Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 208 - Miracle-like Construction

Chapter 208: Miracle-like Construction

The data provided by the system was very detailed.

Kant looked at every detail carefully.

This was the data of the castle-level “Drondheim”. He must not be careless.

After all, to build his own castle and the construction in the future would mean that Kant had officially established himself in the Nahrin Desert. He was the center of power. Whether it was to expand outwards or to defend in place, he had to think carefully.

As for the buildings that could be built, there were many types, but they were not complicated. However, Kant’s eyes were slightly stunned.

The castle-level buildings that could be built were very familiar.

Many of the buildings existed in the fortress-level were also built inside the city walls now. Moreover, their functions were almost the same, or they were exactly the same. The only difference was that they were upgraded and not upgraded.

For example, the tower, the arrow tower, and the city walls.

They became large towers, large arrow towers, and high-level city walls.

Although it only looked like one or two words were added to the buildings, there were much more going on from the architectural blueprint on Kant’s retina. It was bigger and more magnificent!

Compared to the original five meters tall city wall and added the two meters tall wooden attic, it was just seven meters in height.

Now the high-level city wall was completely seven meters tall alone, and it was made of two-meter-long and half-meter-thick bluestone blocks. The width of the city wall had also increased from two meters to five meters. There were no interlayers in the middle, and the whole building was completed in one, only large-caliber cannons were able to destroy it. It already became the nightmare of siege troops in the era of cold weapons.

And the three training camps could provide recruitment for the high-level troop class.

This was the system’s compromise.

According to the original game, it was impossible to directly recruit mid-level and high-level troop class. One could only gain experience points through a level 1 troop class after experiencing a battle and slowly level up.

This was the case for the Kingdom of Swaida’s troops.

If one wanted to level up, one had to slowly level up from level 1 to 2, 3, 4 and 5.

It was quite complicated.

Kant had already realized this point.

Thus, when the system gave him a troop class upgrade, Kant directly used it in the council hall.

The current “Drondheim” could directly recruit a level 2 Swadian militia.

But even if they were level 2 militiamen, they still lost the ability to engage in a frontal battle to the enemies that Kant was currently facing. Perhaps only a level 3 troop class light footmen, who wore mail armor with a German sword and a heater shield, be used in an footmen’s front line that withstood the assault during a war.

Only a level 4 heavy footmen and level 5 sergeants who wore chain mail armor were the only person who could maintain the front line.

As for a troop class 4 heavy cavalry and troop class 5 knight, they were the true main force that Kant relied on!

As for the crossbowmen of the Kingdom of Swadia...

With the “Aaron” Village from the Kingdom of Rhodoks and the existence of the strongest sniper and crossbowmen, there was no need to recruit them at all. Even in terms of the combat strength of the footman, the Swadian sergeants could be eliminated by the Rhodok segeants who wielded long hilts and heavy scythes. Even the level 6 infantrymen, the royal guards of the Nord family, could compete with them.

However, the Swadian sergeant was good at using a sword and a heater shield. With the combination of a warrior sword and a thick heater shield, they could directly cut into the enemy’s battlefield, making up for the weakness of the Rhodok soldiers’ low mobility due to the use of long hilts and heavy scythes.

Kant withdrew his thoughts.

He was impressed by the strength of the castle-level.

With the appearance of all these buildings and the elite troop class, he could completely defend his castle.

Even if the enemy attacked, they could rely on the perfect city defenses to fight against the enemy. They could even use strong field combat ability the Kingdom of Swadia soldiers to defeat the exhausted enemy.

Just like how they dealt with the expedition army of the Kingdom of Grey Mane!

A living example was right in front of them.

Moreover, Kant did not believe that with just this castle stood in the oasis in the depths of the desert, what kind of enemy would be able to encircle them for a long time? It was estimated that they would have to retreat not long after.

Even the nearest Dukedom of Leo.

Ten years ago, the 2,000-man army had retreated in less than two months.

The logistical supplies in the desert were a huge problem!

He muttered to himself.

Kant thought about it and directly communicated with the system, he issued a series of orders in a deep voice, “Upgrade the current stone city walls to castle-level. Build one large arrow tower every 10 meters, one large tower every 30 meters, and upgrade all the city gates to high-level gates. Build one large arrow tower and tower on each side of the gate.”

The large arrow tower was 15 meters tall and had four floors. It could accommodate 50 archers.

The large tower was 20 meters tall and had six floors. It could accommodate 80 archers.

