Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 128: Dun, sincere

I don't know how long it has been, Jiang Wang stood up.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't calm his true spirit of the Dao. He was powerless against the mysterious black candle.

The uneasiness in his heart couldn't be erased, but on the other hand, Dong A's promise supported him.

Looking at the whole world, although Zhuang Guo is a small country, the power of the national machinery cannot be underestimated.

Once they recognize and respond to the truth, like the White Bone Sect, an evil cult that has been hidden for hundreds of years, it shouldn't cause much trouble.

Moreover, at the beginning of the establishment of Zhuang Guo, they fought a fierce battle with Yong Guo and won. Over the years, despite the hostility from Yong Guo, their national fortune remained stable, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"Even if the disaster of overthrowing is about to come... Dong Yuan and Wei Chengzhu are both strong. The first season of Xuan, the head of Qinghe County, is nearby, and Qingjiang is not far away. With a hundred years of alliance, the Lord of Qingjiang Prefecture will not sit idly by while a city in Zhuang Guo is wiped out."

"Also, Bai Lian mentioned last time at Yuheng Peak that there is a strong person in Zhuang Guo who possesses extraordinary abilities. Once something happens in Fenglin City, he can arrive in an instant. There are also neighboring Wangjiang City and Sanshan City..."

"Yes, Dou Yuemei City Lord has mastered the ability to move mountains, and his combat power is extremely strong. He will not sit idly by when neighboring cities are in danger."

Jiang Wang analyzed rationally, sorting out all the favorable factors.

From the conclusion, he probably worried too much.

But that feeling of uneasiness was stubborn and couldn't be shaken off.

He simply ignored it and continued to walk outside the courtyard.

After chatting with Ru Cheng for a while, he would buy some delicious food for An An and then go home. He thought.

Then he saw Tang Dun. At the entrance of the Taoist Academy.

"Tang Dun!" Jiang Wang shouted.

At that time, Tang Dun was wearing a short coat and cotton trousers, staring at the pair of jade lions.

Startled by the sound, he turned around in a daze and finally saw Jiang Wang.

"Mr. Jiang..." he greeted.

Jiang Wang had told him many times not to call him Mr., he didn't think he had the qualifications yet. But Tang Dun was stubborn about this.

But it didn't matter how he called him in private, but if he called him like this near the entrance of the Taoist Academy, he would undoubtedly be laughed at by the instructors. If the instructor happened to be Xiao Tiemian...

Jiang Wang swore that he absolutely didn't want to copy the scriptures anymore.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Wang quickly asked.

Tang Dun smiled foolishly, "I'm going to practice here next year, so I came to take a look."

Perhaps he himself was a little embarrassed to say this, and subconsciously used the word "I".

"You know you will definitely pass next year?" Jiang Wang teased.

"Why not?" Tang Dun anxiously said, "Mr. Jiang, you are the most powerful here! The leader of something! If I learn from you, how can I not pass?"

Fortunately, it was cold and no one was watching the jade lions at the entrance of the Taoist Academy, otherwise Jiang Wang really wanted to shut his mouth.

There are so many senior brothers in the Taoist Academy, and he is a newly promoted inner disciple who has not even reached the Transcendent Realm for less than a year. How dare he say that he is the most powerful? If this were to spread, it would undoubtedly lead to disputes.

But Tang Dun was serious, completely not joking.

"Okay, okay, stop looking. Come back with me." Jiang Wang perfunctorily said.

Of course, he actually knew that with Tang Dun's current strength, it was almost certain that he would pass the outer door examination, and there was also a chance to enter the inner door before the end of next year.

This man had a solid foundation and was willing to work hard. He never discounted the cultivation that Jiang Wang assigned to him.

"What do you want to eat today, Mr.? I'll go to the market." Tang Dun was very attentive on the way.

Gui Xiang Zhai, which An An loves to eat, is not far from the entrance of the Taoist Academy. Jiang Wang bought some pastries while saying, "You don't need to cook today. When An An finishes school, let's go to a good restaurant and have a luxurious meal."

Not having to cook was a relief for Tang Dun, but he felt a little lost. "That's a waste of money."

