Level Eater

Chapter 50: The third look of the salt lake

Chapter 50: The third look of the salt lake

After rooting out the level of the mucus-loving tentacle aliens, Tatsuro pointed his wand at them and used a laser to put a wind hole in their heads, killing them instantly.

I hope I never have to see these guys again.

I dont know why demons are always so creepy.

As Tatsuro nodded back, his eyes fell on the handle-only large sword in Ais right hand.

Come to think of it, how did that sword end up like that? Those guys themselves didnt have those skills, though.

Oh, thats probably because its just an iron sword.

When Tatsuro had a question mark floating aobve his head as to whether or not an iron sword would normally crumble, Ai immediately realized that she hadnt said enough and began to elaborate.

Well, uhm. Iron weapons have a low rank here, you know.

Ah, thats true, if you ask me. They can be mass produced.

Yeah. One reason is that theyre easy to get, but the main reason is that the amount of Ki they can hold is very low.

The amount of Ki that can hold is low , which means that you just clothed your sword with ki and used it, and it couldnt withstand Ais amount ofKki and fell apart, or something like that?

Thats right. I thought Id be okay at that amount, but it was worse than I expected.

As she gathered up the crumbling remains of the large sword, Ai regretfully put it away in her item box. Apparently, it was one of her favorite weapons.

Ill have to get a weapon that can withstand Ais full power somewhere else. It wouldnt be funny if it broke during the fight.

Right. It would be a pity if they are disposable.

As he patted Ais head to comfort her, Tatsuro looked at the wand in his other hand.

( If it could happen with ki, maybe the same thing can happen with magic power. Perhaps it was not fortuitous that I was able to get my hands on this one early.)

Thinking about this, Tatsuro sent his gratitude to the old man who sold him the staff and the foolish son of the lord who left him with nothing but money.

After that, when Ais mood started to return, Tatsuro decided to use his current SP to raise the level of his skills.

What are you going to raise this time?

Hmm~ I have 114 SP, so Im thinking of taking Dark Magic Lv.4 and Earth Magic Lv.6 which leaves me at 0 SP

Dark Magic is the same enhancement as Light Magic, right? Wont they have the same effect?

Im not so sure about that. According to the book I bought the other day, both can be used to strengthen other attributes, but light magic is good at strengthening and not good at transformation. Dark magic is not good at strengthening, but is good at transformation. So there is a difference.

Hmm? What does transformation do in the first place?

Ai, who could not use magic, could not understand what Tatsuro meant by transformation. So, Tatsuro decided to show her an easy to understand example.

Transformation is the process of changing the inherent properties of something, for example, if you transform fire, it can do this.

With that, Tatsuro mixed fire magic with dark magic and imagined what he wanted to do. Then the liquidized flame flowed down from his palm and disappeared, leaving a burn mark on the ground.

The fire was like water now. This is what you mean by transformation.

Yeah, and what Im trying to do this time is to make the board lighweight with dark magic that I use to fly.

Making it lightweight is possible?

Yeah, when I first made the board, I used dark magic to transform the original weight and make it lighter. That way, when I use wind magic, I can save magic power and extend my flight time.

So thats how it is.

So, when Ai understood what his intentions were, Tatsuro quickly raised the level of his skills.

Name: Tatsuro Hasami

Class: Light Magician

Level: 28

Energy: 65

Magic power: 629

Muscle strength: 90

Endurance: 90

Speed: 85

Magic Power: 500

Magic Resistance: 492

Magic Control: 500

Acquired Skills

Level Eater Light Magic Lv.10 Dark Magic Lv.4

Fire Magic Lv.10 Water Magic Lv.1 Life Magic Lv.1

Earth Magic Lv.6 Dissolve Magic Lv.3 Wind Magic Lv. 5

Increase Magic Quality Lv.2 Increase Magic Recovery Speed Lv.2

Concentration Lv. 3Understanding of All Languages

System Skills

Map Function Item Box +3

Remaining skill points: 0


Trainer of Light, Trainer of Fire, Breaker.

Resonant Being

Okay, I got it.

Right. Youve got a lot of skills, though.

I guess so. In the beginning, I only had Level Eater. Now I just need to make a flying tool and fly to the lake!

