Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

<~> Chapter 160

Silva, Raya, Sibyl, and Eira joined our group in the suite after a while and we spent the rest of the day relaxing together. We've been busy almost non-stop since we got to Goldenhearth so it was nice to relax and just hang out for a while, it was a bit hard to believe that we showed up here less than a week ago. I watched while my friends played a card game with each other. The succubi had to actively suppress the bond in order to play fairly so I acted as a judge to keep things fair. I enjoyed watching but after everything that happened, I needed to rest mentally. They were relaxing by playing card games but I just wanted to chill out for a few hours.

It wasn't long after nightfall that Grace came to my room to see if we were planning on having another ritual tonight. With my assent, Grace relayed that to Oceane and the girls started to file into our suite to hang out before they got to experience the 'life-changing orgy' as many of the girls had taken to calling it. That description really made me laugh when I heard it the first time.

I considered switching my class again but decided against it. I had run away from that demon today with my capped 'Novice Prostitute' class. Admittedly, the extra endurance I gained from it was helpful in that situation but it would be less useful if I actually had to fight something tomorrow. As useful as some of the new prostitute skills I gained were, I don't feel the need to gain more of them if tonight devolves into another orgy. Once I finished up with Nathaniel I intended to prepare to leave so I would like to have my combat class ready tomorrow. I'll change it in the morning though, even though I'm level-capped the endurance may help...

Eventually, half the brothel including Oceane and Grace were in the suite and ready to start. I looked over the crowd of women and began explaining the ritual once again. The pros and cons of the transformation and the new abilities they would gain, a new greater emphasis on the bond with input from Tisha and Jade, as well as an example of how extreme the changes could be with Sibyl and Eira. The most important part to me though was that they would be joining my family and would be expected to help other succubi whenever possible. After seeing so many dead bodies this morning, I was reminded to explain the funeral rights I promised to spread for Charon. Once everyone had heard all of the information it was finally time to get started, and appropriately, it began with Madame Oceane herself.

It felt fitting to shift into my true form for this so I slipped off my clothes and handed them off to Mimi before shifting into my new undisguised eight-foot tall form. My wings flowed from my back and I spread them out a little, after hiding them all day they felt stiff, which struck me as odd since they didn't appear to be there at all in their hidden state.

Oceane stared up at my larger form with a toothy grin as she slipped her loose robes off in front of the crowd. "I've been waiting for this..." Her eyes went up and down my large naked form. "Few people make me look up at them, it's an interesting feeling."

I looked over Oceane again, despite her age she still looked quite beautiful, the only thing that really gave away her maturity were the deep creases in some of her features and her large breasts that sagged more than a younger woman's would. Despite this she showed no hesitation in stripping in front of the entire crowd, showing iron-willed confidence in her actions. Her blue and white scales shimmered in the lamplight but her nude body revealed several deep scars of broken scales along her body... they looked like old stab wounds that hadn't properly healed, marring her otherwise pristine body. She slithered onto the bed in the center of the room and gave me a sultry smile. Even in this situation, completely bare, she seemed like she was in complete control.

"I'm ready, Lilith."

I kneeled down and smiled at her. My new stature made standing next to the bed awkward. "Alright, Oceane. Close your eyes and picture your ideal self. Try and consider all of the details you can. Tell me when you're ready."

Oceane closed her eyes and answered only a moment later. "I've been thinking about this since the moment I saw Nadia transform. I'm ready."

I nodded. "Alright then. I want you to take an oath slightly different from the others. One that so far is unique to you. I only ask for this added responsibility because I trust you to live up to the promise. 'I swear not to knowingly work against Lilith and become her family. I wish to become a succubus and help guide and protect them.' do you accept?"

Maybe it was a bit unfair to add on to the deal at the last moment but if there's anyone I would trust to do this, it would be Oceane. She was already linking her fate to my own but I want her promise to mean more than the other succubi. She was already the head of the patchwork family that lived in this brothel and I want that to be reflected in her oath to me.

Oceane opened her eyes and stared at me with a surprised look. There was only a flicker of hesitation before she found her determination and nodded. "I, Oceane, swear not to knowingly work against Lilith and to become her sister. I wish to become a succubus so that I may guide and protect our family of succubi by her side."

She altered the wording to put us on the same level as equals, but I didn't mind and the oath still took. I also suspect that even with the altered oath, the system would still name me as her 'mother' whether I liked it or not. But if she wanted to view me as a sister rather than a mother, that was fine with me. Especially since the large naga was something like twice my age.

Her transformation began immediately and her back arched as she moaned. Her body unmistakably began to reverse in age before our eyes. Unlike Sibyl, she didn't change much in appearance, she only grew younger until she looked like a fresh twenty-year-old. Her breasts were still large but no longer sagged with age, they looked perky with bright pink areolas that stood out on her gleaming white scales. As she had mentioned her hips pushed out just a touch but to my relief it had only been a modest increase. Her cerulean blue scales intensified in color and made her old ones look dull by comparison. All of the lines on her face and the scars on her body faded until they were gone, giving her a youthful and pristine look all across her body. The most unique part of her changes though were the large black wings that grew out behind her, a perfect likeness to my own. Her right hand slid down her torso to where her hips met her tail until they found the large wet lips that parted for her fingers as her left hand squeezed her breast and pinched her engorged nipple. She moaned as a deep shiver ran through her body and not long after, her transformation had completely finished as she reached an explosive and messy orgasm before the crowd.

