Madam, Your Vest Fell Again

Chapter 139: First in Hand Speed

Chapter 139: First in Hand Speed

This bathroom was at the end of the long passageway where only a yellow light was lit.

It was so quiet that even a slight dripping sound could almost be heard.

The light was a little dark, but the figure could be seen clearly.

As Yang Feis die-hard fan, how could Qiao Sheng not recognize him?

Especially since he didnt change his clothes and was still wearing the OST uniform.

And opposite him

The girl hung her head slightly and leaned lazily against the wall. She had her arms crossed in a slightly casual way and even looked a little frivolous.

She had a cap on her head and the brim was pressed down so low that her eyes couldnt be seen from this angle, and only her white and bright jaw was visible.

Qiao Sheng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

The figure opposite Yang Fei was still there, he was sure of it.

The two of them seemed to be thinking of something and didnt notice that someone in this remote toilet had come over.

Qiao Sheng heard his own trembling voice say, Ran Sister Ran.

The sound appeared suddenly.

Yang Fei raised his delicate eyebrows slightly and turned around. He looked in the direction of Qiao Sheng, frowned, and then glanced questioningly at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran turned her head and also looked lightly at Qiao Sheng.

She lifted her chin towards him and motioned for him to stay where he was.

For the time being, Qin Ran said as she stood straight. I dont want to see anyone.

Yang Fei nodded. Although he was disappointed, he didnt say anything since Qiao Sheng was there. Then you should go back first.

Then, he glanced at Qiao Sheng and nodded at him. Hello, Im Yang Fei.

Qiao Sheng didnt react.

Yang Fei went into the washroom.

Qin Ran took two steps forward, raised her hand slightly, took off Qiao Shengs hat, and knocked on his head. You can wake up now, little boy.

Qiao Sheng glanced at her faintly.

He opened his mouth with a bunch of suppressed words.

Qin Ran threw the cap at him, stuffed one hand in her pocket, and interrupted him casually. Ill let you ask me three questions.

The curiosity in his heart was satiated, so Qiao Sheng put on his cap and asked her urgently, Are you very familiar with Sun God, Yi Jiming, and the others?

Qin Ran turned sideways and glanced at Qiao Sheng, the smile on her face quite lazy as if Qiao Sheng had asked a mentally retarded question. Of course. Next.

Just now Qiao Sheng was used to being despised. He followed Qin Rans pace and turned his head again. The female player that Yang Fei talked about on stage just now, was it you? It wasnt Meng Xinran, right?

Yeah. Qin Ran didnt hide it from him and nodded generously. Last question.

Qiao Shengs footsteps slowed a little at the last question.

Qin Ran turned sideways and glanced at him. She raised an eyebrow and said, So?

Erm Qiao Sheng pursed his lips. They had walked half of the passageway and the echo was still obvious, so he could hear his own voice clearly as he said, Did you create Team OSTs three God cards?

Qin Ran paused, then smiled and replied lazily, Youre keen, boy.

Even though it was expected, Qiao Sheng still didnt return to his senses.

Anyone could create character cards for Kyushu Tour, but few could create God cards.

The players able to possess God cards were all ace teams in various countries.

That was because the God card paid attention to the character design and the arrangement of consecutive moves. The most important thing was that the God card created must be traceable and it couldnt just sketch a hollow character with a random skill.

Before this, everyone, including Qiao Sheng, thought that Team OSTs God card had been created by a team.

It wasnt until last night that Qiao Sheng knew that it had been created by the first generation of OST players.

In fact, there were three points made by OST fans. Yang Feis undefeated myth, OSTs unrelenting momentum, and the three God cards.

The fans all knew that the first two points were based on the three God cards.

If they knew that the three God cards had all been created by the same person

And that person was Qin Ran. Qiao Sheng expected that everyone would go crazy.

Go back since youre done asking. Qin Ran turned and walked on further.

Then, do you still play? Qiao Sheng continued catching up to her and asked in a low, excited voice. Will you be on stage with Sun God?

Why would I play? College entrance examination is coming, Qin Ran said casually. Also, my hand speed isnt high and is around 200. You want me to get cursed at?

Qiao Sheng:


The two of them returned to Lu Zhaoying and Xu Yaoguang.

When they were back, Lu Zhaoying was chatting with a fan leader of Yang Fei, and even took a support cap from her.

