Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 23

Chapter 023

Lee Han decided to be considerate of Therugyu.

“Well, this is for honor and justice, so the word spy doesn’t fit. Durgyu. You are a whistleblower.”

“Uh… Huh?”

Durgyu was taken aback by the unfamiliar word.

However, it didn’t feel too bad because it seemed a little noble, but more classy than a spy.

“I think you’re okay…?”

“okay. In the future, as a whistleblower, I would like to inform you of the conspiracy of the students of the White Tiger Tower.”

“Don’t let that happen.”

Yoner, sitting next to him and listening with his face resting on his palms, was amazed.

How did you convince the orc from the White Tiger Tower to cooperate like that?

“Durgyu. The reason I brought you here on a weekend morning… is to think about how to get out of school.”


Durgyu was surprised.

It was an expected reaction, so Lee Han was calm.

However, what followed was beyond Lee Han’s expectations.

“Did you think of leaving too?”


* * *

Like all other Tower students, the White Tiger Tower students struggled with hunger.

If you come from a knight’s family, you might ask if it’s not strong against hunger, but the knight’s family was also a noble family of the empire.

I never had to go hungry.

Rather, eating well and moving well were part of the job, so there were parts where it was harder to endure hunger.

– I have to hunt at least! In the Tower of the Blue Dragon, Wardanaj caught a wild boar, but we can catch it too!

-When it’s the weekend, let’s make a group and go catch it. There’s no one here who hasn’t hunted before. We have the best advantage!

-Let’s break the noses of the other tower guys who conceit with one magic!

-ruler. ruler. quiet everyone

Giselle was, of course, the one who took control of such a chaotic atmosphere.

With her natural dominance, she quickly won over the hungry students.

-hunt? It’s good. But think carefully, everyone. Will hunting be that easy?

-I also caught the Wardanaz family…

-It was a wild boar prepared by the alchemy professor. Think carefully. How deep would you have to go to catch a wild boar like that? Are you unfamiliar with the terrain around here?



At Giselle’s words, the students understood without realizing it.

Certainly, hunting was not easy. Especially in places you don’t know.

It was honestly scary to go deeper into the low mountains or forests behind the school.

Isn’t it an unknown area where you don’t know what monsters might be?

-Then Moradi. do you have another way?


-What way?

-How to get out of school and head to the village outside.


-If you succeed, you won’t have to worry about whether you can catch a beast or not? We will be able to bring everything we need during the semester.

-Is that really?!

– Ha… But it’s so absurd.

-The necessary methods are already organized in my head. You can follow me if you want to follow me. Because I have no intention of monopolizing myself. But… if you’re following me, you must follow my orders. I won’t forgive you for ruining the atmosphere or ruining your plans with your rebellion.

-of course. Moradi!

-Who will disobey you!

* * *

“No? Could I participate if I just listen to the orders?”

“…hey. Lee Han.”

“Can’t you?”

Durgyu looked at Lee Han as if he was dumbfounded.

Durgyu didn’t know whether she would accept Lee Han or not… But

as the Wodanaz family, they have pride, so how could they participate there?

When he remembered what Giselle was trying to do to Lee Han, Durgyu himself became even more angry.

“Remember what Giselle did.”

“Well, I won’t let you participate.”

“no. It’s not that kind of problem.”

While Durgyu was bewildered, Lee Han was lost in thought.

Giselle’s words complicated her thoughts.

Originally, Lee Han planned to find an escape route little by little by gathering friends like Durgyu and Nilia.

Of course, I had no intention of finding it all at once.

Like what Professor Thunderwalker said, escaping wouldn’t be that easy.

Surprisingly, however, Giselle of the White Tiger Tower asserted that a method was prepared.

Is it a bluff?

‘no. I wasn’t the type to brag. It’s not even Cainan.’

I hadn’t talked to Giselle of the Moradi family much, but I could guess what kind of person it was.

Cool-headed and strong-willed personality.

When such a person declared like that, it was clear that there was a corner to believe.

“Right. They said they wouldn’t let me participate…”

“No… You’re not serious, are you?”

“Then I can’t help it.”

“okay. I’m glad you understand.”

“I have no choice but to chase after them and dig them up.”


Durgyu didn’t know where to start pointing out.

“Are you serious?”

“Is there a better way than to follow them?”

“Doesn’t that seem… a bit dishonorable?”

Durgyu hesitated.

All knights had to pursue honor even in a mere battle.

Besides, the Wodanaz family is the great family of the empire.

He must have valued honor as much as Durgyu.

“Durgyu. Think carefully. It’s a strategy.”


“Knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. It’s a strategy.”

“…is it?”

“It’s a strategy.”

Lee Han looked directly at Durgyu and said in a steady voice.

‘Originally, the more bullshit, the more confidently I have to insist.’

In the world, there was a reason why the one with the loudest voice won.

No matter how strange it sounds, if you say it sincerely and with your soul, it will have a strange persuasive power.

When Lee Han of the Wodanaz family spoke seriously with a cold face like a sculpture, Durgyu unconsciously said, ‘Huh? Is that so?” and started to get confused.

