Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 20: Case Worker Ayaka ③

Chapter 20: Case Worker Ayaka ③

Translator's Note

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Yuuta thought that Ayaka would continue her explanation of the Underground Services, but instead she changed the angle of their conversation.

By the way, Yuuta-sama, are you aware of Sex Work Service requests?

Yes, more or less

During his training with Mayumi, he thought that sex work might exist in this world, and thus he had investigated after getting back home. He quickly found his assumption proven correct. It existed as a Service request by women.

But, only men above twenty were eligible to accept a Sex Work Service request.

The act of putting forth a Sex Work Service request was of paramount significance for the women of this world. First off, a woman would never be able to file another Service request once she made a Sex Work Service request. Moreover, the period for her Service request was limited to one year.

In other words, if she didnt manage to have a man accept her Sex Work Service request within a year, she would lose her chance to ever get in contact with a man since she wouldnt be permitted to post any Service requests anymore. And even if she was lucky enough to find a man willing to accept her request, no one could guarantee her that hed knock her up during that sole chance in her entire life.

As such, most of the women putting forth a Sex Work Service request were common citizens who strongly desired a natural conception for one reason or another. On the other hand, for women of high families it was regarded as disgraceful to put forth such a request. Assuming a high family woman did make such a request, shed likely be expelled from her family.

Sex Work Services had the crucial condition that the man wouldnt need to take his Service partner as wife or girlfriend, even if he did knock her up. However, should he have lovers or wives who didnt give birth to children yet, itd earn him harsh criticism if he were to accept a Sex Work Service request.

Superb men didnt accept those kinds of requests because they had women of high families as wives and girlfriends, which naturally meant that any man, who accepted those requests, basically admitted that he himself wasnt superb. This additional stigma caused the low number of men willing to accept Sex Work Service requests to plummet even further.

This reflected the entire extent of what Yuuta knew about Sex Work Services.

I do not see any mistakes in your knowledge and recognition of Sex Work Services. This sort of Service is the sole chance for a common citizen woman to have a go at natural conception. After all, 99% of the women able to become lovers of or marry a man are high family women.

I see.

As for what happens to the women who put forth a Sex Work Service request afterwards Not a few of them take their own lives.


If you make this request once, you will become ineligible to file for a normal Service ever again. And you can only keep up your Sex Work Service request for one year. You wont have another chance as soon as that one year passes. Do you not think that it stands to reason that a common citizen, who wishes to get in contact with a man at least once in her entire life on top of strongly desiring a natural conception, would end her own life if she loses that single ray of hope?

T-Thatsyes, I suppose so.

Yuuta didnt think that he comprehended the values of the women in this world and he had no confidence that hed be able to make any educated guesses from what he knew, but now that she had spelled it out like that, he could agree to the logic behind it.

Accordingly, we wondered whether it wouldnt be possible to save those women.

I see?

We scout from among those who already made their Sex Work Service request, and screen them by their appearance, character, and abilities. Only the candidates who are faultless, will be registered for Underground Services.

I seeso youre saying youve excluded women who managed to get their Sex Work Service request accepted.

Yes. Most of the women, who were lucky enough to have their request accepted, wont kill themselves because they were able to create the happy memory of having had sex with a man, even if they couldnt get pregnant from it. Besides, they dont need a second chance, seeing how theyve grabbed their first, right?

In short, youre telling me to have sex with women as Underground Service?

Im slowly starting to see what shes getting at, Yuuta believed, but Ayakas next words betrayed his expectations.

Absolutely not! It would be unthinkable for us to request something like that from you, Yuuta-sama.

Huh? Thats not the idea here?

Just as I told you earlier, Underground Services are about women servicing the man. We will never demand you to have sex with a woman. Howeverif you personally wish to have sex with your Service partner, we will not hold you back or stand in your way, letting you freely choose your course of action. I am sure that the woman would be more than delighted. Of course, you will not be obligated to take the woman as wife or lover, even if you impregnate her.

Ngh? HmmmI see? Yuuta tilted his head, looking like he understood and then again not.

When a woman accepts a request from a man, its naturally forbidden for her to seduce the man. That means the woman doesnt have a chance to appeal to the man. But, high family women advertise themselves and bring up all kinds of deals with men during class activities at high school and exchanges on School Day.

Eh? Really!?

Yes. Though you wouldnt know as you didnt mingle with any female students since you stayed absent from school, Yuuta-sama.

Yuuta suffered a heavy shock after learning something astonishing Yuuta-kun had no knowledge of.

Well, even if I had attended, I doubt any female student would have associated with me anyway.

Underground Services, on the other hand, allow commoner women to appeal to men. Please forgive them as they will seduce you. And if you take a liking to a womans seduction and feel like having sex with her because of it, the woman will be able to obtain pure bliss. Of course, they wont mind even if you finish the Service without having sex with them. You need to understand that these women can keep living based on a hope they believed to have lost once.