They stood beside the railing of the passage, and below the railing were the seats. Meng Xinran sat on the spot, and the three boys beside her stood proudly.

Because the director had shot Meng Xinran, someone recognized her and waited on the side.

It was a little noisy, so Qin Ran put on her headphones and stuffed her phone into her coat pocket.

Lets go. She held onto the railing and glanced at Lu Zhaoying.

The boys in class 3.9 clung onto the railing and wanted to wait for Yang Fei to come out. They shook their heads and didnt plan on leaving.

Qiao Sheng put his hands on the railing and smiled mysteriously. Theres no need to wait. Sun God wont find Meng Xinran.

A boy paused and looked up. Qiao Sheng, I know youre jealous of Meng Xinran. Theres no need to tell us, I understand.

Lu Zhaoying hesitantly glanced in Qin Rans direction and thought for a while before deciding to leave first with Qin Ran.

This is for you. He handed Qin Ran the support hat that he had just gotten from the fan and pointed at her head. Your hat is too old, change to a new one.

No. Qin Ran pressed her hat and said very calmly, I like to keep old things.

Okay. Lu Zhaoying wasnt very bothered and just left the cap for himself.

Xu Yaoguang wasnt interested in these.

He didnt wear a support hat and just took out his phone while talking to Qiao Sheng. The tickets are here, Ill go home first.

His tone was as calm as ever.

Qiao Sheng knew that he was talking about the tickets sent to him by Qin Yu, so he nodded and waved him away.

Xu Yaoguang thought about it and told Lu Zhaoying that he was leaving as well.

Lu Zhaoying waved him away casually.

Qiao Sheng knew Lu Zhaoying, but the others in class 3.9 didnt know him, so they were especially curious to see Xu Yaoguang greeting him.

He passed by Qin Ran without glancing at her.

Qiao Sheng saw this scene and paused for a moment. Young Master Xu, do you know that the creator of the God cards that youre a fan of is right in front of you!


It was seven oclock when they came out.

Cheng Juan was still the one picking them up.

Back at the villa, Butler Cheng had already taken the time to bring up all the dishes.

Cheng Juan placed his hand on the table, turned sideways, and asked casually, Do you have any plans to go to Beijing in the near future?

Lu Zhaoying was swiping on Weibo while eating, and his hands paused when he heard this.

He looked up at Cheng Juan in disbelief.

Master Juan, are you crazy?!

Shes still in high school, and yet youre blatantly asking her to skip class?!

Cheng Juan looked up at him.

Butler Cheng, who was standing by the side, also looked at Cheng Juan in disbelief.

Then, he frowned slightly and glanced at Qin Ran.

He finally sighed.

Theres indeed something that I havent thought through yet. Qin Ran thought of the tickets that Chen Shulan had given her and felt quite irritable.

She lowered her eyebrows and looked so cold that Lu Zhaoying didnt dare to mention the matter.

After lunch, Qin Ran wanted to return to class and do self-study.

On Saturday, class 3.9 came together and discussed the performance today since there was no homework.

Qin Ran sat on her seat and leaned lazily against the wall. She put on her headphones impatiently, took out her notebook, and started practicing her writing.

Ran Ran, why dont you sign up for a Weibo account? Lin Siran leaned over and asked. We should follow each other. I heard Meng Xinran has two million followers.

Because Meng Xinran had received a cue from Yang Fei today, Yang Feis fans peaked at the online traffic and directly went to follow Meng Xinrans Weibo.

She swallowed the words I did and remembered telling Lin Siran that she didnt have a Weibo account.

Its troublesome, she said casually and then continued writing slowly.

Lin Siran lifted her chin and looked at her. Ill help you register, you live like an old man!

This phone number had yet to be registered, so Qin Ran handed the phone to Lin Siran and continued practicing her writing. Do it yourself.

Lin Siran took Qin Rans phone and found that it unlocked automatically when she touched it.

She went to Weibo anxiously and didnt think much about it. She happily downloaded Weibo and registered for her.

While thinking of the name, Lin Siran bit her fingernails before registering an accountqr.

Qin Ran seemed to like this style, so she looked at it for a while.

In less than one night, she gained less than ten followers, consisting of her fans and Lin Siran. Compared to Meng Xinrans two-million army, it was considered nothing.


At night during self-study.

