Lustful Paradise

Chapter 26: This Is So Fucking Frustrating!!!

Lucifer was seated between Jennifer and Ashley, while Shawn sat on the other side of his girlfriend. They all watched the action play out with rapt attention as players dashed across the field.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with excitement, and there were several instances where Shawn jumped from the couch while cheering whenever his favorite team performed well during the match.

However, there were also many moments when he yelled at players for making bad choices or being stupid, which caused him to get frustrated to no end.

It didn't help much either when his mother kept teasing him whenever such scenes happened because he was always quick to defend himself by saying, "But I'm right! That was completely unnecessary!"

As the first half of the match reached its conclusion, the scoreboard showed that neither side had managed to score yet despite having plenty of chances.

This frustrated Shawn so much that he ended up taking off his shirt and throwing it aside in frustration after shouting, "What kind of bullshit defense is that?"

His behavior surprised Lucifer for a brief moment, but he understood how worked up his friend got when watching sports events like these because it brought out his competitive side.

"You shouldn't get angry, Shawn. Just calm down and enjoy the game." Lucifer tried to console Shawn, who was pacing back and forth across the room while mumbling under his breath.

"That's easy for you to say, Lucifer. When I see players making such dumb mistakes, I can't help but get agitated. Plus, my team has been struggling for the past few matches, losing all three games so far. So, it's understandable why I'm upset right now." Shawn explained.

Jennifer, who was listening to their conversation, commented, "I know what you mean, son. It hurts to see your favorite team lose, especially when you support them so much. But that doesn't mean you should get angry at yourself or anyone else.

Life isn't fair, and sometimes things just don't go as planned."

"Ugh. Fine! Whatever," Shawn mumbled as he plopped down on the couch again. He grabbed another can of beer and opened it before chugging down its contents without stopping until it was empty.

When Ashley noticed how upset Shawn became, she decided to comfort him by hugging him, putting her hand on his bare chest, and resting her chin on his shoulder. "I know this is frustrating, but try not to let it bother you too much, Shawn.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, including professional athletes."

Her words seemed to soothe him somewhat as he relaxed his muscles a little, letting out a heavy sigh while leaning back onto the couch.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," Shawn murmured as he placed his arm around Ashley's waist and pulled her closer to him.

Soon, the game resumed once more, and things started getting more intense than before. This time around, it was the opposing team that gained an advantage over Shawn's chosen team after scoring a goal, putting them ahead by one point.

"Fuck! This is so fucking frustrating!!!" Shawn cursed out loud again as he threw the now empty beer can across the room before grabbing another one and guzzling down half of its contents within seconds.

This made Jennifer raise an eyebrow at her son's actions, but she chose not to say anything for now considering how annoyed he appeared at the moment. Instead, she looked at Lucifer and Ashley, asking, "Isn't he being too childish right now?"

Both of them shrugged their shoulders before giving each other knowing smiles, and they remained silent, not bothering to answer her question since it was obvious that she wasn't expecting a reply.

The second half of the game ended with Shawn's favorite team losing again, and he was so angry that he refused to speak or even move from the couch after throwing away another empty can of beer, grumbling about how terrible they played today.

Although he didn't show any outward signs of anger anymore, Lucifer could tell he was still quite upset because there was an aura of bitterness around him that didn't seem normal for him, considering how cheerful and cheerful Shawn was most of the time.

However, he also understood that this kind of emotion came naturally during times such as this when there are high stakes involved, such as money and pride, and seeing your favorite team losing a big game.

Seeing this, Lucifer shook his head in amusement and said, "Well, I guess that was pretty much to be expected, but at least your team didn't do too badly this time around."

Ashley nodded in agreement with him, adding, "Yep. Compared to what happened last week, this game wasn't as disastrous. Anyway, why don't we watch a movie on Netflix or something instead? Maybe that'll help take our minds off things for a bit."

"That sounds like a good idea," Jennifer chimed in from her spot beside Lucifer.

"What do you say, Shawn? Are you cool with that?" Lucifer asked his friend.

After a moment of silence, Shawn replied while taking another sip of beer, "I guess. Yeah, whatever. At this point, I just want to forget all about this crap."

"Let me pick the movie this time, Lucifer." Ashley suggested as she took the remote control from the table and started browsing through films, searching for something interesting to watch.

She ended up choosing a thriller movie about murder and mystery that promised to be quite entertaining, judging by its summary and reviews on the website.

As the film began playing, Lucifer realized that it was already late at night since they had started watching the game a few hours ago, but he was enjoying himself too much to care about that right now. He enjoyed spending time with his friends.

The movie was quite good and suspenseful, keeping everyone captivated by its story, but it wasn't long before someone started snoring during one particular scene, causing everyone else to turn and look toward the source of the noise.

"Oh. It seems that your boyfriend fell asleep halfway through the film." Lucifer observed with an amused chuckle when he spotted Shawn slumped over on the sofa with his head leaning against the cushions and arms crossed in front of his chest.

Ashley gave him an incredulous look and laughed as well. "Yeah, no kidding. What a party pooper."

"Well, he did drink a lot of alcohol," Jennifer remarked, glancing at her sleeping son.

"True. It's not surprising, considering how pissed he was after the game ended. Still, that's no excuse for passing out before the movie even ends. I mean, come on!" Lucifer joked as he nudged her side, causing her to chuckle, before adding.

"Anyways, shall we finish watching the rest of the film together, or are we going to call it a night?"

"Nah, let's keep going. It's not like we're in a hurry or anything." Ashly answered while leaning back into the sofa cushions as well, shifting herself a bit closer to Lucifer and wrapping her arm around his.

"Since Shawn left me all alone now, I need someone else to cuddle up with me while we finish this thing."

Her comment elicited laughter from both Lucifer and Jennifer, but neither one objected to her suggestion, knowing her carefree personality very well.

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