I see.

At this point Yuuta was able to fully understand the purpose of Underground Services: they gave women, who lost their hope, a reason to go on living. They could use this system to put forth new requests. Of course, only a handful of women would have their Underground Service requests accepted in reality. But, despite that, the other women could cling to the hope that it was possible.

But, men who would actually accept Underground Service requests, were necessary for that to work. If the women heard about the lack of men to perform Underground Services, it was quite possible for them to even start a rebellion.

Assuming there existed a communication network between women who previously lost all hope, anyone could guess that theyd keep a very close eye on whether men, who carried out Underground Services, truly existed.

Are there any men other than mewho do Underground Services?

Yes, there are, Ayaka answered right away.

What kind of men are they?

I cannot tell you that as of yet.

She almost instantly answered this one as well. But her using as of yet here meant that he could reach a point where shed give him that answer.

All I can tell you right now is that the number, who kindly perform Underground Services for us, is small. If I can have you accept Underground Service requestsI will do my utmost to let you rise to E-Rank.

How many Underground Services am I supposed to do until the ranking exam?

One request will be plenty. Of course, you are free to accept as many of them as you like, if you want to. We also intend to reward you by accommodating you as much as possible, if you can accept lots of requests for us. Please carry this underground tablet with you from now on. We would be more than delighted if you could do Underground Services whenever you feel like it, once you have gotten used to high school.

I see

Ive been repeatedly saying almost nothing but I see for a while now, Yuuta discovered.

I understand. Can I take a look at what kinds of Underground Service requests are available right now?

Of course, please go ahead.

Yuuta selected the Service entry on the underground tablet. Its interface was just like the search interface of normal Services. However, the details written in the requests were certainly quite different. The women described how they would service the man.

The search options are the same, huh?

We have copied the interfaces layout.

Yuuta stared at the list of Underground Services displayed on the screen for a while. As they were all women who had been carefully selected by Ayaka and her organization, everyone was charming and attractive. Seeing this many commoner women with no issues when it came to appearance, character, or ability having lost their chance to meet men, Yuuta realized the cruelty of this worlds gender ratio.

Hmmeveryones hoping for a natural conception after getting in touch with a man.

Yes. Artificial insemination is available at any time. But, as it is a fact that boys are easier to be born through a natural conception after having had sex with a man, it will be a delightful matter to increase the number of women who can conceive naturally.

I see

Yuuta-samado you know of the Old World?


Having the keyword Old World thrown at him all of a sudden, mute surprise filled Yuutas head.

You mean the civilization that perished a long time ago, right?

Yes. A civilization that followed a different evolutionary path existed before the current society came to be. We have been able to confirm its traces through the various ruins remaining all over the planet. Going by what we could deduct from our investigations of those ruins, the Old World apparently had an almost equal ratio of men and women.

H-Heehthat sounds pretty amazing.

Indeed. I find it hard to imagine what sort of world it might have been. These days it is normal for many women to die without ever having seen a man from nearby. I think such an occurrence would be close to impossible in a world with as many men as women.

Yuuta possessed memories of that very world ever since waking up in this world, but Ayaka didnt confront him about it.

If you can increase the number of men at least a bit by performing Underground Services in an attempt to bring this world a tiny bit closer to the Old Worldwould that not be lovely?

Y-Youre rightitd be nice if things headed in that direction.

Yuuta wavered whether he should truly call it lovely. Was his previous world really such a lovely world? Was it great for Yuuta who died over there while all alone?

Do you know the reason why the civilization of the Old World perished?

Various speculations exist, but the one being regarded as the most likely guess is a nuclear warfare over water and food.

A struggle over water and food?

Yes. The Old World ran low on food and drinkable water, so it looks like the people eventually started a nuclear war to secure the resources for themselves.

A nuclear war

I hear the humans of the Old World used nuclear energy. They utilized energy they couldnt fully control with their own hands, and moreover turned it into weaponry, or some such.

I see

It is a strange story, so I cannot quite believe it myself, I must admit. According to the researchers who are investigating the Old World, the humanity of that time produced masses of nuclear weapons that were never used. If they had used all the weapons they produced, the Old Worlds humanity would have been completely eradicated at least ten times, or so they say.

Ten times

Do you not also believe that to be a strange story? Just what did they want to achieve by pouring resources into weapons they wouldnt be able to use anyway? Their numbers were far too high for the plain reason of using them as a deterrent against enemy nations.

W-Who knowsI cant tell.

As the story had become quite heavy all of a sudden, Yuuta didnt quite know how to answer. Even he, as someone who lived in that Old World, didnt understand why people back then had done what they did.

