Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 67 – Let me sharpen your spear before the battle

Chapter 67 – Let me sharpen your spear before the battle

Meng Fan harbored reservations in his heart and was unwilling to step onto the stage.

In fact, if He Ying truly defeated Jiang Poyue, it wouldn't necessarily be a good thing.

With the Kunlun Sword Sect and the Limitless Sword Sect watching closely, amidst the chatter of the crowd, the news would certainly leak out.

Under such circumstances, enemies of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect would surely seek to deal with He Ying, plotting by all means to kill him.

It's easy to dodge an open spear but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. Even if He Ying stayed within the Shu Mountain Sword Sect and never left, who could say for sure there were no spies from other sects within?

Fortunately, the guy lost.

Although he performed brilliantly, he didn't reach the level of a monstrosity, so he didn't attract too much attention.

If Meng Fan took the stage and won against Jiang Poyue, then the nature of the situation would be different. He estimated he would end up on some sort of "hit list."

Was it worth it to face such severe consequences just for a moment of glory?

Not worth it!

Of course, all of this might just be Meng Fan's speculation, not necessarily bound to happen.

But it's always right to be cautious, especially when the probability of such speculation isn't low!

Silently making a fortune was the path most suited for Meng Fan.

He didn't need to show off how outstanding he was, nor did he need the sect to spend much cost and resources to cultivate him.

With Elder Lin's support in the Sword Pavilion, he had enough to "ascend to the heavens."

Moreover, he had the Sword God Stele!

"By the way, Senior Sister Liu, are you really not considering going up to test your sword technique?" Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping.

"Why should I go up if I can't win?" Liu Yanping was very self-aware.

Meng Fan thought for a moment and decided to share the information he had learned from Elder Lin with Liu Yanping.

He didn't have many friends in the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, but Liu Yanping could be considered one.

So he didn't mind sharing such news with her.

"The Demon Realm? Only those below the Condensation Pill Realm can enter? Your cultivation level will be sealed once inside? There's such an interesting place?" Liu Yanping became interested.

Meng Fan gave a wry smile: "That's not the point. The point is that if you show off your sword technique, the sect will value you more and will definitely cultivate you more diligently, providing you with more resources!"

As for the Demon Realm, whether Liu Yanping went or not was up to her, as the place was likely quite dangerous.

However, the three major sword sects had once sent people to explore that part of the Demon Realm, and since they had made such a decision, it proved that the danger should be within a controllable range.

"I didn't even know about this, and to think you could one day be more informed than me!" Liu Yanping had always played the role of a know-it-all in front of Meng Fan, often introducing various things to him.

She didn't expect the roles to be reversed today.

"Yesterday, it was me who told you that Jiang Poyue of the Kunlun Sword Sect might win the final victory," Meng Fan said with a slight dissatisfaction.

"That was Senior Disciple Jin from the Scripture Pavilion who told you!" Liu Yanping pursed her lips.

Meng Fan rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue over trivial matters.

Then, he saw Liu Yanping heading towards the Heaven-Connecting Platform.

"Wait a minute!" Meng Fan suddenly grabbed Liu Yanping.

"What's the rush? Didn't you suggest I go up and try my sword technique?" Liu Yanping said.

"What's the hurry? Let me sharpen your spear before the battle."

Meng Fan then began to instruct Liu Yanping, pointing out the flaws and weaknesses in Cheng Feiyu's sword technique.


Moments later, Liu Yanping confidently ascended the Heaven-Connecting Platform and faced Cheng Feiyu.

It wasn't unusual for Liu Yanping, an Inner Sect Disciple, to challenge Cheng Feiyu.

Core Disciples could directly challenge Jiang Poyue, so those who came to challenge Cheng Feiyu were all Inner Sect Disciples.

Well, with a few exceptions from the Outer Sect Disciples.

Of course, without exception, the Outer Sect Disciples were defeated in one move, with no miracles occurring.

Liu Yanping's ascent to the stage didn't attract much attention.

After all, she was only at the second level of the True Martial Realm, unlikely to be Cheng Feiyu's opponent.

A genius like He Ying was one in ten thousand, and it was impossible for two to emerge at once.

After Liu Yanping took the stage, Cheng Feiyu, standing opposite her, looked at her calmly, expressionless.

In his view, Liu Yanping was certainly the kind of person he could "defeat in one strike."

But when Liu Yanping drew her sword and thrust it at him, his expression changed.

Sword Qi!

Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword Qi!

For a cultivator at the second level of the True Martial Realm to perfect a sword technique to the extreme, forming Sword Rhyme and eliciting Sword Qi, was extremely difficult.

Many cultivators at the fifth or sixth level of the True Martial Realm couldn't achieve this!

So just for this alone, Cheng Feiyu took her seriously.

Cheng Feiyu swung his sword, and a burst of Sword Qi shot out as well.

Neither of them used their Cultivation Level or True Qi, so when these two Sword Qi appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many.

Many people were extremely surprised to see Liu Yanping, recognizing her.

This young lady, known as the richest Inner Sect Disciple, was quite famous.

But no one expected her sword technique to be so strong!