Ooh, you can finally fly!

Yeah. So what do you say, I want to make this as good as possible, so why dont you hold my hand?


With that, Ai grabbed Tatsuros hand. Then Tatsuro closed the status screen, confirmed the activation of his title, and took out the iron ingot he had bought when he went to the department store today.

He placed it on the ground and let the magic power from the mixture of earth magic and dark magic flow into his wand and permeate the ingot from there.

Soon, the lump of iron changed into the shape of the board he had made before. However, if he looked closely, he could see that it had two clasps to hold the legs in place, which were not there before.

Tatsuro lifted it up to check its strength and weight. He found that the hardness was still the same as iron, but the material was unusually light.

All right, I think this will work.

Uhm, should I be on the front?

Yeah. I dont think Ill be able to keep my balance if Im in front.

While confirming their positions, the two of them secured one foot on the board. When they were done, they checked again to make sure they would not fall off. Once they were satisfied that everything was okay, it was time to fly.

Were going to go up at once, so be careful.


He hugged Ais body from behind as she answered in a slightly tense voice, and used his wind magic to push the board up into the air.

Uoohh Hiiyaa

It seemed that he had put a little too much magic power into it because it lifted the weight of them, and it flew up higher than Tatsuro had expected.

However, both of them were surprised only at first, and their eyes lit up at the scene that unfolded before them.


Ai, I can see the Obsuru over there!

Its true!

In the direction Tatsuro was pointing, he could see the beautiful white exterior walls lit up by the moonlight, as well as the city itself.

He then spun around and grabbed the feeling of a two-seater and pointed the board in the direction of the lake.

Okay, this will take us right to the lake. Are you ready?

Leeeeeeetttttttsssssss go, Tatsurooooo!


While holding back his laughter at the tension of Ai, Tatsuro accelerated the board on the air current created by the wind magic and slid through the sky at several times the speed of walking.

By flying over the trees and across the out of the way areas, they could get there in no time.

What the hell is that?!

Is that the lake?

The lake, even from a distance, created a completely different landscape.

Its like a mirror reflecting light, the entire surface of the lake was glowing pale white.

Looking down from above, only the area around the lake seemed to stand out brightly.

Amazing even from here its so bright.

Yeah. Okay, lets try to get closer.


As Ai admired the scene, she gently put her weight on Tatsuro, who was standing behind while hugging her. Tatsuro responded by hugging it tightly for a moment, and then slid the board all the way down to near the top of the lake.

Its even more beautiful when you see it up close.

When I saw it in the evening, it looked like the salt under the lake was glowing, but here the lake itself is glowing. I dont know how that makes sense.

Finally, they came to the top of the lake, where they made a large, slow turn and looked down. When they finished looking at the scene from the sky, they slowly descended to the ground.

After landing with a whoosh, Tatsuro put the iron board in the item box and the two of them walked side by side to the edge of the lake in front of them.

When they came to a position where they could touch it directly, they both crouched down and scooped up the glistening water with their hands.

Huh? It doesnt glow when you scoop it up?

Looks like it.

Then, when he returned the water to the lake, it mixed with the surrounding water and regained its light. Ai, perhaps amused by this phenomenon, played with the water, scooping it up and putting it back again and again.

Tatsuro, meanwhile, dug his hand into the lake to see if there were any secrets at the bottom, and dug up a bit of the bottom to scoop it up, but he found nothing unusual, just sand, gravel and hardened salt.

Its really a strange place.


Ai stopped scooping up the water and intertwined her fingers with Tatsuros wet hand.

Come on, wipe your hands before you intertwine my hands.


She smiled and leaned on Tatsuros shoulder without any ill will. He couldnt say anything about the innocent look on her face, so he put a little of his weight on her and they leaned against each other as they continued to watch the mysterious glowing lake together.

Should we go and collect some Sassafras?

Yes, we should.

The two of them spent some time relaxing together, and then decided to start working on another request.

TL: With this finished I want to announce that I will be handing this serie back to Nocturnal translation. Thats all. I enjoyed translating this novel but couldnt release more then 1 ch per week. Im sorry about that. With that said I hope you enjoyed my translation and have a great day!

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