Oh well, thinking about a civilization that has long perished is moot. The here and now matters the most. By all means, please lend us your strength, Yuuta-samafor the sake of improving the current world.

I understand. Ill do my best, also for my own sakeas much as I can.

That is a wonderful mindset. Very well, it would be great if you could accept one Underground Service until the ranking exam in four days, so I am counting on you in that regard. Please choose after reading the rules and details of Underground Services.

Afterwards, they talked for a bit about the schedule on the day of the ranking exam, before Ayaka headed back.

In the evening of the same day, Yuuta was reading the rules of Underground Services on his Underground Tablet.

Men and women are allowed to use aliases during Underground Services

Men are allowed to ask the woman to wear special contact lenses. These special contact lenses will cause the area around the mans eyes to be blurred whenever the woman looks at his face (it is a measure for the sake of the mans real face remaining unrecognizable)

Men are allowed to request women to wear special hearing aid. This hearing aid will cause the woman to hear an altered version of the mans voice

Women are permitted to service the man during an Underground Service. Men are free to deal with a womans service as they please

Women are forbidden to perform excessive service to the man without his explicit permission

In the case of a pregnancy, it will be regarded as an artificial insemination with the male partners sperm

First off, it sounds like its possible to hide each others identity by using aliases. Moreover, the man can request the woman to wear special contact lenses and a hearing device to avoid his identity being exposed.

Theyve got quite an amazing technological level, seeing how theyre able to create such contact lenses.

Ayaka-san mentioned that only women trusted by her organization are allowed to place Underground Service requests, but since its probably impossible to guarantee that no one will ever talk, they created such incredible devices for the sake of keeping the mans identity confidential.

Next, women are apparently allowed to service men. During the Services thus far, Ive always been the one servicing the women, right? Mayumi-sans training support was totally aimed at helping me, but even then, its seen as me having allowed her to help me with my training as part of the Service.

During Underground Services, women are allowed to take the initiative in servicing the guy, and the men are free to deal with that servicing as they pleasewhich basically means you can also fuck her if you feel like it. Well, they added the limitation that women arent allowed to go ballistic with their servicing unless the man allows them toso I guess they want the man to willingly give their permission when it comes to sexual interaction.

In case a woman gets pregnant during an Underground Service, theyll treat it as artificial insemination. But, as I didnt know how things would work out in my case, I used my Underground Tablet earlier to ask Ayaka-san whether it would be smarter for me to accept the Sperm Donation request out of consideration of this rule.

Ayaka-san answered that I wouldnt need to mind it for this first Underground Service. As for the future Services, she wanted to talk with me about them after I was done with the first Underground Service.

Very likely, the first Underground Service is something akin to a test for me. Watching me deal with a woman during an Underground Service, Ayaka-san probably wants to make a judgment on something, I suppose?

I should do my best to meet her expectations.

As he had no other choice either way, Yuuta decided to accept one of the Underground Services from the list.

In the end, I couldnt make sure whether Ayaka-san was Yuuta-kuns collaborator. But, assuming she was, it wasnt just her alone either. She mentioned us on several instances. So it might have been only Ayaka-san who was in contact with Yuuta-kun, but it feels like shes got some friends who all belong to some sort of organization. That might be a state organization, or some organization thats not being managed by the countrythough I cannot believe that the state is completely uninvolved. Its just I dont know the power relationship of the states leadership in Nihon.

Yuuta selected one request from the list of Underground Services on his tablet. Immediately following, he received a message to set up the schedule. Since the woman was available at any time, he set the date to tomorrow at 7 p.m.

Doing a Service that starts at 7 p.m.that would be definitely unthinkable for a normal Service.

Going by the period of time, it was definitely as shady as it could get. And going by the details of the Service he had accepted, he clearly felt that itd be better for the mood for him to pick the evening.

Its a Service you wont find anywhere but among Underground Services, Im sure. Personally I welcome it with open arms. Being seduced by the woman trying her best to show off her good parts is the very definition of a honey trap. Im happy to see that honey traps exist in this world as well!

Underground Service request

Requester: Tsubaki

Occupation: Esthetician

Age: 26

Height: 165 cm

Sizes: B96 (I) W58 H89

Personality: bright, gentle, kind

Service content: I would like to give you a beauty treatment

Service particulars:

<u>Available time periods</u>: 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, 150 minutes, 180 minutes

I will also accept more than 180 minutes through extensions


Normal Course: An ordinary beauty treatment

Throbbing Course: A beauty treatment as if between lovers

Sexy Course: A beauty treatment as if between a sex slave and her master


Deep Lymph: free

Hot Oil: free

Outfit Change: free (all sorts of sets available. Micro-bikini as well)

There are countless other options available

<u>Service day</u>: anytime

<u>Photos</u>: Several photographs depicting a beauty with long black hair and a healthy, fair skin whos smiling gently.


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