Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

<~> Chapter 152

As I shifted to sit up a lot of the girls around me were stirred awake, if they hadn't been already. I could tell that a lot of them were already awake, they had the glassy look in their eye that told me they were looking at their status. Bella and Morrigan were both still asleep so I gently rolled them off of me to let them sleep a bit longer.

Without having to ask, a lot of the other women I didn't know very well slid off the bed and sat on some of the cushions that were laid out all over the floor. I hadn't noticed but at some point, a closet was opened and the cushions were spread out all over the place... probably to facilitate the orgy that was happening last night. By the end of it, I think most of the people in the room had ended up on or near my bed and there were plenty of people asleep all over the floor.

I looked over myself, my body had changed quite a bit. I definitely looked a whole lot more like I pictured a classic succubus with the wings and tail. Now that they weren't being crushed under people, I examined my large smooth wings. They were large, large enough they were difficult to fully open them inside the room from this angle. I wondered if they would allow me to fly, or at least glide. I wasn't sure why I would be so much bigger if they were meant for that though, surely the added weight would make things more difficult. Or maybe they would carry me up using magic, that did seem like a logical conclusion in a world full of it. The thought made me feel optimistic, nearly everyone had looked up and wondered what it would be like to fly, I wasn't an exception to that.

I could feel my longer tail curled into a large S shape behind me, automatically moving to help balance me when I wasn't paying direct attention to it. It felt odd to have such a long tail but also... natural in a way. Oddly enough I felt more connected to the new limb than I had my old stubby tail, which I often just outright forgot about. I shifted my stance and moved my new tail to get a feel of how it changed my balance. While standing still it didn't make much difference but I got the feeling it would help me balance better while moving. Kinda like when you hold your arms out while trying to balance on a ledge or a tightrope.

When I turned back around I noticed Mimi sitting on the bed watching me. Her gaze seemed oddly intense. "Lilith! You're bigger!" She sounded excited.

I glanced down at myself and then back at her. "I am. My race evolved into 'greater succubus' and this is one of the effects.

"That's cool! I didn't think that sort of thing happened to people like it does for Mimics!" Mimi stood up and ran her fingers through the fur of my larger form.

I chuckled. "Neither did I truthfully. I can suppress my new form to look normal too though." I looked at the now small-looking door to the suite. "I think I'll need to shrink if I want to get through the door."

Mimi laughed in response.

"Did you get the new [Succubus Constitution] trait?" I asked. "I got a notification that all succubus should have it now."

Mimi glanced away before nodding. "Yeah... oh!" She started looking around. "Seeing mana with my eyes is so weird. I could already feel mana since I'm a mimic but this is new."

I nodded. "Yeah, there's also everyone's aura now." I noticed some of the other girls had already figured out how to suppress their aura and others were doing the opposite trying to spread it out as far as possible.

There was a small knock at the door before a head poked in. It was Grace, she looked around before landing on me with surprise. "Lilith, you're... huge!"

I chuckled. Now would probably be a good time to test out suppressing my 'true' form. I activated the applicable part of [Greater Succubus Shifting] and felt a bit dizzy as I shrunk down, my wings and tail dispersed into mana that was absorbed back into my aura before I pulled that back in as well, leaving me looking normal. At least from the outside.

I held out my arms. "Is that better?"

"Er... yeah I guess..." Her eyes glanced up and down my body, it only occurred to me now that I was still naked and... covered in cum still. Realizing the mistake I covered my breasts as best I could with my arms as she continued, "I uh, came to check up on things. You all were going for quite a while and at some point your [Zone of Silence] wore off and a lot of people could hear you... It died down before morning but I wanted to check up on everyone."

"Hehe, you're jealous, aren't you Grace!" I turned to see Eira stand up from a cushion next to the bed. "You wanted to join in, didn't you?"

Grace blushed and turned away. "Perhaps next time..." She cleared her throat and focused on my face. "When you get some time, would you mind chatting with me? I want to discuss my... sister and some other things. Ah, and Madame Oceane wants to talk to you too. Though, I would understand if you wanted to wait considering the... night you just had."

I nodded. "I probably have a lot to talk about with both of you. Let me just..." I scanned the room. "...find my clothes..."

Grace chuckled and quietly shut the door.

I started to trace out the cleaning ritual before remembering the new [Freshen Up] class ability I got. I cast it and watched as the dried cum began to clear from my fur. I didn't feel completely clean but at least I looked clean. Nothing compares to a real bath but the magic did help.

"If you're looking for your clothes I have them here." Mimi held out her arms and my clothes appeared in her arms. "I didn't want any of your stuff to get lost so I grabbed them when you first got undressed.

I smiled. "Thanks, Mimi, you're a lifesaver."

She puffed up in pride. "I know I am! No problem!"

I laughed and patted her on the head.

Morrigan sat up and rubbed her eyes before yawning and looking around. "Of all the things to happen, I never expected to participate in a real orgy. What happened last night? I must be crazy but at one point I swear you got bigger then everything was just a haze of sex..."

Bella also sat up, looking as sleepy as she usually did when she woke up. She looked at me and rubbed her eyes before yawning. "Being in a room full of so many bonds while everyone was horny was way too intense. I think I need a break..."

I nodded to Morrigan. "I did get bigger. I apparently hit level fifty and hit a milestone with my origin title. I turned into a 'greater succubus' and I guess part of that made me grow all huge and grow wings."

Morrigan squinted at me. "You're joking right?"

