Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 230 - The Grim Situation of the Ruins

Chapter 230: The Grim Situation of the Ruins

“My Lord.”

The leader of the wizard apprentices spoke in a grave tone, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He walked forward and came to the window. He looked in the direction of the evil cave outside. After observing for a moment, he turned his head and reported in a deep voice, “This area is very strange. I feel that there’s something... strange about it.”

Even the other six mage apprentices also nodded. “We also have this feeling.”

“Well, tell us what you have found.”

Kant frowned.

These mage apprentices definitely found something unusual.

Just like when the Ravenston Rangers approached the cave, they also found the evil in it. They even claimed to have sensed the aura of the underworld. Then Kant met the evil demonized creatures.

There were even real demons.

Female succubi with goat horns, goat hooves, bat tails, and bat wings!

Although the land of Pande where the Ravenstons lived was a fantasy world, it was in the age of doom.

It seemed to be the same world as Kant’s.

Therefore, although these Ravenstons did not control all kinds of magic or extraordinary powers, they could still draw certain instinctive perceptive conclusions from historical rumors and their natural aversion to evil.

The mage apprentices’s perceptive senses were even stronger.

They came from the world of war, where technology was advanced and magic was powerful.

In other words, these mage apprentices themselves had mastered the mysterious power of magic. They already had some understanding of the rules of the world, and their basic theoretical knowledge was better. The conclusions they obtained after perceptive senses were also more scientific, they were even more able to understand what kind of trouble was hidden under this village!

After Kant’s confirmation, the mage apprentices discussed with each other.

But they quickly came to a conclusion.

Obviously, what they sensed was the same.

This made them feel calm. The leading mage apprentice answered and organized his words.

After a short pause, he reported to Kant solemnly, “This started when we were close to the Senwaya range. At that time, we had already sensed that the elemental energy in this mountain range was somewhat unstable.”

“I have no concept of magic.”

Kant frowned and reminded the mage apprentice, “Put it simply.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, my Lord. It’s like this.”

The leading Mage Apprentice’s expression was a little awkward. He immediately changed the academic report and explained in the usual language, “It is the positive energy that represents justice, and the negative energy that represents evil that creates conflict and conflict.” After a pause, he continued, “Especially when we enter the inner part of the mountain range and come to the village where we are, we can clearly sense that these two opposing elemental energies are almost fighting each other.”

“Positive energy and negative energy.” Kant nodded. He could understand this.

Seeing that Kant did not raise any objections, the apprentice continued to report, “For example, in the Senwaya range, there is positive energy gathering at the top, but underground, there is also negative energy gathering.”

“This is very strange.” Kant frowned. He seemed to have thought of something.

“That’s right.” The mage apprentice nodded. “This is what we are surprised about. It is very illogical.”

Kant turned his head to look out of the window.

The lush forests and mountains were still as usual without the slightest abnormality.

But in his heart, he seemed to be thinking.

After pondering for a moment, Kant turned his head to the mage apprentices and asked, “Does the positive energy represent the sun, heat, fire and other factors, while the negative energy represents... evil like demons?”

“That’s right.” The mage apprentice nodded.

After thinking for a moment, he explained again, “Solar energy represents positive energy, but flames and flames are formed by fire elements alone. As for negative energy, demons can indeed represent it. Similarly, there are undead that have risen from the dead.”

The world of warlike in the emfars Empire was a complete magical fantasy world.

Humans had never been the rulers of that continent.

There were also elves, dwarves, and even kingdoms established by the demons and the undead.

Thus, the mage apprentices from the emfars Empire knew a lot about other races. After all, mages were also scholars. When studying certain spells, they needed to learn from the descriptions of spells in many historical biographies, they also had to learn from the understanding of other races on spells. This was the most important thing.

Therefore, these wizard apprentices could only really come to a conclusion after sensing.

The positive energy and the negative energy were clashing.

With the Senwaya Range as the boundary, the positive energy from the sky and the negative energy from the underground were clashing fiercely. It was like water and fire. A winner and a loser had to be determined.

“Could it be that the environment here is also formed because of this?”

Kant pondered for a moment.

He quickly pieced together the various details that came to his mind.

The hot Nahrin Desert, the Senwaya range with a little cold air, and the relics and sun disk that belonged to the bloodline of the sun god, which had been left behind during the age of the gods.

In addition, the female succubus said that the war originated from the age of the gods!

“It’s like this.”

Kant narrowed his eyes. He had already gotten the conclusion he wanted.

He did not hesitate. Instead, he stood up and directly waved his hand at the mage apprentices and the soldiers waiting outside. He gave his order in a deep voice, “Everyone, enter the evil cave and attack the demonized creatures in the ancient passage!”

