Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 73: Charge forward!

The former city lord of Sanshan City, Sun Heng, launched the first campaign to eliminate the ferocious beasts.

At the moment of his death on the Shubi Peak, his last thought was about the second campaign.

He took off his own skin and covered his son with Kun leather drums, just for this moment.

And his wife Dou Yuemei inherited his wish, took over his position as city lord, and also took over the heavy burden on his shoulders.

At the top of Shubi Peak, did he close his eyes?

The killer Yanfeng, which had puzzled generations of cultivators at the foot of Yuheng Peak, would become history today.

And at this moment, everyone in front of Yuheng Peak was a witness.

Sun Xiaoman had cried so much that she was unrecognizable. She had always been tough on her younger brother, feeling that her mother had spoiled him too much after her father's death, making him not look like a proper person.

But that's why she knew how afraid of pain and how timid her brother was.

But he was obedient.

The tail needle of the killer Yanfeng was poisonous and fierce, and a sting was very painful. What kind of pain would it be to shoot such a dense tail needle?

"Your dad is too biased towards you, so I have to give more love to Xiaoyan." Dou Yuemei said, pausing for a moment, seeming to be unable to control her emotions, her voice choked with a hint of choking: "You always say that Mom is biased, but is Mom willing to do so?"

"Mom! Let me go back! Let me go back...wuwuwu...I'm going to die in pain!"

The waves of killer Yanfeng were eliminated one by one, and the waves of tail needle attacks.

Sun Xiaoyan cried until his voice became hoarse. After all, he was only thirteen years old.

"Mom! Sister!" He cried out.

Dou Yuemei suddenly shouted loudly: "Sun Xiaoyan, turn around and charge forward!"

"Don't forget whose skin you are wearing!"

"Your dad has never retreated!"

She seemed to have used all her strength, so much so that her figure was a little shaky after shouting.

What was unexpected was that Sun Xiaoyan really turned around.

He cried and ran forward.

He was strong and afraid.

He cried and shouted, but also ran.

Everyone watched silently.

Watching the chubby boy charge alone towards the killer Yanfeng.

Before this, even though Jiang Wang had witnessed the courage of the Sanshan City cultivators, he really couldn't understand what the proliferation of ferocious beasts meant for this city.

Now he vaguely understood.

"I want to figure out where these ferocious beasts come from."

Only by knowing where the ferocious beasts come from, how they reproduce, and where the source is, can they be completely eliminated.

"Who knows?" Li Jianqiu said.

One cave after another was swept away, Sun Xiaoyan stumbled and endured for five hours, from day to dusk, and the cultivators who cleared the killer Yanfeng changed more than a dozen times.

The once terrifying killer Yanfeng finally became sparse.

And Sun Xiaoyan couldn't cry anymore, his fat body collapsed like a pile of mud.

Dou Yuemei rushed over and hugged her son.

Feeling his body temperature, touching his heartbeat.

Kissing his forehead, wiping away his tears.

"Charge forward! Sweep Yuheng Peak!"

She gritted her teeth and gave orders.

All the cultivators in Sanshan City, from the instructors to the students, from the dean to the freshmen, all participated in this operation, totaling 287 people.

Plus nearly a hundred cultivators in the Sanshan City Guards.

They all volunteered and refused the reward.More than a hundred cultivators from all over the place were attracted by the high reward.

With a total of over 500 cultivators under unified command, they advanced towards the Jade Balance Peak in batches.

Various Taoist techniques emitted colorful rays of light, causing rocks to crumble, trees to break, and fierce beasts to fall dead, forming a mountain road.

At this moment, Sun Xiaoyan had already fallen asleep in Dou Yuemei's arms.

He was too tired.


Jiang Wang was in the midst of the charging group of cultivators, their team had already been scattered, each fighting on their own.

More than ten bright lamps made by the Mo family were floating in the air, illuminating the entire Jade Balance Peak as bright as day.

At this time, Dou Yuemei had taken over the command, using the cultivators from the San Shan City Taoist Academy as the main force, dividing all the cultivators into five teams. The five teams took turns to display their Taoist techniques, and the front line steadily advanced.

