position Decides Your Attitude

Chapter 624 Your Position Decides Your Attitude

Schuck leaned against the wall rather helplessly.

He didn’t want his friend to see what just happened to him; it was too embarrassing.

He was not that kind of good-for-nothing gigolo in reality.

Although his wife owned the cold drink store and was in charge of most things, he was responsible for purchases and marketing.

So, while the outsiders viewed him as a gigolo, his friends knew that he did a lot of work.

However... he did become a gigolo in the game. “You’ve finally become the person you hate most,” remarked Roland with a smile.

Schuck had always said that he despised gigolos the most.

As it turned out, he had become one in the game.

Schuck heaved a long sigh. “I didn’t want to be a gigolo, but this class is unbelievably powerful and comes with crazy benefits. My boss is beautiful and friendly. What can I do?”

He sounded rather displeased yet gloating. Roland was of a mind to beat him up. Even his friend felt that way. It was unnecessary to say how agitated the audience was in the stream channel. “I want to cut him down. What should I do?”

“Just do it!”

“What are you thinking? Did you not see that the Church of Light is organizing a crusade just because he was beaten back by the cute vampire girl from the Netherworld? If you attack him in the game, all the clerics of the Church of Light will come after you.” “F*ck! I want a majestic and beautiful boss at my back too!”

“You can find such bosses, but they’re mostly obese and have faces as big as pies.” “Stop speaking. I’m seeing them in my head.”

“As long as they give me money, I’m willing to take them even if their faces are as big as plates. Don’t you see that Schuck is living on a woman too?”

“But his boss is beautiful. So beautiful.”

“I feel hurt, I want to curse.”

“Not just Schuck, even Roland seems to be protected by a goddess too. Doesn’t he have the Life Goddess’s Button?” “Tsk, tsk tsk. Those two are like goddess heartthrobs.”

They lingered for a while, and then Schuck said, “Let’s go. I already told the goddess not to launch a crusade.”

“I think the goddess must’ve given you something awesome for self-defense since she likes you so much.” Roland’s eyebrows shivered. “Show it to me.”

“Why are you so smart? I was thinking to take it out at the critical moment and surprise you.”

Slightly bummed, Schuck took a longsword out of the system Backpack. It was a regular sword with a regular white grip and a bright golden body.

It didn’t have any decorations or carvings and looked quite plain.

However, on the system menu, the stats of this item went like this:

Item: Holy Sword of Light (Divine Artifact)

Attributes: Penetration 28, Cleavage 33.

Abilities: Sharp Edge (law-level), Light Strengthening (law-level), Morale Boost Aura (law-level), Indestructible (law-level).

Description: The Goddess of Light’s sword can only be wielded by those she approves.

Roland had a strong toothache reading the stats.

as so

The weapon he had seen with the highest status was Andonara’s Hero’s Sword. It was so powerful that he didn’t think he could show it to anyone else, or they would try to rob her of it.

Yet, this Holy Sword of Light had even better stats than the Hero’s Sword.

Even more unbelievably, the weapon had multiple law-level special abilities.

“Awesome!” Roland raised his thumb.

With this weapon, it would be easier to deal with the True Ancestor of vampires.

The players in the stream channel saw the stats of the weapon too.

They were both jealous and regretful.

The rich players, in particular, could’ve tried to purchase the weapon with a fortune if it were regular.

However, this weapon was clearly bound to Schuck.

Only those approved by the Goddess of Light could use it.

At this moment, Schuck was probably the only person in the whole server that the Goddess of Light appreciated.

After examining the weapon, Roland took Schuck to the Netherworld.

Because the Netherworld belonged to another plane, the teleportation was much more difficult. Roland didn’t come over after a failed attempt.

But fortunately, no greater losses were caused than a damaged teleportation magic array, which he had to repair with some magic materials.

It was just the loss of several gold coins.

