Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 155 - The Power of the Elemental Giants

Chapter 155: The Power of the Elemental Giants

In a very short period of time, the Jackal expeditionary force was completely reorganized.

Under the order of the commander, they rearranged themselves into five square formations and slowly pressed towards the city wall.

They did not wait.

Because these Jackals understood that the moment they set foot in the southern part of the Nahrin desert and lost their follow-up supplies, time had abandoned them and stood behind the humans.

The advantage of time had shifted.

Now, it was the humans who were in control of time. They had sufficient supplies and city walls.

They could not wait.

The more time dragged on, the greater the chance of death ofthese Jackal warriors who had once been invincible in the Mannheim coast. Now, they could only grit their teeth and attack while they still had some energy left in their bodies, besides fighting with their lives, the more time they waited, the weaker the Jackal warriors would become. In the end, they would become even weaker than human children!

The sun was hanging in the sky, releasing its mighty power, causing the scorching and terrifying temperature to sweep across the desert.

Noon was coming.

This was even more threatening to the Jackal expeditionary army who lacked water.

”Howl —”

The commander’s mournful howl appeared.

The five heavy footman phalanxes began to move forward at a faster pace and even began to run. Their targets were the two corpse stairs that were still burning, as well as the thick and heavy city gates that were wrapped in iron sheets and studded with iron nails!

The remaining Jackals were still in neat formation, their faces grim and desperate.

Kant’s heart was beating faster.

But his face remained calm. He slowly raised his right hand and his voice was clear and loud: “Free fire, everyone!”

“Free fire!”

“Free fire!”

“Free fire!”

The squad leaders passed down Kant’s orders.

But compared to Kant’s calm face, their cold sweat and nervous faces revealed their unease.

Before, they had been able to support themselves, but with a small number of men, they felt great pressure, especially the archers. After the hasty shooting, the biceps in their arms had been severely strained, and now they became extremely sore. If they continued to draw the bow and shoot, they could not sustain themselves for a long time.

The only good news was that they had not suffered any casualties due to the Jackals’ lack of siege equipment and ranged units.

”Start shooting!”

The Ravenstern ranger drew the heavy bow in his hand and gritted his teeth as he continued to shoot the cone arrows in his quiver.

These archers from the Misty Mountains were also beginning to feel tired and hands aching, but the bows were still perfectly drawn and the arrows were still deadly. At least six jackals fell in the first round.

Other victims were not killed on the spot, but still suffered mixed injuries.

They stepped into the range of the archers.

These Jackals could only choose to endure silently!

The Vikian archers and the Swadian crossbowmen also began to rain down their arrows.

The sound of arrows tearing through the air was incessant and the arrows and crossbows flying through the air could be seen with the naked eye, constantly hitting the formation of Jackals.

At the last 50 meters, the hunting crossbow of the Swadian militia also began to fire.

More and more Jackals fell under the dense rain of arrows.

Especially in the front row of those Jackals, full of arrows, mail armor on their bodies had been pierced through by the arrowheads, and bright red blood seeped out and dripped to the soles of their feet, leaving bloody footprints one step at a time, however, as long as their bodies were still able to hold on, they would still grit their teeth and let out low howls of encouragement, acting as a shield for their comrades behind them!

”Concentrate and fire!”

Kant’s orders were being transmitted, and even if there were Jackal howls coming from outside, the archers could still hear them clearly.

This was the credit of the messengers.

As the orders were given, the archers’ firepower instantly turned around.

They were no longer looking for the strength to kill the enemy. Instead, they poured all their arrows onto the two jackalan corpses and piled them up on the slope, forming layers of rain of arrows that turned the Jackals who wanted to step on the stairs into hedgehogs.

”Howl —”

The Jackalan’s attacks became more and more ferocious.

With the shrill howling of the Jackals grew more and more violent.

The Jackals didn’t even care if the rain of arrows in front of them became more and more concentrated and the burning flames were so painful that they strode on the corpse steps, howling up, or falling down, to form higher and firmer steps!

“Come on, push, smash!”

Manide’s voice was a little hoarse, and sweat kept coming out of his face.

The light crossbow in the hand still pulled the arrow on the string, pulled the trigger to shoot at the bottom at the same time, still turned his head to urge loudly: “speed faster! Is your limp movement a sign that you have not eaten this morning? !”

The Swadian militia didn’t answer. They gritted their teeth and picked up the stones, smashing them down.

With a few muffled sounds, two or three Jackals were smashed to the ground by the stones on the burning corpse stairs. Their limbs were twisted strangely. Although they didn’t die on the spot, they couldn’t stand up at all.

