Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 100: Who will write justice

"This is the second thing I want you to do," Bai Lian said softly. "Save that innocent water creature."

Her voice seemed to be in Jiang Wang's ears, but also drilling into his heart, questioning his soul. "So what are you going to do now? Refuse or fulfill the agreement?"

Jiang Wang drew his sword.

He rushed out of his hiding place, his body and sword forming a vertical line, piercing through the air and instantly reaching the black-clothed person.

The black-clothed person, naturally, remained vigilant while doing such things in Qingjiang, ready to defend himself.

A water wave shield blocked in front of him.

Jiang Wang pierced through with a sword, advancing again, his purple aura soaring.

In order to protect himself, the black-clothed person had no choice but to throw the bag he was carrying on his shoulder at Jiang Wang.

In the past, with such a fierce sword strike, Jiang Wang would not have held back.

But after this period of sparring with Zhao Lang, his Purple Qi from the East killing technique had become natural to him.

The sword momentum immediately dissipated, and Jiang Wang reached out to catch the bag, turning his body several times while also guarding against the opponent.

But the black-clothed person had taken this opportunity to flee.

Doing such things in Qingjiang, if caught by the Qinghe Water Army, it would mean certain death, and no one could save him. Therefore, he dared not linger in the fight.

Jiang Wang did not chase after him either. He cut open the bag with his sword and saw an unconscious, almost naked mermaid inside.

Her appearance was completely that of a human beauty, except that her chest was wrapped in two seashells.

Jiang Wang immediately took off his outer robe and covered her. Then he checked her breathing and confirmed that she was still alive. He then pinched a tactic with one hand and condensed a ball of water vapor, covering the mermaid's face.

The mermaid woke up faintly and was startled when she saw Jiang Wang. Only when she touched the clothes covering her did she feel somewhat relieved.

"Don't be alarmed, miss," Jiang Wang said gently. "The person who kidnapped you has been driven away by me. You can return to Qingjiang now."

The mermaid, holding onto her clothes with her hands, looked both surprised and worried, her voice soft and gentle. "This servant is called Xiaoxue. May I ask for the honorable sir's name?"

"My name is not important. I just want the miss to know that not all humans are bad. Some will harm you, but some will save you. It is late at night, miss, please go back quickly so that your family won't worry."

Mermaids are born with Dao veins and are not weaklings to be slaughtered.

Xiaoxue looked carefully at Jiang Wang and then turned into a stream of water, leaping into the vast Qingjiang.

"Alright, the beauty is gone!" Bai Lian appeared in front of Jiang Wang at this time, deliberately waving her hand in front of his eyes. She didn't care what he was thinking.

Jiang Wang snapped back to his senses and noticed that Bai Lian was still holding a black-clothed person in her hand.

"What's this?" Jiang Wang frowned.

Bai Lian's beautiful eyes met Jiang Wang's directly, her eyes filled with a smile. "I have to tell you, the business of kidnapping water creatures is not something ordinary forces can do. You have already shown your face tonight, allowing him to escape. The forces behind him won't take more than a day to find out everything about you. By then, not only will you be hunted down, but your brothers, your friends, your sister..."

She smiled and threw the black-clothed person she was holding onto the ground. "So, you are now facing a choice."

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Wang's sword had already slashed across the vital point of the black-clothed person.

"I have no choice."

Jiang Wang sheathed his sword, his expression stiff. "What you want to tell me is exactly this, right?"

"No." Bai Lian smiled and said, "What I want to tell you is that behind this person is the Judicial Department, Zhuangting, the place you long for!"

She seemed to be too happy, to the point where the joy in her words couldn't be concealed.

And Jiang Wang's face became as calm as water.

"I don't believe it," he said.

"Then explain, why is Zhuangting so afraid of a rebellion by the Qingjiang mermaids? Why did the entire Qinghe County mobilize its city guards to deal with the slightest movement of the Qinghe Water Army? Leaving such a big gap, making the Xiaolin Town massacre a reality?"

Bai Lian said, "Because they know exactly what they have done. They know that once the evidence is caught, the Qinghe Water Palace will really go to war at all costs!"

Jiang Wang fell silent.

"What does Zhuangting look like in your heart? Bright? Majestic? Like a fatherly figure?"

"Do you really think that before the Xiaolin Town incident, the people from the Judicial Department were mobilized to hunt down the heart-eating demon?"

"Is it worth using so many people for just a heart-eating demon? The real main force is 'protecting' those ferocious beasts..."

Jiang Wang could no longer remain silent. His voice was strained. "You seem like a devil. You are leading me step by step into the abyss."

"Don't blame me, I didn't lead you. From Yuheng Peak to here, it was all your own choices, wasn't it?"

"You know me well. You seem to give me a choice, but you know that I have no choice." Jiang Wang looked at her. "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

"I am..." Bai Lian spoke in a deep voice, as if she was about to give an answer, but suddenly laughed frivolously. "I am your lifesaver."

"I am very grateful that you saved me. But to be honest, I would rather you hadn't saved me." There was some pain in Jiang Wang's voice. It was the pain of a collapsing belief. He was destroying the value system he had built in the past and giving birth to a new set of values.

This process was agonizing.

"Then who will take care of your sister?"

"My brothers will take good care of her."

"You are too naive! In this world, no one can guarantee that they can take care of someone. Even you may not be able to do it, let alone your sworn brothers. How did Fang Pengju die? Have you forgotten?"

Jiang Wang said in a deep voice, "You are too dark!"

"Heh." Bai Lian sneered lightly. "I'm just not naive."

"Things are done, I'm leaving." Jiang Wang didn't want to say anything more. He had never gained any advantage in terms of language from Bai Lian.

"Before you go, you might as well think about one more question." Bai Lian said from behind him. "If those people sacrificed in Xiaolin Town were to save more people living in such an environment, to rescue them from the pitiful situation of being 'food' for ferocious beasts, are they still evil?"

Bai Lian looked at his back, waiting for his emotions, hoping that he would change. "Or is it another kind of justice?"

Jiang Wang stopped in his tracks and suddenly turned around! He pressed his sword forcefully, his long hair flying!

"Those damn bastards! No matter what reasons they have, no matter what excuses they make, they have nothing to do with justice!" Jiang Wang's voice was filled with anger. "Bai Lian, I owe you my life, but if you are with them, take it back!"

The sound of the wind and the moon fell silent for a moment.

Bai Lian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed coquettishly. "What are you talking about? I'm on your side."

"Don't joke around, Bai Lian." Jiang Wang said seriously.

"I know, I know." Bai Lian nodded absently, about to say something, when suddenly she slapped Jiang Wang with a palm, pushing him in the air and spinning him around, pushing him ten zhang away.

"Don't look back. Go!"

Jiang Wang was in the air and dared not turn around.

Because he had already sensed the terrifying pressure descending, like a mountain collapsing and a flood pouring.

But even if he ran with his back turned, he could still see the instant eruption of the bright white light behind him, shining brightly.

That light was extremely violent and dazzling.

In that instant, it almost obliterated all hearing and covered all vision.

Even with his back turned, even with only his peripheral vision.

It still burned his eyes, causing them to sting and tears to flow.



Unknowingly, it was already the hundredth chapter. It has been a week of running naked. Although there are very few collections, the readers are very attentive. Of course, my dedication can also be felt through every word by you. I hope we can rise up through word of mouth! Work hard! Strive!

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