Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 17: : Tier 2 potion: Qi Condensing Pill

Chapter 17: : Tier 2 potion: Qi Condensing Pill

Looking at the plump middle-aged man with a smile like a flower, he rushed towards him.

Lei Xiao's mouth twitched involuntarily.

This is the hottest eye picture he has ever seen since he crossed over.

Based on the clothing and appearance analysis provided by Nan Xing next to him, and what he had seen and heard, Lei Xiao had roughly determined the identities of the two.

A pair of desperate merchants and mercenaries.

Undoubtedly, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the surroundings of the territory.

At the same time, this also means that there is a high probability that there will be human gathering places in the surrounding area three kilometers away from the territory.

"This young and handsome adult, the villain trader Kumbu, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

I saw the middle-aged man who had come to the front, first politely bowed to Lei Xiao.

Afterwards, while rubbing his hands with a flattering smile, he pleaded with Lei Xiao, "May my lord be merciful.

Escort the villain to the river to the west? There is a boat waiting for the villain. "

As a well-informed businessman, Kunbu saw at a glance that Lei Xiao's status was obviously higher, and he was ready to go to the condom.

However, before Kumbu could hug Lei Xiao's thigh, Nan Xing, who was beside him, set up a crossbow, his pretty face was full of chills.

She is Lei Xiao's personal bodyguard, so naturally she will not allow the suspicious stranger in front of her to get too close to Lord Lord.

Directly opposite, looking at the arrow flashing with dazzling cold light, Kunbu, who is sensible, quickly raised his hands and smiled all over his face, indicating that he had no malicious intentions.

On the other side, he lightly patted Nanxing on the shoulder, indicating that he should not be nervous, Lei Xiao stepped forward and smiled at Kunbu: "Your request seems a little too abrupt, right?

I think, if it were you, it would be impossible to help a stranger of unknown origin, right? "

Undoubtedly, the reason why Lei Xiao opened his mouth like this was naturally to find out the details of the two and the relevant situation in the surrounding area.

"Your lord is right, we set out from Yehe Town, the nearest town to the east of this big forest, seven days ago, and were going to Kongqing Town in the west..."

Next, according to Kunbu's description, Lei Xiao learned.

These two towns belong to two different human kingdoms.

Yehe Town is more than 50 kilometers away from here, and Kongqing Town is about 8 kilometers away. It is located on the plain at the other end of the river in the west of the forest.

Currently, the border is completely blocked because the two countries are at war.

Therefore, Kumbu, who has been doing business between the two countries for many years, chose to take the risk and hire mercenaries to traverse the forest.

As for the name of this forest, it is called the Forest of Shadows.

It is said that for hundreds of years, both countries have sent a large number of troops to investigate here.

However, in the end, not a single soldier came out of the forest.

The entire forest, like a demon, will shroud everyone who enters it under its shadow until it devours it, hence the name.

Because of this, this forest has also become a no-holds-barred zone and a natural barrier between the two countries. Even the surrounding civilians avoid it and dare not take a step.

"If it weren't for this batch of goods, I was really in a hurry, and I wouldn't have made such a stupid move to traverse the Shadow Forest.

It's good now, not to mention the loss of the goods, I almost took my life in it. "

I saw Kunbu sighed with a frowning expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Kunbu changed the subject, and carefully took out a palm-sized brocade box from his arms, handed it to Lei Xiao with both hands, and flattered: "Sir, this is a little bit of the little man's heart.

If you can **** the villain to the river, this baby is a gift from the villain to honor you. "

After taking the brocade box, Lei Xiao opened it and saw a white medicine-like object lying quietly in it.

Without hesitation, he directly opened the property bar.

Name: Condensing Qi Dan

[Grade: Second-Order? Excellent]

Effect: Strengthen your body and improve your strength

[Remarks: This potion is refined from a variety of rare materials. After taking it, its own strength will be permanently improved, and it can be increased by 1 to 3 stars each time.

When you reach the peak of the first-order 9-star, there is a 50% probability that you can directly break through to the second-order, and the highest can be raised to the second-order 9-star.

"Second-order potion, Qi condensing pill?!"

When Shannai, who was standing aside, saw the items in the Lei Xiao Brocade Box, he involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of spit.

In this world, potions are a very rare luxury.

Generally speaking, its value is at least ten times that of weapons of the same class, and she has only seen it once.

There is no doubt that with this one alone, I am afraid that I can buy a large two-story house in the center of Kongqing Town!

On the other side, after checking the attributes, Lei Xiao couldn't help but be overjoyed.

In terms of function introduction, there are no restrictions.

This undoubtedly means that he can obviously take this medicine too!

The most important thing is that next to this potion, three small characters "Upgradable" appeared!

"Not bad, then I'll accept it."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he nodded calmly, and Lei Xiao opened his mouth and said, "Nan Xing, then you can send these two."

After a pause, Lei Xiao whispered in Nan Xing's ear again, "If you encounter a strong enemy, you don't need to be entangled, just withdraw."

"Follow your orders!"

Nan Xing clasped his fists, turned to face Kunbu and Shanna, and said expressionlessly, "Let's go."

"I can't thank you enough, thank you so much, sir!"

Hearing this, UU Reading Kunbu looked overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

On the other side, Shan Nai bowed silently to Lei Xiao and left with Nan Xing.

After a while, until the three figures disappeared completely, Nan Yue, who was hiding in the dark, reappeared in front of Lei Xiao.

On the other side, looking at the introverted Nanyue, she seems to be hesitant to speak.

Lei Xiao smiled and said first, "Nan Yue, do you want to ask why I didn't kill them directly or let them die on their own.

Instead, you want to send Nanxing to **** them out of the forest all the way? "

"Reporting to the lord, it's...exactly." Nan Yueqiao, who was alone with Lei Xiao for the first time, blushed slightly, nodded and said.

"It's very simple, because it's better for us in the long run to let them go back safely."

Lei Xiao began to explain: "First of all, during the conversation just now, I have confirmed from the side several times that the other party has not discovered our territory.

Secondly, Kunbu is the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in Kongqing Town, and has a certain social status.

And sooner or later we will have contact with the nearest town.

At that time, no matter what you do, Kumbu will be the best stepping stone and breakthrough.

Finally, as for the female mercenary, after returning to the mercenary organization safely, she will definitely tell the other companions about our rescue.

In this way, the entire mercenary organization will also have a certain favorable impression of us.

All in all, no matter how you think about it, escorting them away safely is a profitable business. "

Hearing this, Nanyue showed a sudden realization.

In the eyes that looked at Lei Xiao, there was an indescribable brilliance.

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