It could be said that these castle-level large arrow towers and towers that built along the city wall were basically impregnable. Any enemy troops that attempted to attack the city wall would have to suffer heavy casualties when they approached the city wall. Otherwise, who knew how many people were able to get close if they just directly attacked with their lives.

Moreover, with the range and firing speed of Vaegirs archers, as well as the sturdiness and height of the city wall, the enemy would give up their attempts to use simple siege weapons to attack the city wall.

Such as the ordinary long ladders and simple battering ram, it was impossible to break through the high-level city wall of castle.

The five meters thick high-level city wall was made of bluestone blocks.

It had reached the point where one had to use high-grade siege weapons such as siege engines, siege towers, and catapults to get close to the city wall and suppress the enemy’s firepower. Only then, they could take down the city wall.

As for whether or not they could withstand the rain of arrows and break through the stubbornly resisting city wall defenders, that was another matter.

Moreover, the Swadian heavy cavalry troops were not to be trifled with.

[ Ding... system prompt ]

[ The construction this time requires a total of 29,570 denars. Yes/No? ]

Along with the expenditure of nearly 30,000 denars, the city walls of the entire “Drondheim” castle suddenly underwent a change. The construction team from Suno had already appeared behind the dune not far away. The number was huge, and there were than 500 people, the large amount of wood and stone, as well as construction tools, were all filled with 100 large carriages.

To upgrade and build all the city walls, arrow towers, and towers was a huge amount of work.

The overall construction time given by the system had also reached 150 days.

It was close to half a year’s time.

If it was in the real world, in the era of cold weapons with manpower as the main labor force, to be able to obtain such a defensive effect in half a year’s time was definitely a godly speed.

According to the game, the so-called 150 days was about 20 hours in the real world.

After playing the game for a few days, it would be completed.

But now, although Kant was in the real world, he still had the system time in the game.

150 days, half a year to complete it was a bit too long for Kant.

With the help of the system.

Any construction project of Kant could be completed in a short time!

The system had once warned Kant not to waste his reputation recklessly. Hence, he had kept the reputation points that he had obtained. And now, the reputation points that he had kept had played a crucial role!

Now, 10 reputation points could reduce the construction time by one day.

That meant that Kant’s 150 days of construction time could be completely offset with 1500 reputation points!

To Kant, who had 24,300 reputation points, it was like a drop in the bucket.

Previously, the various main quest, temporary quest, and special quest had allowed Kant to accumulate such a large amount of reputation points. Now was the time to use it. He did not need to care about the consumption problem at all!

This was the reputation points that he had saved!

There was no burden in using it.

“System.”, Kant directly communicated with the system and ordered, “Pay 1,500 reputation points immediately and shorten all the construction of the city wall to one day!”

[ Ding... construction time has been shortened. ]

The system popped up a notification.

In Kant’s mind, the number of reputation points immediately decreased by 1,500 points.

However, there was still 22,800 points left.

Kant’s lips curled into a smile as he used the system’s golden fingers to complete the building. This feeling was extraordinary, because right below him, at the “Drondheim” Castle, a large amount of data streams had already begun to spread.

The clanging sounds of buildings rang out rapidly.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the outline of the city walls and arrow towers had already appeared.

And as the data stream dragged on, it was nearing completion.

The 150 days of construction time was shortened to one day, which was almost the end of the project. The four city walls were tall and wide, with large arrow towers every 10 meters, and one large tower every 30 meters.

These fortifications were built one after another, standing like giants.

In front of the 10 meters tall walls, the 15 meters tall arrow towers, and the 20 meters tall towers, the buildings inside the walls were as short as chicks. Even the 15 meters tall council hall was seemed to be much shorter.

However, as the main building of the castle, the council hall occupied a larger area, and the walls were thicker and heavier, so the defense was better. After all, this building had a comprehensive defense system.

When the enemy broke through the walls, all the soldiers and civilians in the “Drondheim” Castle would enter the council hall to defend. The height of the six-story building could accommodate thousands of people, so it was no problem to retreat into the council hall and fought against the enemies.

Of course, Kant would not let the enemy break through the walls.

At present, 1,500 civilians could become 1,500 Swadian militiamen with once the bell tower rang.

Although their combat strength was relatively weak, they were fearless in protecting their homes.

In the list of buildings, the bell tower could also be upgraded. Meanwhile, Kant scanned through the list of buildings that could be upgraded and built. At the same time, he gave orders even faster: “Level up all the houses, upgrade the bell tower, build the footman, cavalry, and crossbowman’s training ground. At the same time, build all the civilian buildings.”

With the expenditure of denars and reputation points, under the system’s rules, all of the buildings were instantly completed like a miracle!

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