Qin Ran took a shower, wore a long shirt, and came out while wiping her hair. She remembered something and said to Lin Siran, Ive sent you the game characters.

Lin Siran immediately boarded the game and saw that she had received three emails in the game mailbox.

Qin Ran had sent her three characters: an elderly person, an elderly person with a snakehead, and a female game character she had already seen last time.

The first two characters werent good-looking, but the last female character was dressed like a fairy and Lin Siran liked it very much.

She used this character to play one round in the copy game.

After playing a game, many players added her as a friend.

She even sent a voice message.

This game allowed players to send messages.

Ran Ran, the artificial intelligence in this game is plentiful. Im still a newcomer and yet there are so many people sending me messages and even voice messages. Lin Siran didnt add them back nor listen to the messages and continued to play a junior game.

She acted with irresistible force.

Qin Ran wiped her hair slowly and responded casually when Lin Siran talked to her.

She searched in the pocket of her shirt and took out two tickets, then casually put it in between a book.


In Qiao Shengs bedroom, he was looking at the class group and then followed Qin Rans Weibo.

[He Wen]: Today is a lemon essence.JPG

[Xia Fei]: Meng Xinran has 2.1 million followers already!

The others all felt it was scary. Class 3.9 didnt have much affection for Meng Xinran and felt sour at the moment.

Before, Meng Xinran only had 1.2 million fans, and half of them had been zombie fans that had been bought.

But she had grown in nine hundred thousand active fans overnight.

Qiao Sheng clicked the link and saw the Weibo headline at first glance

[The eSports star Sun God said at the opening match that he likes a teammate very much and enjoys playing games with her in a flirtatious tone.

There are only a few female eSports players, and there is only one in the Team OST. The editor found her Weibo, and shes the talented hand-speed player @OSTMengXinRan, who last played as a substitute!

Meng Xinran joined the team last year and has been a very promising player with her terrifying hand-speed that even surprised Yi Jiming]

Qiao Sheng slammed his phone angrily.

These must have been brought up by the fans and insiders who had bought publicity posts.

Qiao Sheng knew that Yang Fei wasnt referring to Meng Xinran. Yunguang Consortium must also know about Qin Ran, so it was impossible for them or OST to buy the publicity.

It was definitely Meng Xinran who had bought the publicity posts.

Qiao Sheng was furious and frustrated, but helpless as well. What could he do? Post on Weibo saying that Yang Fei was referring to Qin Ran and not Meng Xinran?

Weibo was full of netizens and many people would surely curse Qin Ran because of this.


In the Lin family house, Yang Fei didnt find Meng Xinran in the performance match.

She guessed that Yang Fei probably wanted to avoid the other fans, so she wasnt bothered.

Aunt Zhang served tea to a few people in the living room.

Ning Qing held two tickets and was talking to Lin Qi about going to Beijing.

Ms. Mengs Weibo gained 900,000 followers and hundreds of thousands of comments today, Aunt Zhang had followed Meng Xinrans Weibo and hence said.

Meng Xinran smiled faintly. Its all due to Sun Gods popularity. Auntie, Uncle, Ill head up to rest first.

Lin Qi nodded.

Once Meng Xinran went upstairs, he asked Aunt Zhang about what happened on Weibo.

The family gathered around and Lin Qi exclaimed in surprise.

Her popularity was comparable to a third-tier celebrity.

Yeah, Ms. Biao is famous now. Aunt Zhang laughed.

Ning Qing looked at Qin Yus ticket in her hand and felt slightly relieved.

Her popularity on Weibo had always been high.

Until someone picked out a post on the official website on Sunday night

He had taken a screenshot and left a message on the post

[OST never announced the hand-speed ranking, but I remember that Sun God himself said that he was only second place, so could the first place be]

This post gained popularity and reached first place on the hot search on Sunday night.

On Monday morning.

Meng Xinran arrived at school on the dot.

She wore a pair of wide sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and everyone looked at her on her way to class 3.1. The braver students even stepped forward to ask her about Sun God.

Meng Xinran, as always, was arrogant and didnt say a single thing.


Class 3.9.

Qin Ran didnt sleep well last night and leaned lazily on the table. She took out her book and flipped through it irritably.

Her phone rang and it was Yang Feis WeChat message asking her if she had a Weibo.

Qin Ran squinted and was too lazy to chat with him, so she just sent him her account name directly.

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