Come to think of it, it seems like a strategy…

“It could be a strategy.”

“okay. It’s a strategy. You need to know what the enemy is planning. So prepare for it.”

It wasn’t that Giselle was trying to do something to Lee Han with the school escape plan, but

Lee Han subtly added that in order to prevent Giselle’s evil plot from happening in the future, he had to figure out the escape plan.

“Durgyu. Your role is important. You need to tell me the Moradi family bastard’s escape plan.”

“i get it. I will try.”

“okay! excellent. You are an honorable whistleblower. Others may not know, but I know how honorable you are!”

“thanks. Lee Han.”

“Yes, yes.”

Lee Han patted Therugyu on the shoulder, cheered him on, and sent him away.

“after. I was originally going to think about an escape plan, but my plans have changed. … Why is everyone looking at me like that?”

Yoner and Gainando were looking at Lee Han with strange eyes.

Gainando asked seriously.

“Did you ever learn brainwashing magic before entering school?”


* * *

Saturday evening at sunset.

It was the time when it was decided that Giselle of the Moradi family would lead the students of the White Tiger Tower and try to escape.

Lee Han, who heard the time from Durgyu, also began to move.

‘I have to check the escape route this time if possible.’

There was no way Giselle would tell others how to escape.

Besides, once you succeed, you will thoroughly check who is coming after you from the next time.

Because Lee Han would have done the same!

The best chance to check the escape route without getting caught was today, the first attempt.

Even the White Tiger Tower students are nervous today, the first attempt, so they won’t have time to check who’s following them.

“Durgyu. Guinan Island. Yoner. Nilia.”

Lee Han said while looking at his friends gathered at the table.

These friends gathered here will be your companions for today’s pursuit.

“Thank you all for coming to our meeting today to find your way out of school.”


The Dark Elf Nilia pricked up her ears in surprise.

It was the first time I heard it.

They called me, so I thought, ‘Ah, are you going hunting?’ I came here with a light heart…

“What is this!? Get out of school!?”


“…it’s crazy?!?”

Nilia’s cry made Gainando unknowingly relieved.

Still, there was one more sane person in this meeting besides Cainando himself.

‘yes! That’s crazy!’

Of course, if I could go outside, I wanted to go to the village.

But it can’t be that easy, can it?

Since Wodanaz said so much, I thought he might have an idea, so I followed him, but it was also true that I was afraid.

“no. Nilia. I’m not trying to get out of here. I have a plan.”


Nilia widened her eyes in surprise at Lee Han’s sincere words.

do you have a plan

It’s only been a week since I entered school, but already?

Looking at her expression, it didn’t look like she was lying.

‘The Wardanaz family is really… amazing…!’

Nilia swallowed her admiration inwardly.

I’ve only heard a lot of rumors about the Wodanaz family, but looking at Lee Han now, I could understand why the rumors spread.

The atmosphere itself was different from the other freshmen.

Nilia asked in a slightly anticipatory voice.

“What are your plans?”

“There is a student at the White Tiger Tower who knows how to escape, but I will follow him and copy the method.”


The way Lee Han said was definitely beyond Nilia’s expectations.

It was a problem because it went too far.

* * *

Chasing down other dorm students and copying their methods wasn’t the romantic school life Neilia thought.

A short but deep thought. and sigh.

However, Nilia eventually decided to participate.

– Lee Han. Nylia doesn’t seem to want to participate.

– But Yoner. We need Nilia’s help. Neilia is the most proficient at tracking here.

-But forcing them to participate…

-Is that so? I can’t help it if I don’t want to participate like that…

-…I can’t help it! If I’m the only one, I have no choice but to help!

– Nilia!!

Hearing the conversation between Lee Han and Yoner, he couldn’t possibly refuse.

It wasn’t the rules of < Shadow Patrol > to abandon a friend just because you were scared.


to be honest, I was glad that Nilia’s ability as a hunter was highly evaluated.

Ironically, it was not the students of the same tower who valued Nilia’s abilities as a hunter the most, but Wardanaz from another tower.

Durgyu muttered quietly, not understanding.

“That Dark Elf. I thought you would decline, so why did you participate?”

“I think I know.”

Gainando said confidently.

At those words, Durgyu also spat out a small ‘ah’.


There are things that no one wants to do.

The reasons were several.



egoistic mind.

The virtues that made it possible to overcome such reasons and take action were called honor and friendship.

Even though that Dark Elf didn’t want to do it, there was only one reason for participating.

Maybe it’s because of the friendship between friends.

‘I saw something good.’

Durgyu secretly smiled.

Durgyu himself participated for the sake of honor, so seeing the friends with whom he had built friendships regardless of their families made him feel better.

“what. Choi. Did you notice too?”


“He must have wanted to go to the village as much. I really want to go to town too. As soon as you arrive in the village, you can sleep on a fluffy bed… no no. from what to eat. I’m going to eat all the sweet food in town. Candy, chocolate, hotcake, syrup…” “


Durgyu looked at Gainando with an absurd look.

‘Why is this guy here?’

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