Moreover, the Swadian militia didn’t stop, but picked up the stones with clenched teeth and threw them at the bottom.

This was a critical moment.

The Jackalan corpses had formed a 4-meter wide and 6-meter long slope.

The fire caused by the broken oil tanks, the arrows from the archers, and even the rocks thrown down by the militia couldn’t stop the Jackals from climbing up the city wall.

The defensive terrain seemed to have lost its effectiveness.

Kant and the others, unable to clean up the body, could not stop the attack of the Jackals.

There were even a few times where if it wasn’t for the fact that the Ravenstern rangers had swung his two-handed greatsword and forcefully cut down the Jackalan who were so close to him, the city wall and attic would have been broken in!

”The situation is critical.”

This thought surfaced in Kant’s mind and he was already aware that the situation was getting to a disadvantage.

The Jackal reckless attack almost chilled his heart.

Turning his head to look at the archers on the city walls, the high frequency of firing in a short period of time not only exhausted them, their hands ached, but even their spirits were a little depressed. After all, their spirits were kept in a state of high tension!

If the Jackals continued to attack like this, it was only a matter of time before the city wall fell.

”Damn it.”

Kant secretly gritted his teeth and subconsciously touched his chest.

He still had a trump card.

But before he could make a decision, a muffled sound suddenly appeared by his ear and subconsciously looked down. At the nearby gate, the 50 Swadian infantry who had been guarding there were already shouting and pushing forward with their shields. With the howling of the Jackals, the figure of them appeared inside the gate.

Clearly, that muffled sound was caused by the Jackals breaking through the city gate!

”Lord Kant!”

The Swadian crossbowman who acted as a messenger at the stairway quickly reported: “The city gate has fallen and the infantry is organizing a resistance!”

”I see,” Kant replied, a cold glint appearing in his eyes.

He walked quickly toward the stairs, and there was a loud and confused shout of death below.

A dozen Jackals were charging through the gates with their two-handed battle-axes, slashing deep marks in the thick fan-shaped shields of the Svadian infantry.

”Uh huh...”

The Svadian infantry, however, fell back half a step with a red face, and the left hand, which had been raised with a shield, was also abnormally drooped. Obviously, the damage caused by this heavy blow made it difficult for these 4th level heavy infantry to resist effectively.

The strength of the Jackal warriors was indeed far greater than that of humans.

This was a racial advantage.

But the well-armed Swadian infantry, undeterred, carried on with their shields, piercing their chainmail with their sharp hands and swords, leaving deep holes in their blood.

”No, the Jackals are attacking!”

In the attic of the city wall, there was the roaring of the crossbowmen and the muffled groans of the Ravenstern rangers.

Kant looked round at once.

At the position of the corpse stairs on the city wall, it seemed as if they had felt the breakthrough of the city gate and were inspired. They actually rushed up to more than a dozen jackalan, waving their two-handed battle axes, in the narrow space, they fought with the Ravenstern rangers. However, looking at the exchange of the two-handed battle axes and the greatswords, one could tell that the rangers were constantly retreating. Obviously, still the strong and experienced high-level Jackalan had the upper hand!

”Continue shooting. Swadian crossbowmen, go and support the Ravenstern rangers!”

Kant gritted his teeth, but his orders still remained unruffled.

The Swadian crossbowmen with fan shields quickly went up to relieve the pressure on the Ravenstern rangers. In this short period of time, at least five rangers died in the attic because they couldn’t block the Jackals’ heavy axe, this made Kant’s heart tremble. This was one of his few tier 5 archers!

With bloodshot eyes, Kant watched as more and more Jackals climbed down the corpse ladder.

He had already made up his mind.

Reaching out to touch the two thin pages on his chest, Kant’s thought communication system said: ”Summon Elemental Giants!”

[ Page of clear spring ] and [ Page of fertile soil ] were instantly activated.

As Kant’s gaze passed through the window of the attic and landed outside the city wall, familiar spatial fluctuations appeared. Within the soil, seven earth elemental giants formed from soil and four water elemental giants that were slightly blood-red were shockingly there, elemental light flashed in Kant’s eyes before turning into a hostile and violent emotion.

Right around the eleven elemental giants, a huge Jackal army was crowding towards the corpse stairs and the broken city gates, completely unprepared for the sudden appearance of these elemental giants!

PS: Sorry, I was late to update something today, there will be another watch later, 3 a day is a must, no less, just wait a little, sorry. I may have to attend the wedding tomorrow, so the update time will be pushed to the afternoon, but there will be no less than 3. Just a word in advance.

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