Of course, there were also some experts who were given the autonomy to act, such as Li Jianqiu, who wielded the Red Tide Sword, and Sun Xiaoman, who wielded a pair of Mountain Shaking Hammers, leaving only minced meat behind wherever they went.

There was also that mysterious woman from the Cloud Nation who, with a single move, seemed to pull down the black clouds from the sky, transforming them into various cloud beasts to fight against the fierce beasts. Such mysterious techniques were something Jiang Wang had never seen before, and she alone was equivalent to a team.

The progress of the clearance seemed very satisfactory, and the advance was smooth. However, Jiang Wang could not shake off the uneasiness in her heart.

If the beast den was only of this level, how could Sun Heng have died in battle? How could the team led by Wu Shan have been wiped out, leaving only Li Jianqiu behind?

In terms of danger, the Jade Balance Peak was not as dangerous as the Vertical Pen Peak. However, the Jade Balance Peak had a larger mountain body, and correspondingly, it housed more fierce beasts.

When they were about to reach the mountainside, Dou Yuemei became noticeably more cautious.

"Team B, retreat and rest. Team C and Team D, take over. Team E and Team A, prepare your hand seals!"

This was the first time that two teams were simultaneously mobilized to take the lead, and the rest time of the other two teams was actively shortened.

Soon, everyone knew the reason.

"Eh, eh, eh!"

"Goo, goo, goo..."

Two completely different cries, one sharp and one low, sounded at the same time in the night sky.

A double-headed eagle with yin and yang, like lightning, screeched and came over. Its wings, which were over ten yards long, spread out, as if a whole piece of night sky was moving.

The yin and yang double-headed eagle!

Almost at the same time as its appearance, all the fierce beasts near the half-mountain of the Jade Balance Peak went berserk.

Their eyes were red, and the most ferocious nature was aroused.

The two hundred cultivators of Team C and Team D almost felt the pressure as soon as they took over.

Once the yin and yang double-headed eagle started to screech, it would continue until the end of the battle.

When Sun Heng broke through the beast tide and reached the top of the Vertical Pen Peak, he killed such a fierce beast, but he also exhausted all his energy after killing the yin and yang double-headed eagle.

Now, only halfway up the Jade Balance Peak, such a fierce beast appeared.

Dou Yuemei's heart sank.

But she couldn't show it in front of everyone.

So, with both hands together, a tall stone wall rose up, almost encircling the entire Jade Balance Peak! This was the Taoist technique power displayed by the peak-level experts of the Soaring Dragon Realm.

The tall stone wall firmly blocked the group of fierce beasts, buying time for the unprepared group of cultivators to adjust.

But those fierce beasts had already gone mad.

A bull-like fierce beast charged forward, and with a loud bang, it fiercely hit the stone wall. Its horn was broken, and it was bleeding from its head, but it ignored it and used its broken horn to hit the wall again!

It was so crazy!Back then at the Shu Bi Peak, it was the sudden outbreak of the ferocious beasts that led to the collapse of the defense line.

Would history repeat itself now?

"Miss Ye, I need more cloud beasts to create a buffer!" Dou Yue Mei shouted.

The cloud beast secret technique of that Yun Guo cultivator was the most appropriate at this time. Otherwise, they could only use human lives to fill the gap.

The mysterious cultivator with a veil over her face moved her fingers rapidly, creating tigers, leopards, bears, and oxen... This wave of explosion had a hundred of them, and the cloud beasts fell from the sky, fighting with the ferocious beasts.

However, there were too many ferocious beasts!

The continuous, dense, and crazy impact had reached a critical point at this moment, and the stone wall that stretched around the entire Jade Heng Peak collapsed with a loud bang!

The ferocious beasts surged like a tide.

Although the cultivator from Yun Guo was powerful, he clearly lacked experience or overtrusted the defense of the stone wall, underestimating the time it could withstand. He had just exhausted all his strength in that wave, but at this moment, he was running out of energy!

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