After the teleportation, Roland reached out to Li Lin and the others in the guild chat. He then contacted the squad in black from the resistance and met with them. They made a thorough plan of attack against the True Ancestor of vampires.

In the Ten Thousand Stones Abyss, Lilith was still angry.

According to her subordinates’ investigation, everybody in the Ten Thousand Stones Abyss was rather ill at ease.

The sunlight had made a huge impact on the Ten Thousand Stones Abyss.

Undercurrents were surging below the surface too.

Many people were even hoping to learn teleportation.

Few people in the Netherworld knew teleportation. Even if they did, they were just Mr. Nobodies who didn’t have much expertise.

It was already impressive enough if they could flash.

In the Netherworld, Sophie was best at cross-plane teleportation, followed by Lilith.

She certainly wouldn’t teach spatial magic to anyone else.

If she taught them, a lot of them might leave, and being a queen would be boring if she had few subjects. Also, a smaller population meant less food for the vampires.

That was the last thing she wanted to see.

Watching her puffed cheeks, her maid poked it and smiled. “Stop doing that, master. You look like a frog. It’s not pretty.”

“You have never seen a frog before.”

“But you told me what it looks like.” The maid smiled. “You told me stories and even painted a frog for me when I was little. You don’t remember now?”

“It was more than a hundred years ago. How can I possibly remember?”

The maid smiled and smoothly poured red wine for Lilith.

Then, she shook the wine pot in her hand and said, “Master, we’re out of wine. I’ll get you some fresh virgin blood.”

“Okay, be quick.”

The master nodded and backed off.

After leaving the central palace, the maid walked straight downstairs.

After four flights of stairs, she came to a floor which had many rooms.

There was a balcony here where she could see the rooms down below, as well as the girls in white who were laughing and running on the street outside.

She observed them for a while and then walked down.

The girls here were having a great time.

They were chatting or chasing each other in the open. As the vampires’ most important source of food, they enjoyed privileges that the ordinary people of the Netherworld couldn’t imagine.

They had the best food and the cleanest water.

They could also bathe every day.

The only thing they needed to do was to stay and live here.

But they didn’t have to stay for a lifetime.

They would be set free after 25. Then, they could proudly return home with the money they’d saved for more than ten years.

The only thing they needed to give away was their blood.

It wasn’t much. Only a tiny vial of blood was fetched every three days. Occasionally, it was fetched more frequently, but they always had great food as compensation.

The maid walked down. Many girls stopped and curtsied after seeing her. “Chief Nicole, you’ve been troubled.”

“So have you.” Nicole nodded at the girls.

She then walked to a girl not far away and said, “I’ve checked up above. Your blood is the cleanest and freshest today.”

The girl she chose was rather delighted. “I’m to offer blood to Her Majesty? Great! Chief, please take as much as you want.”

“Not much is needed. Master has a small stomach.”

After saying that, she laid her hand on the girl’s neck, and a red stream of blood flowed out of her skin and then rolled like a thread.

After it rolled a while into a ball the size of a fist, Nicole stopped taking blood.

Holding the blood ball, she said, “Have some good food later.”

“Yes, madam.”

Holding the blood ball, Nicole left. She had to keep walking down.

As the True Ancestor of vampires, Lilith was actually not in desperate need of blood. She didn’t even need blood as long as she could hold back her urges and desires.

Blood was like alcohol to her, and she enjoyed it once in a while just for the fun of it.

The wine, on the other hand, was merely a beverage, like cola, to Lilith.

Also, as the True Ancestor, she had a strong demand on the quality and taste of the blood.

The blood would taste differently when different spices were added to it.

At this moment, Nicole was taking the blood ball downstairs to ask a cook to polish its flavor.

Passing through another long flight of stairs, she hopped into a rather greasy place.

This place was the kitchen.

Apart from providing food for Lilith, it was also responsible for the food of the hundreds of girls.

So, there were a lot of oil and smoke residues here.

The stone floor was so greasy that one would feel that they were walking on moss. It was quite slippery. One would always feel unsteady.