“Yes!” The messenger immediately responded and walked out of the council hall to pass on Kant’s order.

The troops were already ready.

240 infantrymen, 87 archers, 40 crossbowmen, and 188 heavy cavalry.

Other than 200 level 3 intermediate troop Luo duoke who was proficient in spear and Lance, the rest of the troop class were all level 4 and Level 5 elites. They were the middle and high level powerful combat troops!

Kant left the council hall and stood at the door.

He swept his gaze across these elite troops and nodded slightly. He waved his hand and ordered, “Cavalry, dismount.”


Swadian man-at-arms immediately obeyed the order.

All of the cavalry dismounted and carried only their own weapons and equipment. They lined up in a formation and formed a square formation. Each of them held a lance and a fan-shaped shield. They wore heavy chain armor and did not look any different from the wide shields on their backs, the soldiers of Rhodoks held heavy machetes.

The infantrymen and crossbowmen of the Kingdom of Swadia were of the same lineage as the Kingdom of Rhodoks. In other words, the training methods and fighting methods of both sides were almost the same.

Because both sides were once one.

The arrangements were completed.

Kant turned to James and instructed, “Watch the village. I’ll go down and support Bandake.”

Bandake was leading a small number of elite troops to defend below.

The troops Kant had calculated were all the troops of the village of Aaron. In reality, they were divided into two parts, the peak of the mountain and the cave. After all, there was no region for leveling up. As long as Kant chose to level up, the data would flow into the ruins, those low-level troop class could also level up.

“Lord Kant, there won’t be any mistakes here.”James solemnly guaranteed.

“Very good.” Kant nodded in satisfaction.

Without much nonsense, he directly walked in front and led the team to the inside of the ruins.

Sergeant Rhodoks acted as the personal guards to protect Kant.

Next were the crossbowmen and archers, as well as the infantrymen and cavalry.

Although there were only 555 people, the imposing manner that they walked out was like a thousand people. They were all elite troops. Their entire bodies were covered with well-made iron armor, and they held excellent weapons. They had strong combat ability.

Even Rhodoks’s skilled spear-wielders wore mail armor.

As they walked, everyone’s bodies emitted a faint clattering sound. This was the sound of mail armor colliding.

They rampaged through the evil cavern’s tunnel.

Very soon, they arrived behind the stone door.

The originally turbulent subterranean river had already receded, but there were still many water stains.

He raised his head slightly.

The sun disc was still emitting a dim light on the stone platform.

Kant narrowed his eyes. The coffin on the stone platform was still there. At the same time, he could see two corpses lying side by side. They were indistinct and could not be seen clearly.

But he did know that he had killed the two mysterious people.

He walked down.

The entire stone platform was somewhat slippery because it was soaked in the water of the subterranean river.

However, in front of him, there was a 20-meter-deep depression under the stone platform. The sound of water rushing was still coming from it. It was quite deafening, as if it was the mouth of a river.

“Lord Kant!” Bandake walked over from not far away.

When he saw Kant and the elite troops walking out quickly behind him, his face was filled with excitement. “You came just in time. We urgently need support now!”

“It seems that the situation is very serious.” Kant nodded and looked at the hole in the stone wall on the west side. It was almost five meters high and more than 20 meters wide. It was just enough to hold the surging water of the entire subterranean river. The so-called ancient passage should also be there, there were more than 20 soldiers of Rhodoks holding heavy machetes guarding there.

“It’s very serious.” Bandake smiled bitterly. “The time for those demonized creatures to attack is getting shorter and shorter. The intensity of their attacks is also getting crazier and crazier.”

It had not been two days since ban dake arrived here.

However, the demonized creatures that he encountered were crazier than before.

Half an hour ago, there was an even crazier attack. All the soldiers had to work hard to defeat those demonized creatures. Now, those corpses were still left in the ancient passage.

That was why Kant saw the soldiers who were resting in the city wall.

“Howl –”

A mournful wolf howl suddenly appeared.

Bandake suddenly turned his head and looked at the ancient passage where the stone wall had collapsed on the west side. He turned his head and smiled bitterly at Kant. “Lord, those damned demonized creatures are here again!”

“It’s very simple now.”

Kant’s tone was calm. He turned his head and said, “Get into formation and prepare for battle.”

“Yes!” The soldiers replied in a deep voice. Under the lead of their respective captain, they quickly rushed over.

They all formed into a regular battle formation.

The Sharp Spears moved forward to form a spear formation. Thick and heavy long-handled sabers stood on both sides, protecting the archer formation at the front. They were soon ready for battle.

Kant moved forward.

Under the cover of this group of elite troops, he was full of confidence.

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