Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 203 - Aaron’s Prosperity

Chapter 203: Aaron’s Prosperity

Perhaps this ruin had cut off the underground river in the mountain range when it was built. If anything unusual happened, it would trigger a self-destruct program, causing the underground river water that had been accumulating for thousands of years to suddenly pour down and destroy everything in the torrential flood, making the ruin a tool to destroy the enemy so that they could all perish together.

Perhaps through thousands of years, an underground river eroded the karst cave, causing the river water to connect with each other and change its course. This was very common in the natural environment. After all, in close to 10,000 years’ time, anything could happen.

These speculations were reasonable, but they were not of much help to the present.

Knowing history could help one understand the truth of gains and losses, but history was only experience after all. It was an anecdote that could not provide any help to Kant now. It was something that was dispensable.

Kant did not need to know what had happened here in the past.

Similarly, he did not need to know that the goddess in the ruins had survived in the golden coffin for at least 10,000 years, or that female devil who claimed to have broken the seal because of the weakening of the Golden Light. What kind of grudges did she have.

The current era was not the era of the gods.

Even if the so-called gods returned, Kant would not let them go.

Just like how the gods would not allow anyone to challenge their authority, Kant, who had no faith and was not protected by the gods, was definitely an existence they wanted to erase.

Kant could not offer his soul to the gods for protection.

From the looks of it, the two sides already had irreconcilable conflicts.

And it was the most intense kind.

“But we must be thankful that this is the age of chaos. The once high and mighty mages and priests also have to bow their heads to the swords in our hands. Even the demons have to die in front of the arrows.”

Kant’s voice appeared behind the stone door.

He turned his head to look at Manide, James, and the Swadian Knight who were standing on both sides of the stone door with a dull look on their faces. He said in a deep voice, “No one will be a match for us. This is what I firmly believe in my heart.”

James was slightly older, so he quickly reacted. “Under your leadership, this will definitely happen.”

“Yes... Yes.” The others also nodded in agreement, and at the same time, they looked back at the stone door in shame.

The scene inside the stone door still shocked them.

Although they had seen the magnificent internal sculpture, architectural structure, and the almost spacious space, they had still attracted the attention of the demonized wolf and the two female enemies, so they did not observe it carefully.

Now, he relaxed.

When he inspected it again, the ruins that had collapsed due to the flood, although it was less solemn and serious, its had an awe-inspiring quality condensed through time.

The stone platform under the statue was still there.

The stone coffin wrapped in the golden coffin was also on the stone platform, and on the left and right sides, there were the god’s descendant saintesses dressed in gold threads, as well as the female demon wrapped in a black cloak with a goat horn on her forehead.

They were all corpses, and their deaths were equally miserable.

“That’s good.”

Kant heaved a sigh of relief, and his gaze became even more fervent.

The two worthless corpses could be casually thrown into the subterranean river, but not the several tons of golden coffins. If the coffins were really washed away by the flood, or if they were to sink into the deep river beyond the stone platform, Kant would definitely not be happy, this was equivalent to giving up the ready-made denar.

The leader of the trade caravan from Reyvadin, Jocelyn, had once said that gold could be exchanged for denar.

Although he did not specify the price.

But just by looking at Jocelyn’s seriousness, it was clear that the exchange rate was definitely not low!

No matter what, gold was the hard currency of various planes and crystal walls!

The same was true for the continent of Caradia.

This water source was the agricultural foundation for Aaron’s long-term development, and this gold was definitely the spoils of war that allowed Kant to harvest a large amount of denar and obtain more opportunities for development.

As for whether this golden coffin was a rare object?

Kant didn’t care.

If he could earn a large amount of denar, so what if it was a rare object? He wasn’t lacking in rare objects at the moment!


Kant raised his head slightly and swept his gaze across the two stone statues at the edge of the stone platform. They were made to look like they were kneeling down. Their hands were holding up the two sun disks, which were still emitting golden light.

Therefore, although the entire interior of the ruins was dark, it was still barely visible.

However, the flood continued.

The stone floor outside the stone platform collapsed, forming a deep and dark subterranean river. Under the golden light shining above, one could still vaguely see an unknown large fish that was more than one meter long swimming back and forth, occasionally breaking the surface of the water with its dorsal fin, slightly black scales arranged neatly, looking carnivorous.

There were not many vegetarian fish in the subterranean river.

“Ready-made fish!”

Manide raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the flood outside the stone gate. There were many small and delicate groups of fish swimming along with the one meter long large fish, appearing and disappearing in the flood, he could not help but turn his head and smile at Kant. “I really envy Aaron Village. It seems that not only do they have more game, but they can also develop their fishing industry.”

