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7 months ago
Karaboshi Haruki has no presence as far as can be recognized, and so he became an adventurer with... Read more Karaboshi Haruki has no presence as far as can be recognized, and so he became an adventurer with only the desire to «stand out.» One day, a dungeon appeared under his home in Hokkaido. Coincidentally, he picked up a «Skill Board» with which he can spend skill points to increase his growth rate. Is it possible to become a popular person by obsessively diving into your home dungeon everyday? Collapse Accelerated Growth, Adapted to Manga, Adventurers, Appearance Changes, Average-looking Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Chat Rooms, Cheats, Comedic Undertone, Depictions of Cruelty, Determined Protagonist, Dungeons, Game Elements, Grinding, Hard-Working Protagonist, Helpful Protagonist, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Abilities, Invisibility, Magic, Male Protagonist, Pragmatic Protagonist, R-15, Romantic Subplot, Secrets, Special Abilities, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Weak to Strong Написано что переведено 626, а на самом деле 166 anyone who have read this? is this a typical cliche novel with a typical cliche MC? There Is A Manga With 22 Chapter So Try It i Guess? I mean its not good nor is it bad its just something to read when your board its like an idle game fun for a while then you forget it existed idle games are my life