Jiang Wang laughed, "You will also become a cultivator in the future, possessing transcendent power. Transcendent cultivators are extraordinary and should not be concerned about money."

"Even transcendent cultivators need to eat." Tang Dun muttered dissatisfiedly.

Honest people have their own stubbornness, but he didn't know that at a certain level, cultivators really don't need to eat. Even Jiang Wang, who is currently only in the Circulating Realm, has little need for food. The small circulation of the Zhou Tian has been completed, and the Dao Yuan is constantly replenished, enough to support the physical needs. The reason why he still eats three meals a day is mainly to satisfy his taste buds and the habit formed over so many years.

"Why do you want to cultivate?" Thinking that Tang Dun would enter the Taoist Academy next year, Jiang Wang, as the nominal 'Mr.', asked.

Tang Dun honestly said, "I used to be a constable and just wanted to keep everyone safe. I didn't think about doing anything else. I can't do anything else, I only know a few moves. But for the matter of the girl... I know I can't do anything... I can only catch some thieves in the town, but I can't even keep everyone safe."

He said, "When I become as powerful as Mr. Jiang, I will go back to the town and be a constable again!"

Cultivation is not a noble thing, it is just a neutral term that represents the process of cultivators exploring their own limits.

Some people cultivate to become stronger, some cultivate to show off in front of others. Some cultivate out of hatred, greed, or desire, while others truly have ideals.

These are all things that humans possess. From the nature of desire, there is no distinction between high and low.

In the early days, "ideals" were a word that was higher than everything else.But from some point in time, it had fallen into a state of constant ridicule by the former.

It was almost synonymous with hypocrisy, and in league with fantasy.

But this was not a problem of ideals. It was just that ideals were often used as a cloak by the former.

When it stank, it was discarded.

Jiang Wang fell silent for a moment, not saying anything. He simply instructed, "Go to the Dao Academy dormitory and call Ling He. I didn't think of it earlier, but since we're going to the restaurant, let's invite everyone to join us and have a lively time before the New Year."

"Alright!" Tang Dun, having something to do, was very enthusiastic and started running towards the Dao Academy.

Jiang Wang turned around, preparing to call Zhao Rucheng on the way.

Just then, he felt the sky shake violently.


The earth behind him split open, revealing a huge fissure! At the bottom of the fissure, hot magma was surging.

People on the street screamed in horror, those who fell in couldn't save themselves in time, and those who escaped were in a panic.

Jiang Wang turned around abruptly, just in time to see Tang Dun falling with his arms and legs flailing!

His body turned into a purple mist and overtook Tang Dun. With this brief respite, he stabbed a sword into the rock wall and swung out a vine snake, suspending Tang Dun above the magma just before he was swallowed.

Boom! Rumble!

The two of them were in the fissure and couldn't see what was happening outside, but they knew one thing very clearly - more and more fissures were spreading!

Tang Dun, suspended above the river of magma, shouted at the top of his lungs.

His voice was drowned out by the rumbling sound of the earth splitting, but Jiang Wang could make out his lip movements.

He was shouting -

"Sister An An!"

Both of them had been learning martial arts under Jiang Wang's guidance. An An insisted that she was the senior sister, and Tang Dun went along with her.

Although this "senior sister" still needed him to pick her up and drop her off at school.

At this moment, faced with a sudden change, he asked Jiang Wang to abandon him and save An An.

In fact, this was also Jiang Wang's decision, Tang Dun just wanted to alleviate his guilt.

If there was only one sudden fissure, Jiang Wang could protect Tang Dun. But since this kind of disaster was spreading throughout the city, his first priority could only be Jiang An An.

Jiang Wang used the force in his hand to fling Tang Dun out of the fissure, then he could no longer care about him, and he rushed out with the momentum.

His body turned into a beam of white light, instantly crossing the entire city, and crashed into Mingde Hall!

This was a secret technique he had obtained from the Black Candle, the Bone Escape Method. It pleased the Respected God of Bones by sacrificing lifespan, temporarily traversing Yin and Yang!


In the fourteenth year of the Yongtai era in the Zhuang calendar, in Fenglin City of Qinghe County.

The earth dragon turned over, and the earth split open.

Countless casualties, a tragic scene in the human world.

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