Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 110 - Boiled Sugar Cubes

Chapter 110: Boiled Sugar Cubes

Honey date palm sugar was piece of cake for the people of Sarrandan who were good at growing date palm and keeping bees.

This temporary side quest from the system was not a problem.

Kant returned to the stronghold and went to the sugar workshop.

It was probably because he had not used it for a long time, the tools and utensils inside were covered in dust. But overall, the sugar workshop was tidy and all the tools and utensils were in good condition.

While checking, two strong Sarrandian horsemen strode over.

When they saw Kant standing in the room, they gently knocked on the door and bowed respectfully, “Lord Kant, you were looking for us.”

“That’s right.”, Kant nodded.

When they returned to the stronghold, he instructed the peasants to run errands and call two Sarrandians over.

As the Lord summoned them, the two Sarrandian horsemen who were the most senior among the group of Sarrandans, these two Sarrandian horsemen who were both level-4 troop class, came over to wait for orders.

Kant did not care about that and asked, “Do you know how to make sugar?”


The two Sarrandian horseman looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, they did not answer yes or no. Instead, they said, “We know how to make date palm sugar. We have seen the craftsmen of the sugar workshop making it before. ”

There was hesitation in their words. Clearly, they were not confident enough.

Kant nodded. “So, you haven’t made it yourself?”

“I’m sorry, Lord Kant.”

The two Sarrandian horsemen lowered their heads in shame. Obviously, this was the reason why they were not confident enough.

As level-4 elite cavalry, they were better at drawing their elite scimitars and fighting the enemy on the battlefield. They were not here to discuss the problem of making sugar with Kant. People specialized in different specialties, so Kant was calm.

After a slight pause, Kant raised his head and asked, “Then do you know the process?”

“Yes.”, the two nodded.

Kant smiled and said, “Then it’s simple. It’s enough to know the process.”

Although he had not personally made it, it was enough to know the process of how to make sugar. After all, the technical skill of making sugar was not complicated. If he knew the process in advance, he could tried a few more times to successfully make the sugar.

Soon, the tools and utensils in the sugar workshop were cleaned.

Even the fire had been lighted up. The charcoal that had been accumulated was crackling and burning inside, glowing with a fiery red light.

“My Lord, the honey has been brought. “, Sarrandian horseman walked over quickly from outside the door.

He was holding a small urn in his arms. A sweet smell faintly came from inside.

“Well done.”, Kant nodded and reached out to take it.

The amber-colored honey was half-filled. This was the stock of the ten hives. Of course, he didn’t ask the horseman to take out all of it, but only a little. After all, the desert bees couldn’t reproduce without the honey as food.

And right next to it, on the stove of the sugar workshop, the sweet smell was spreading.

An iron pot was boiling the grinded date palm powder.

The reddish-brown liquid inside the pot gradually became thicker, this was the sugar content in the date palm powder.

“Add honey.”

Kant had already heard about the sugar-boiling process described by the Sarrandian horseman. He tilted the pottery pot filled with honey and poured the amber-colored sweet honey into the iron pot, mixing it with the cooked date palm powder.

At the same time, the horseman beside him kept stirring the honey with the wooden stick.

When the fragrance was strong, he sprinkled some flour into the pot. Soon, the liquid in the iron pot became very thick.

“It’s almost done.”

The two Sarrandian horsemen looked at each other and saw the joy in each other’s eyes.

The reddish-brown thick liquid became sticky. It was a little difficult to stir it with the wooden stick, but this was the moment when the date palm honey sugar was almost finished. The reddish-brown liquid in the iron pot could be called the sugar liquid.

“Very good.”, Kant nodded in satisfaction.

This was the first time he boiled sugar, his luck was really good.

The two Sarrandian horsemen did not relax. They carefully poured the sugar liquid inside the iron pot into a container prepared by the side. After it cooled slightly, they used their hands to pat and fix the shape. After it was completely cooled, they cut it into pieces, and it became a extremely high sugar content and rich honey flavored date palm honey sugar. if they added some dried fruit crush, this would became the favorite delicacy of the Sarrandan people .

However, the Oasis Lookout didn’t have any dried fruit currently.

The sugar quickly cooled down.

Taking out the scimitar in his scabbard, the Sarrandian horseman cut it into finger-sized pieces. The red-brown color of date palm was very eye-catching, and the alluring sweet scent was even more wonderful.

“Lord, please try it.”, the two said respectfully.

“Okay.”, Kant didn’t refuse, he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

As he bit down, the rich sweet taste of date palm instantly filled his entire mouth. Mixed with the fragrance of honey, his tongue could feel the astonishing sweetness of sugar, and his saliva could not stop flowing out.

