Login Before Others: Stone Age

Chapter 124 - 124 Bet

124 Bet

Once Su Ming stopped the crowd, he turned his head around and looked in the direction of Lanlin. “Lanlin, since you think that this Orc is merely using brute force to act violently, why don’t you go up and try it?”

Upon hearing this, Lanlin immediately snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, “Why wouldn’t I dare?”

“As for you guys, don’t deny it after losing to me. In the end, you still want to deny the result of this duel.”

Su Ming smiled and said, “Of course I won’t. Moreover, since this is a bet between the two tribes, there should naturally be some stakes. What do you think, Great General Lanlin?”

Upon hearing this, Lanlin immediately narrowed his eyes.


“General Lanlin doesn’t dare?”

When he heard Su Ming’s words, Lanlin immediately let out a cold harrumph and said, “You don’t need to provoke me! Since I dare to stand out now, it means that I’m confident in my own strength!”

“Speak! What was the prize? But i’m telling you, if the prize is something from the tribe, I can’t take it!”

When Su Ming heard that, he chuckled softly. He first cast a glance at the worried Dugu, then turned around to look at Lanlin.

“Since we’re already allied tribes, it’s not too appropriate to ask for things from your tribe.”

After a slight pause, Su Ming muttered to himself under everyone’s gaze, then said, “How about this.”

“If General Lanlin loses this battle, he will stay in our tribe for a month.”

“For a month, you have to listen to our tribe’s orders. How about it?”

Once Su Ming finished speaking, Lanlin furrowed his brows in slight suspicion and asked, “Are you sure? Are your conditions really that simple?”

When Su Ming heard that, he chuckled softly and nodded. He said, “Of course.”

However, as the two of them were conversing, Dugu, who was at the side, frowned.

Lanlin felt that this condition was very simple, to the point that it was a little too simple.

After all, even if he lost the battle, the Long Wild Tribe would not lose anything. At most, he would lose a period of freedom.

To Lanlin, this was definitely an acceptable condition.

But was this matter really that simple?

Dugu’s eyes narrowed.

He would not!

From the moment Dugu and the other two left the Long Wild Tribe, the members of the tribe would definitely miss them.

If Lanlin lost this match, he, who was the second strongest person in the Long Wild Tribe, would be put under house arrest.

This would definitely be a huge blow to the self-confidence of the people of the Long Wild Tribe.

Especially in a fair one-on-one fight like this.

However, just as Dugu was about to object, Lanlin had already spoken.

“What if you lose?”

Hearing this, Dugu was slightly stunned at first, but then her eyes lit up.

That was right, after all, Lanlin was the strongest person in the Long Wild Tribe other than her, so he should not have been defeated so easily.

Therefore, he could first listen to what he could get after winning the fight, and then decide whether to accept the fight or not.

Su Ming chuckled softly and said, “If we lose, we’ll help your Long Wild Tribe make one hundred sets of armor. What do you think?”

Dugu’s eyes immediately lit up. “It was the Dwarves who did it, and you guys didn’t cut corners?”

When Su Ming heard that, he nodded and said, “That’s natural.”

Dugu turned to look at Lanlin and nodded slightly.

Just as Lanlin was about to open his mouth and agree to the bet, a figure suddenly appeared from behind the crowd.

It was Mike.

Once he was in front of the crowd, he turned his gaze toward Su Ming and said respectfully,

“Great Prophet, can I fight in this battle?”

Su Ming might have already spoken to Mike about it, but he still had to put on a show.

He raised his eyebrows and said, “Oh? Why?”

Mike turned to look at Lanlin, his eyes full of battle intent.

“I’ve heard that General Lanlin is the second-in-command in the Long Wild Tribe, and he has extraordinary combat strength.

“So, I’d like to see how strong General Lanlin is.”

As soon as he said this, the Long Saber Guard’s expression suddenly changed. Just as he was about to talk to Dugu, Chen Yixue came out from behind him and took him to the other side.

“Long Saber Guard, let’s have a drink.”

“General Lanlin, what do you think?”

Upon hearing this, Lanlin’s gaze first swept over Mike’s body for a moment, and then he snorted coldly.

“You’re just a blood-sucking bat. Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

As soon as he said that, Mike’s expression turned cold for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.

It was just that his body began to exude a dangerous aura that was somewhat soul-stirring.

When Su Ming saw this, he could not help but quirk his eyebrows.

This was the first time he had seen Mike so hostile to someone since he knew him.

While he found it interesting, Su Ming said, “If that’s the case, then you can start.”

As soon as he said that, all the Orc warriors turned around and left.

After that, Mike and Lanlin entered the arena.

One on the left and one on the right, the two of them faced each other on the sidelines.

A slightly dangerous aura gradually spread out from the field.

Following the countdown of three, two, one, the two figures in the field suddenly burst out from their original spot and disappeared in a split second.

The next second, the dull sound of flesh colliding could be heard in the air.

The figures of the two people appeared, and Lanlin was sent flying backward, his expression a little unsightly.

As for Mike, he still had a cold expression on his face. However, the gaze he used to look at Lanlin had become a little sharper.

The next second, the two of them burst out from their original spots again.

However, this time, the audience could finally see their movements clearly.

Lanlin’s attacks were wide and powerful. He raised his fist with great force and directly smashed it toward Mike’s head.

The momentum of this punch shocked everyone on the sidelines.

it was conceivable that if this punch had landed on their bodies, they would have been sent flying.

However, Mike’s expression remained calm in the face of this powerful punch.

With just a slight bow, his body was twisted into an unbelievable angle, and a fierce sweeping kick was aimed at Lanlin’s chest.

At this moment, Lanlin had given up on the weapon he was usually good at, and Mike had also hidden his sharp claws and fangs.

Both sides relied on the purest of martial arts to win.

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