Fortunately, with He Ying's outstanding performance preceding her, although everyone was amazed, it was limited.

Many things are truly memorable only the first time they happen; by the second time, people become accustomed.

This is the principle of "there is no second in martial arts."

The clash of Sword Qi was just the beginning.

When Liu Yanping unleashed her second sword strike, everyone was stunned.

This shock was somewhat comparable to He Ying's.

Because Liu Yanping's second sword strike actually contained Sword Intent!

Second level of the True Martial Realm, mastering Sword Intent.

The last time this happened was... thirty minutes ago.

And it wasn't at the second level of the True Martial Realm, but the first.

Nevertheless, the attention of the crowd was drawn.

At this moment, the competition on Jiang Poyue's side was ignored, as everyone watched Liu Yanping.

No one could focus on two sword fights at once; they could only concentrate on one.

With Meng Fan's last-minute advice, Liu Yanping found the weakness in Cheng Feiyu's sword technique and defeated him in just five moves.

She became the second Inner Sect Disciple, after He Ying, qualified to challenge Jiang Poyue.

This outcome was unexpected for many.

Several Elders of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect looked at Liu Yanping in surprise.

Especially one Elder who had a good relationship with Liu Qingyuan of the Alchemy Hall, nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't expect old Liu, who was not good at swordsmanship and only focused on alchemy, to have cultivated such a granddaughter with excellent sword skills.

Truly, the new waves push the old waves forward!

After defeating Cheng Feiyu, Liu Yanping approached Jiang Poyue and bowed.

Although she often referred to him as her future husband in a familiar manner, standing in front of Jiang Poyue, she was incredibly nervous.

This nervousness was not due to admiration for the opposite sex, but from the pressure of strength.

Just standing opposite Jiang Poyue, she already felt an invisible pressure.

There's no chance of winning this!

"Make your move," Jiang Poyue said to Liu Yanping.

Liu Yanping took a deep breath, drew her saber, and slashed at Jiang Poyue.

He let her strike first, and she certainly wouldn't be polite, knowing full well she was at a disadvantage.

If she still pretentiously let the opponent strike first, then she would be a fool!

Liu Yanping knew she couldn't be Jiang Poyue's opponent, so she used her strongest sword strike right from the start.

Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword Intent!

The result... The next second, Liu Yanping's sword flew out of her hand, utterly defeated.

Jiang Poyue drew and sheathed his sword smoothly, in one fluid motion.

He hadn't moved a step, standing in place from beginning to end, coldly watching Liu Yanping.

Liu Yanping picked up her sword resignedly and stepped down from the Heaven-Connecting Platform.

She didn't feel disappointed or frustrated because she never thought she could win.

As for being defeated in one move, she had considered this possibility, quite normal.

Liu Yanping returned to Meng Fan's side, her mentality still calm, not affected by the defeat.

Meng Fan joked, "Your future husband sure is ruthless."

Liu Yanping pursed her lips, ignoring Meng Fan's teasing.

"This guy even showed mercy to He Ying, but against you, a woman, he was merciless. Tsk tsk, such a real man!" Meng Fan smacked his lips.

"Who says women are inferior to men? Why should he show mercy?" Liu Yanping glared at Meng Fan.

"Here's a piece of advice for you," Meng Fan suddenly said out of the blue.

"What advice?" Liu Yanping looked at Meng Fan curiously.

"Don't really let Jiang Poyue become your future husband; you'll suffer in the future."

"I was just joking! Besides, how could he possibly fancy me? But why are you suddenly saying this?"

Meng Fan leaned closer to Liu Yanping's ear and whispered, "When Jiang Poyue struck at you just now, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes."

"And then?" Liu Yanping looked at Meng Fan strangely, not understanding what he meant.

"Before that, when I saw him strike at other female disciples, there was also a hint of special excitement in his eyes."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Don't you understand? This guy gets especially excited when hitting women, which means he likes to hit women. Any woman who marries him in the future will definitely suffer domestic violence! Unless his wife is stronger than him and can turn the tables on him!"

"Really?" Liu Yanping looked at Meng Fan with great skepticism, feeling that Meng Fan was just jealous and slandering others.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Meng Fan shrugged indifferently.

In his past life, he was a lawyer and had dealt with many domestic violence cases.

Many men who liked domestic violence had eyes and expressions similar to Jiang Poyue.

Meng Fan considered Liu Yanping a friend, so he took the initiative to warn her.

"Alright, whether what you said is true or false, it doesn't matter to me. I was just talking nonsense before, and it's not like I'll really have anything to do with him." Liu Yanping said nonchalantly.

However, this did make her more cautious and she dared not casually mention a future husband anymore.

After all, she was absolutely no match for Jiang Poyue.

She had no masochistic tendencies!


No more Inner Sect Disciples of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect went up to the stage.

From start to finish, only Liu Yanping and He Ying, two Inner Sect Disciples, defeated Cheng Feiyu.

As for the Core Disciples, none were a match for Jiang Poyue.

Whether it was his raw strength yesterday or his pure swordsmanship today, Jiang Poyue remains unrivaled!

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