I shook my head. "Uh, no? Which part?"

"You hit fifty? I thought there was less of a gap between us?"

"Oh uh, I don't remember if I ever told you this but I used to get 2 main levels every time I slept with... a virgin..."

Morrigan looked around at the room full of prostitutes. "There are virgins here?"

I coughed. "It uh, tracked different parts differently and... apparently I was two girls' first experience with anal and two girls' first experience with their new penis..."

"Oh! It did happen right after I used my dick with you the first time!" Eira seemed way too enthusiastic. "I lost my virginity to my mother!" She started laughing so loud it woke up some of the other girls who weren't already up.

"Oh god, please don't say it like that Eira." I covered my face. "I'm the 'metaphorical' mother of succubi, not the actual mother."

She snickered. "Yeah but saying it this way is more fun, more dirty."

"That's exactly why I don't want you to say it like that."

"Plus! I got to suck your milk from your tits, so that's another point in you being my mother."

"What?" Morrigan asked incredulously.

Eira shrugged. "Yeah, for some reason Lilith's tits were leaking milk last night and I made sure to get some!"

I could feel my ears burning in embarrassment. I wasn't entirely sure why but the thought felt especially mortifying. "Wh-whatever caused that last night seems to have stopped, I wasn't leaking milk this morning. Um, come on girls, let's get dressed. I need to talk to Grace and Oceane, also Nathaniel is supposed to have the information on that cult today."

I finished getting dressed while my friends did as well. After Morrigan finished she went into Torien and Silva's room to see if they were awake yet. Not long after all of us were ready to go. Most of the other brothel girls had already left the room by now and I hadn't seen Raya or Sibyl at all since last night. I'm sure they had been in the orgy but I don't know when they slipped out.

A few girls were still in the room cleaning things up, picking up cushions, and making the bed, so I didn't bother them. Mimi was holding onto all of our stuff right now, the Mimic was a little worried about other people looking through our things so she had packed up our trunks before the transformations began last night.

When our group reached the lobby Grace and her new sister were chatting behind the desk. Most of the girls in the lobby right now were ones that hadn't been included in last night's orgy and they all looked pretty confused by how different some of their friends now looked. I overheard multiple conversations about how someone's fur looked neater or their skin seemed clearer.

Lia lit up as soon as she spotted me. "Ah, Grace! Lilith's here!"

I waved a greeting as I walked up to the two of them. "Morning you two. How are you doing?"

"Great! I've never felt better! Grace and I went on a walk this morning, I haven't been healthy enough to do that in years!" Lia gushed.

"Lilith, would you mind coming with me to my office for a few minutes to chat? I can leave Eira here to watch things while we talk. Your friends can keep my sister company."

"Sure," I said with a nod.

Grace led me to her office and I looked around at the little decorations that were around the room. I hadn't seen it before and it contrasted her sharp imposing demeanor pretty starkly.

When she noticed I was looking around she glanced at her decorations warmly. "Over the years I have been given lots of little gifts and trinkets by the girls who have worked here. Being the person in charge of giving out the money has its advantages," she said with a laugh.

She sat down at her worn used desk and leaned forward. "I... want to thank you again for what you did for my... sister. I talked to her last night at length and while she had not wanted to be a woman, now that she is one, she is happy with it. I have not been completely honest about everything. Liam wasn't just sick... he was dying. He had been wasting away more and more and all of the healers I could afford to look at him had not been able to do anything. It was a strange kind of disease that he had been born with, normal healing magic was not able to fix it because his body thought that was how he was supposed to be. I was told he would not live to see his next birthday, he had less than a year left."

Grace sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye. "I will be honest, Liam turning into Lia wasn't ideal but it was worth it to me to save his life... her life. I could see you were worried about her personality change, wanting to be a woman all of a sudden. I am still a bit worried about it too but I have not seen any other changes in her personality yet. Other than that difference, she seems to be the same person, just more enthusiastic to do the things she was unable to before."

"I'm glad Grace. ...I think the transformation was probably more significant for her than the others, she'll probably need some support to get used to things."

"Yes, she is going to start working at the Brothel. Not as a working girl at first... but I would not be surprised if that happened based on her new needs as a succubus." She cleared her throat. "And I have finally made up my mind that I want to join your family as well. Though I suppose I would be joining my sister's family too, in a way," Grace said with a smile.

She looked away, staring at a blank spot in the room for a moment. "Our parents died when we were young so it has mostly just been the two of us since we were kids. As soon as I was old enough I looked for a job anywhere that would take me and after a lot of searching, I ended up here. I would have done anything I could to support my brother and I had to work even harder when it became clear he was not going to get better. At first, I feared the worst when I came here but... one of the older prostitutes taught me numbers and ledgers and I found out that I was good at it. When the Madame managed to take over what would later become this brothel, I took the opportunity to step forward and help her with a lot of the paperwork. The two of us became a team and later very close friends. But all of this was so that I could provide for my brother, find a healer that would be able to help him...

Grace turned back to me with a serious expression on her face. "Lilith. You... I cannot begin to express how much this meant to me. If you ever need anything from me, anything short of hurting my sister, I will do it. I do not care if it is illegal or morally repugnant. If it is to help you or to protect our family, I will do anything you need. This I promise."

[Grace has made an Oath to Lilith under the eyes of Morkinnen]

Grace closed her eyes and smiled as tears fell down her face. "Good. My promise is official before the eyes of a god. Thank you, Lilith."

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