At the same time, a dialog box instantly popped up on his retina.

[ Ding... After your continuous research, you have mastered the technology of making sugar. ]

[ Side quest: “The beginning of the sugar workshop” completed. ]

[ Reward: Peasant women × 50. ]

[ Introduction: Able to eat sugar is undoubtedly a happy thing. It is the same for the peasants. This taste bring happiness and can make people forget their worries. The power of sugar is no less than salt at certain times. ]

Side quest completed.

Kant looked at the hundreds of sugar cubes in front of him. Their reddish-brown appearance was quite attractive.

“Put them away.”, he instructed the two horsemen. At the same time, he said, “Clean up this workshop. I think that in the future, there will be quite a number of peasant women in our estate who will specialize in making sugar.”

“Yes, my Lord.”, the two nodded.

The mission was completed. Kant walked toward the council hall.

After that, when the peasant women arrived, they would be responsible for the sugar-making tasks.

Walking on the street, Kant turned his head to look at the empty sandy ground around him. He had some thoughts in his mind. Next, he would not only lead his troops to take back the salt mines and wipe out the Jackalans, but also open up a trade route as soon as possible.

Baron Dylan could not wait for too long.

Moreover, after Kant brewed these sugar cubes, he realized that he could add syrup into the future trade.

The Dukedom of Leo was also scarce of sugar.

Even this reddish-brown sugar, which was similar to snacks, was also a rare commodity in the Dukedom of Leo.

Perhaps it couldn’t be compared to the white granulated sugar that circulation among the noble families, but these reddish-brown sugar cubes could be used as an alternative luxury ingredient to be used by the kitchens of those noble banquets, adding some sweetness to the dull dishes.

Even Kant, the young noble son, could not found any fault with it. This proved that the production of date palm honey sugar cubes was completely successful.

They walked into the council hall.

At the top of the hall, the Ravenstern rangers passed on the news that some strangers had arrived.

Kant knew that these were the 50 peasant women who had arrived in the distant continent of Caradia.

“My Lord.”

The leader of the trade caravan and Manid were still chatting, but when they saw Kant entered, they stood up and bowed respectfully.

“How is it?”, Kant asked.

“120 Jackalan slaves have all been bought, ” Manid replied. “We have obtained 3,600 denar.”, he paused and then reported, “But I also bought some grain, oil, linen, and some tools.”

“You decide.”, Kant trusted him.

“Understood, Lord Kant.”, Manid nodded solemnly.

The leader of the trade caravan was envious. After all, it was not easy to gain the trust of a lord.

Thinking about himself, he had once entered the battlefield as Vaegirs horseman. Later, he was injured and became the leader of the trade caravan. Only then did he gain part of the trust of Lord Reyvadin. Only he knew how it felt.

The business was basically done, and the three of them began to chat in the council hall.

Not long after, a Swadian footman, who was the guarding outside, walked in and reported, “My lord, there are 50 peasant women outside. They say they are here to seek refuge with you.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Kant nodded.

The guard retreated and returned to stand guard outside the door.

Kant turned to Manid and ordered, “You can take care of these peasant women.”

“Understood.”, Manid nodded.

However, Kant knocked on the table with his finger, his tone was also somewhat playful. “Don’t let these peasant women be together with those peasants. I don’t want these peasant women to have big bellies and not be able to do some tasks when the workload is heavy. ”

“Don’t worry.”, Manid also nodded solemnly.

Kant was telling the truth.

The current Oasis Lookout was in a period of rapid development. It was changing almost every day.

At the same time, the rapid development brought heavy and miscellaneous works.

Now that these 50 peasant women had arrived, they needed to make the best use of these peasant women. The peasant women could easily handle the miscellaneous tasks. They could even let the peasant women be in charge of boiling salt.

But this was the real world after all.

Kant’s joke could indeed came true.

If those peasant bachelors really took a liking to these peasant women, and something happened that shouldn’t have happened, it would only do more harm than good to the current Oasis Lookout.

Kant did not want to have a group of children born in his own estate.

Moreover, Drondheim was a fortress.

It was mainly for military, livelihood of people as second priority.

If such a situation really happened, Kant would rather have soldiers than pregnant women who needed long-term care.

“These problems are easy to solve.”

Kant exhaled and his expression gradually became solemn.

The natural salt mine had once again been occupied by Jackalan. He needed to continue to lead a team to sweep the area.

Within this month, the first-class fine white salt would appear in Baron Dylan’s Stone Pass. It would became Kant’s first good start to this guy, ensuring that in the future, Oasis Lookout would no longer became attention of most of the forces in the Dukedom of Leo.

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