This underground river could be used to catch fish. Just by looking at the abundant fish, one could tell that this underground river was rich in natural fish resources.

Moreover, the water that seeped out from the cracks in the mountain, the small lake that formed at the foot of the mountain, and the small river that extended all the way out of the mountain range were all natural environments that could be used to raise fish. With a little modification of the terrain, it could form an artificial fishing ground.

As long as Kant had fish species, he could quickly cultivate many fish.

Making smoked fish and increasing the variety of food was definitely not a dream for this village “Aaron.” It could be easily realized. Moreover, all kinds of game were added to make dried meat and open up the mountain to form terraces. Every autumn, one could harvest a warehouse full of grains. It was definitely an important base for agriculture!

In terms of development prospects, this village “Aaron” had surpassed “Drondheim” almost since the beginning of its establishment.

Because the resources here were really too rich!

It was just that it lacked the necessary development.

Once it took two to three years for “Drondheim” to supply the development of this place, and everything was ready, “Aaron” would feed “Drondheim” back, moving into a mutually beneficial phase.

Kant didn’t plan to develop Aaron into a castle.

Instead, he would choose cities as the basis for the next level up.

After all, a castle was the key to controlling a certain place, and it was used for military purposes. In terms of people’s livelihood, agriculture, commerce, and other development, it was completely backward, or it could be said that it was purely military-centered.

Drondheim’s military level up was because there were external enemies.

On the other hand, Aaron had no enemies. Even if it had potential enemies, they were only wild beasts and demonized creatures in the mountains.

Therefore, the nature of the two was different.

“Let’s go back.”

Kant had already made up his mind. He led his team and left the stone door and the cave passage.

This ruin had already become his possession.

The entire area around Aaron was also Kant’s possession.

Now, they only needed to develop.

The golden coffin was still on the stone platform, waiting to be made into a small sampan in the future. It would be fine as long as people went over to separate it and transport it out. Naturally, the thing that was already firmly in Kant’s pocket wouldn’t be able to escape.


The construction of the village, “Aaron,” was completed.

In order to ensure development, Kant stayed in the Senwaya range until the end of the month before finally preparing to leave. This was also because James and Manide were worried about Drondheim, so Kant was the first to return.

During this period of time, the village Aaron continued to develop rapidly.

Twenty traditional house of Rhodoks were neatly arranged next to the council hall. They formed three small streets with the ten houses that had been built previously. They were already occupied by 300 fleeing Rhodoks peasant farmers.

Furthermore, on the south side of the council hall, the flat land on the mountain peak close to the depths of the mountain range had basically been flattened into farmland.

But because the soil layer was thin, and some areas were less than 20 centimeters, they were still full of broken stones. So these peasant farmers were using hoes to search for soil on other mountains, carrying it back in rattan baskets, and artificially starting to pave and raise the soil layer, to lay the foundation for future agriculture, so that they could quickly cultivate the mountain fields that could be planted.

And just at the foot of the mountain, next to the mountain crack, where the water from the subterranean river gushed out, a water mill had been built. The water wheel turned quickly, driving the stone mill inside to crush the grain and turn it into flour.

Peasant carried the flour up and baked it into bread in the kitchen of the house.

Wisps of green smoke curled in the air.

The village Aaron finally showed some signs of prosperity.

On the inner side of the city wall, 40 Ravenston Rangers with heavy battle bows were patrolling under the lead of seven Ravenston Rangers. They vigilantly scanned the situation on the outside of the mountain and guarded the safety of Aaron’s village with their superb archery skills, to ensure the stability and ownership of this place.

During this period of time, at least 30 blind demonized creatures had fallen under their arrows.

Although they were all ordinary species, it also showed how powerful they were.

At the same time, 10 Swadian snipers and 20 Rhodoks senior snipers were stationed in the council hall. They were all using heavy crossbows. The only difference was that level-5 snipers had slightly more proficiency and experience.

It had to be said that the Rhodoks was a natural-born master of crossbows and long-pole weapons.

13 Swadian Sergeants and 40 veteran Rhodoks spear-wielders wielding long-hilted broadswords had already formed an army that could face ferocious demonized creatures. They also had ferocious combat strength.

Of the three vicious demonized creatures hanging in the council hall, two of them had been killed by them.

Moreover, it was a battle with no casualties.

Of course, the Archers of Ravenston and the Crossbowmen of Swadia and Rhodoks had also provided the necessary help to allow these close-combat troop class to deal with the vicious demonized creatures so easily.

The combat ability of the soldiers who formed the battle sequence far surpassed that of wild beasts.

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