Nichole became quite indifferent after reaching this floor.

Many people were working here, some chopping meat and some washing vegetables.

It wasn’t a small project to provide food for hundreds of people.

The cooks and assistants all stopped their work upon seeing her and voluntarily lowered their heads and made way for her.

This happened as she made her way here.

However, a young man nearby was trying to cut the bones of an unknown beast. He was so focused that he didn’t realize that Nicole was approaching

Right when Nicole passed him, the young man happened to cut the bone rather heavily with his long, thick cleaver.

Part of the bone was chopped off, and it swirled and flew at Nicole.

Nicole reacted fast enough and slapped away the bone.

Yet, some broken pieces of bone fell into the blood ball.

She was so infuriated that her face was blue and her body was trembling. Damn it!

She walked over. The young man, having no idea what just happened, was still busy chopping the meat and bones.

Everybody around him was so scared that they hid away.

Reaching the back of the young man, Nicole kicked him in his waist heavily.


Under the sudden and violent kick, the man completely bent backward.

His face was filled with confusion as he didn’t know what was going on. He was then flung more than ten meters forward, leaving a trail of blood on the floor.

He was already dead, but his eyes were still wide open.

At this moment, five people came from the staircase and saw the scene.

One of them raised his hand but then put it down.

Nicole looked at the blood ball in her hand and shouted hysterically.

Her earsplitting voice spread throughout the vast and empty floor. Almost all the men covered their ears, pain on their faces.

It was natural that Nicole was nice to the girls, because they provided blood for her master in turns.

If the girls were unhappy, the quality of their blood would drop, and the taste of the blood would be affected.

Nicole, who considered her master the center of her world and even secretly regarded her as a mother, wouldn’t allow that.

In order for her master to have the best blood, she didn’t mind sparing her kindness to the virgins.

But as for the cooks... especially the male ones, it would be unnecessary.

If one of them was killed, someone else would fill in.

They were like weeds. More would grow after some were cut down.

Nicole could’ve tolerated these filthy men for the sake that they were working for her master


Yet, one of them stained the best blood intended for her master. He must die for that!

After an angry roar, she suddenly found that five men were walking toward her.

“You look strange. What do you want...” Nicole habitually asked, thinking that they were servants. But her face changed suddenly. “Damn it, stop!”

It was because she found that all the five of them were professionals, and two were releasing magic waves.

The most handsome of them was even demonstrating great power of light.


She realized that those people must be assassins.

Every time her master woke up, there would be stupid assassins that tried to kill her.

This time was not an exception. Too many of them had been killed over these years, but they never stopped.

The best solution against these assassins was bat transformation.

That was exactly what she did. However, before she transformed, a bright pillar of light shined at her.

“Judgment of Light!” The pillar came so fast that it looked like a laser.

Only one bat flew out of Nicole’s body when she was hit by the pillar of light.

Then, her expression froze.

Like a burning piece of paper, half of her body brightened and half vanished. Then, she was completely gone, leaving nothing but a handful of ashes on the ground.

Watching Nicole’s death, the people here immediately shouted in fear and ran off in a


More of them knelt on the ground, not daring to move at all. They thought that the intruders would kill them now that they had killed the ferocious Nicole.

Roland walked to the young man who died with his eyes open and shook his head. “He can’t be saved anymore. Even his soul’s been expelled.”

It was because Roland saw a confused and transparent soul next to the body.

In the Netherworld, it was possible to directly see the souls of the dead.

Then, a Soul Gatherer appeared out of nowhere, and two black chains stretched out of its hollow eye sockets and tied up the soul, before they both left.

Schuck walked close and heaved a long sigh at the bent body on the ground.

Roland looked above. “The one you just killed must be Lilith’s personal maid, the villain known as the Blood Hound. She was very close to Lilith by blood. Lilith must’ve felt something when she died.”

“What does she feel?”

Roland said casually, “Rage.”

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