As her changes finished, she was left panting. With feverish excitement, she sat up to look over herself. Her fingers traced over where one of her scars had been, one that had looked especially nasty near her abdominal muscles. She smiled, one of the purest and most vulnerable ones that I had ever seen on her, far removed from the seductive or predatory ones that usually adorned her face. The only emotion I could feel through her bond was optimistic hope for the future. The moment she noticed the bond her emotions snapped shut, it seemed she wasn't ready to share that kind of connection with others quite yet.

She subtly wiped the tears from her eyes before sitting up and looking around the room. "So? How do I look?" she asked. Her predatory grin was right back where it had been, the moment had passed and she was now back in control. She looked like a younger Madame Oceane, it was as if she were her own daughter. The only thing that made her look any different were her new wings. The girls closest to the bed who had been watching the change most intently bit their lips and rubbed their legs together, Oceane had yet to control her lust aura and it was already starting to get to them. If I had to guess, we were in for another orgy tonight.

Grace slid onto the bed as Oceane slid off, she was already nude. She had apparently stripped as Oceane was finishing, much to the interested looks of the other women nearby. The way Grace had talked, I didn't get the impression she took many customers if any at all, so her nudity was a rarity for the crowd of girls. It wasn't until Oceane had slipped off the bed and pulled one of the girls into a kiss that most of the crowd had noticed Grace take the Madam's place. But now that Grace was the new center of attention I could tell many of them were interested in watching her change as well.

I smiled gently at her. "Alright, Grace, close your eyes and picture your ideal self."

She closed her eyes and after a few moments, she smiled. "Alright, Lilith, I am ready."

"Great. Please repeat this oath, 'I swear not to knowingly work against Lilith. I wish to become a succubus and join her family' do you accept?"

Grace nodded. "I swear not to knowingly work against Lilith. I wish to become a succubus and join her family."

She brought a hand up to muffle her moans as the transformation started. Most of her body looked the same through the transformation. Like Oceane, the main things that changed were her signs of aging. She went from being a mature-looking hot teacher to a woman who looked about the same age as her sister Lia. Her breasts perked up and her fur looked healthier. All of her little imperfections disappeared and that contributed to her improved attractiveness. If any one thing looked different about her it was actually her eyes. Normally Grace had sharp eyes that made her look a little scary and intimidating unless you already knew her. Now those sharp-looking eyes softened and she looked as approachable and happy as she was on the inside.

Grace cried out as she finished transforming and reached her peak. I felt her emotions touch mine through the bond and only felt peace and contentment through it. She was happy and proud she had accepted the transformation despite her misgivings. She was looking forward to becoming closer to the other succubi and her new sister. She also looked at me with love, reverence, and a no longer hidden sense of desire.

Another woman pulled Grace away from the bed and started asking her questions as another woman took her place. No more convincing was necessary, now that the crowd had seen the two most important people in the brothel transform, there was no more hesitation as the remaining women of the brothel prepared to join my family as well. A cute squirrel beastkin that looked quite innocent for a woman who worked in a brothel was looking up at me. Her excitement at transforming into a succubus betrayed the doe-eyed innocent look she gave off.

I turned towards Oceane who was whispering sexy words into the ear of one of the other girls. "Oceane? Come here for a moment please."

She turned to me with a raised eyebrow. She whispered something more to the girl next to her before slithering back over to the bed. "Yes, Lilith? I had assumed it would be a little while before we would get time to play together." I didn't get the impression that her innuendo was mere flirting as she pressed her naked body up against mine.

I cleared my throat. "Actually, I wanted to see if you're able to have others take the oath, rather than just me."

Oceane's eyes widened as if she had never considered the idea. "Is that... possible?"

"I don't know," I said with a shrug. "But it's worth trying."

She grinned at me before turning to our test subject on the bed. "Alright dear, I want you to make me an oath... repeat after me, 'I swear not to knowingly work against Madame Oceane. I wish to become a succubus and join her family.' do you accept?"

I hadn't thought she would try something like this but I kept quiet, I was probably just as curious to see if it would work as she was. But after the squirrel repeated the words it didn't take.

Oceane glanced at me with a grin. "Can't fault me for trying." She turned back to the squirrel and nodded. "Alright dear, this time we'll try the actual oath. 'I swear not to knowingly work against Lilith. I wish to become a succubus and join her family.' do you accept?"

As soon as she finished the oath she started transforming, either I don't actually need to be involved at all or I just need to be present. I'm sure Oceane will be able to find someone to test this out with once I am gone from the city. She can tell me once I come back through eventually. Or by letter. This did confirm that they had to be loyal to me though, which in some ways was a relief and in others pretty stressful. I've already resigned myself to taking on this responsibility though and there was also something reassuring about people joining my family, not someone else's.

The squirrel girl moaned as her voice pitched up a bit higher. Her proportions changed a bit making her look even cuter if you can believe it. Her eyes looked slightly bigger, and her eyelashes grew longer. Her fur poofed out and she looked fluffier. She lost about a foot in height but her weight was redistributed to make her look like a bombshell with wide hips and a huge bust.

Oceane whistled. "Ginette was already a top earner, this change will only make her scarier." She turned to me. "Maybe I'll be able to grow our family even larger while you're gone. I look forward to trying it out." Oceane pulled me into a kiss, her long snake tongue invaded my mouth while she groped my ass. The unexpected kiss and groping was a shock but not unwelcome and my acceptance only encouraged her. She licked her lips when she finally pulled away. "Let's get to work now though, I can't wait to have you for myself." She patted my cheek and gave me a more youthful but still predatory grin.

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