Love The Psycho

Chapter 197: Even a rabbit would bite when threatened 1

Chapter 197: Even a rabbit would bite when threatened 1

''Emma, that's enough. You can go ahead, I will join you soon'' Ever said to her and turned back into her office. She closed the door and leaned against it, feeling her own disarrayed heartbeat.

''This was going to happen sooner or later, so it might as well happen now. That way, I won't have to be anxious about meeting him again. Ever, you are a strong woman. You can do this''

Ever was the last to arrive at the hotel's main kitchen. She saw the main chefs and other kitchen staff were all present. Ever stood next to the other pastry chef who used to work at the subsidiary but was transferred to their kitchen last month. she and Ever have always been at loggerheads because their working style differed.

''Sorry for being late'' Ever apologised after settling in the line. She felt a heavy gaze on her and looked up, locking gaze with Jayden. Ever shifted her eyes to the right and saw her. Her eyes became cold instantly as she stared at the woman beside Jayden. It was her. she was the one he cheated on her with. Just last night he asked her why she broke up with him and today he had the guts to appear in front of her with that woman. Ever gave a low, sarcastic chuckle that immediately drew attention as the place was naturally quiet. She looked up and noticed the eyes of everyone on her and looked away.

''What is funny, Miss France?'' Jayden asked as he looked at Ever.

''Nothing sir, I just thought of something funny. I'm sorry'' 

''Care to share with us? Everyone must be curious to know what you thought off that was so funny''

''I doubt anyone is interested in my thoughts. They are mine after all'' Ever said back and the chief chef nudged at her to stop and act polite.

''Young Master, Miss Ever is usually not like this. She must be under pressure because of the workload today. She had been in the kitchen the whole day making sure our guests have the best deserts and pastries'' the chief chef spoke out in favour of Ever. It could be said that in the whole kitchen, he was the one who cared about Ever.

''Is not like she was the only one who did the work'' Benita, the other pastry chef said sarcastically.

''That's right. She wasn't the only one who worked hard today. If she can't even take the little pressure of the work from today, then, her days in this hotel are numbered because now that I have taken over, I will not allow any mistakes. If you know you can't take the pressure, it's best to leave now than later'' Jayden said meaningfully while looking at Ever. Ann, the secretary beside Jayden smirked as she looked at Ever.

''Yes, Boss'' the kitchen staff responded with the exception of Ever. She curved her lips in a half smile as she looked at Jayden apathetically, her appearance seemed lazy and bored at the same time.

''Hurry, introduce yourselves'' the assistant manager said to the kitchen staff. The chief chef was the first to introduce himself followed by the assistant. They were in ranks. Ever was the main pastry chef followed by Benita who was demoted after a mistake she made.

After the introduction, Jayden stretched his hand towards his assistant and she handed him a file. He opened it and looked at it as he spoke.

''Next month, we will be holding a contest. I won a bidding with the government and the celebration party will be hosted by us. The kitchen is responsible for all the food. But, before the celebration party, we will hold a contest for all kitchen staff. Everyone will present a new dish, desert or pastry which will be tested by a group of judges. The winners will be the ones to take care of the celebration party. The theme will be 'reminisce!' and you are all to make one particular food that will carry this meaning'' Jayden said and handed the file back to Ann.

''Reminisce?'' the kitchen staffs except Ever started mumbling among themselves.

''Sir, you said anyone can take part in this competition. Then, will the winners be made the new chiefs of the food and pastry sections of the F and B department?'' Benita asked as she looked at Ever.

''Yes, the one who wins will be made the new chief'' Jayden said.

''Miss Ever, we have to win this contest at all cost, or else someone will gloat over us'' Emma said to Ever.

''You said anyone can take part? It means it isn't compulsory to do it, right?'' Ever asked out loud and everyone quietened down and looked at her.

''Yes, that is what I said. Do you have a problem with that, Miss France?'' Jayden asked.

''No, I just wanted to be clear on it so that I can stepped away from taking part in it'' Ever said and Jayden's lips twitched.

''Miss Ever, what do you mean?'' Emma asked.

''Ever, what are you saying? This is your chance to prove to everyone that you didn't get to your position through the backdoor'' the chief chef reminded Ever. Since she came to work at the hotel, a lot of rumours have been going round that she entered through the backdoor and had no real experience. Even though the rumour wasn't through, a lot of workers still trolled her when their own capabilities didn't match much.

''May I know why you don't want to take part in the competition? Miss France'' Jayden asked.

''I don't need to prove to anyone anything and I don't have anything to 'reminisce' on'' Ever said, looking into his eyes.

''Then, if the only member in your section wins, you will have to hand over your position to them. Are you okay with that, Miss France?'' Ann asked as she stared at Ever interestingly. For some reason she was different from the one she knew two years ago. If anything, she looked confident now.

''I don't really place much importance to positions. I just do my duties well. Anyone who wins can have my current position. If anything, it will lessen my burden'' Ever replied.

''Ever, stop saying nonsense'' the chief chef said, trying to stop Ever but she was adamant.

''So, you mean to say that you have nothing to 'reminisce' about at all? Miss Ever, are you a dry land?'' Jayden asked and the staff chuckled.

''Jayden, we are in the midst of people. control yourself'' Ann leaned and whispered to Jayden. Ever squirted her eyes while looking at them.

Cheating couple. They are a match made in heaven. Indeed, shameless people are always the ones to call someone out for being shameless. Ever was done been good, kind and even tempered. She was about to say something when her phone rang in her bag. She removed it and saw the incoming call from her mother and her gaze softened immediately.

''Excuse me, I have to answer this call'' Ever said and turned to go.

''I am not done speaking, Miss France'' Jayden screamed at her, suddenly losing his cool. Ever turned at once to look at him saying.

''Is it a call from my mother. Should I answer it or not, Mr. Saint?''

''Answer it. Meeting dismissed!!!'' Jayde said and walked away. When he got to Ever, he looked at her coldly before continuing his journey with large and hurried strides.

The assistant manager and the staff all heaved a sigh of relief as they started chatting.

''Wow, I felt so cold''

''Will Miss Ever be okay? She seemed to have angered the Boss'' a concerned kitchen attendant said worriedly.

''Why won't she be okay? She has guts and a strong backer. How many times have she not disobeyed orders from the higher-ups and did whatever she wanted? Has she ever been made to pay a price for her actions and attitude?'' Benita said loudly and Ever turned after her call.

''Why? Are you angry or simply jealous that I have a backer? If you can buy a backer from the roadside, why don't you go out and get one for yourself? Don't blame your incompetence on me. I already said I won't compete against you. What else do you want?'' Ever said to Benita whose face was ashen.

''You how dare you?'' Benita said and lifted her hand. Ever caught it halfway and twisted her hand backwards making her scream. Everyone stood by shocked because this was the first time Ever had ever lost her cool. She was always quiet and usually ignored whatever they said about her.

''Do you think I am not aware that you are the one spreading all those rumours about me? a backer? I wished I had one but what to do? I got into this hotel based on my capabilities. If you have anything to say about me or you feel wronged, then just come to me and say it to my face. Even a kind and patient person like me can lose her cool one day'' Ever said and pushed Benita away and she stumbled backwards and someone helped her.

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