Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 4 – Miss, please have some self-respect!

Chapter 4 – Miss, please have some self-respect!

Meng Fan unsheathed the White Feather Sword.

Just like when he had drawn the Azure Fish Sword before, a streak of light, barely perceptible to the naked eye, flowed along the blade and into Meng Fan's body.

Currently lacking the ability to look inward, Meng Fan was unaware that the light had traveled through his meridians and burrowed into his Dantian.

His brow furrowed, intuition telling him that this breath entering his body was probably not a bad thing.

It must be another benefit from the Talent of Sword Dao Transcendence.

As for what this benefit was, he would likely understand once his Cultivation Level improved and his horizons broadened.

Meng Fan wiped down the White Feather Sword and placed it back on the wooden rack.

He remembered the task Senior Disciple Luo had given him: to clean all the swords on the first floor of the Sword Pavilion within a year.

The thought invigorated Meng Fan!

If he could touch all the swords here, how many Sword Techniques would he learn?

By then, integrating various Sword Techniques, he might forge his own path in swordsmanship!

Meng Fan, full of enthusiasm, prepared to pick up the third longsword.

Senior Disciple Luo had already calculated for him; to clean all these longswords within a year, he needed to wipe about twenty each day.

Meng Fan was well aware of his limitations, so he chose the less impressive "weakling" swords.

Sometimes, however, he would still be mistaken.

For instance, the Flying Feather Sword, unassuming in appearance, contained a surprising Malevolent Aura.

But with the Talent of Sword Dao Transcendence, he wasn't afraid of these little accidents.

However, as he was about to choose the third longsword, a major accident occurred.

A longsword, which Meng Fan had not chosen, took flight on its own and landed in front of him.

This was a... Spiritual Sword!

Only a Spiritual Sword could move on its own.

Meng Fan's expression changed immediately, realizing he was in trouble.

From his previous indirect inquiries with Senior Disciple Luo, Meng Fan understood that there were dangers within the Sword Pavilion.

Now, danger had befallen him.

Just as Meng Fan was about to call for help from Senior Disciple Luo, he found his surroundings had changed.

He was no longer in the Sword Pavilion but appeared in a dimly lit space with no apparent boundaries.

An illusion?

Meng Fan's brow creased.

The next second, a Lady in Red appeared before him.

Her delicate features, flowing long hair, and fiery red lips made her stunningly beautiful.

"Gentleman, do you find me beautiful?"

The Lady in Red stood before Meng Fan, her lips parting slightly with a smile that was full of charm.

"Beautiful!" Meng Fan said earnestly.

He was telling the truth; she was indeed very beautiful.

Although he was in an Illusory Realm and it was somewhat baffling, he wasn't overly panicked.

From his previous conversation with Senior Disciple Luo, he deduced that he was unlikely to die on his first day here.

The dangers of the Sword Pavilion were gradual and insidious, not immediate death upon entry.

So, although Meng Fan was somewhat nervous, he remained relatively calm, wanting to see what the Lady in Red was up to.

Suddenly, the scene around him changed dramatically!

A bed appeared before Meng Fan, with the Lady in Red lying on it, her robes half-undone, revealing her fragrant shoulders.

"Gentleman, since you find me beautiful, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold. Why not come over quickly?"

The Lady in Red beckoned Meng Fan from the bed, her gestures sultry and alluring.

Meng Fan's heart raced, and he couldn't help but swallow.

Was this...A seduction?

Let's be honest, what teenager full of vigor could withstand this?

Meng Fan could!

Anyone else might have succumbed, but Meng Fan had seen countless scenes like this in his past life on Earth.

To be honest, he only had two words for this situation—just this?

Moreover, Meng Fan was well aware that this was not a romantic encounter but a life-threatening crisis.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Fan looked at the Lady in Red and said, "You are indeed beautiful, but you cannot tempt me."

"Oh? Why is that?"

The Lady in Red got up, her bare feet stepping down from the bed, and approached Meng Fan.

With her slender fingers, she teased Meng Fan's chin, her face full of allure.

"Gentleman, do you find my beauty lacking and unworthy of your attention?"

Meng Fan shook his head, "That's not it. You, Fairy, are extremely beautiful, but you want to absorb my Yang Qi, and I can't afford to lose it!"

The Lady in Red looked at Meng Fan in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, you have little Cultivation Level, but your Determination is exceptional, remaining calm at a time like this."

Meng Fan quickly said, "Indeed, I don't have much Cultivation Level, so even if you absorb from me, you won't get much Yang Qi."

"I'm not some Fairy, nor am I after your Yang Qi, but your life force," the Lady in Red chuckled.

Her fingers traced Meng Fan's face and neck, honestly making his heart itch.

"However, you can rest assured, because if you don't cooperate, I can't absorb your life force."

In Meng Fan's view, Yang Qi and life force meant the same thing.

Legends say that men drained of Yang Qi by female fairies wouldn't live long either.

"Miss, since that's the case, please let me go back," Meng Fan said to the Lady in Red.

The Lady in Red laughed, "You're much stronger than the last boy. He didn't last three months here before he was completely gone. It seems you might live a few days longer!"

Meng Fan's heart skipped a beat.

He had heard from Senior Disciple Luo that the previous Guarding Sword Disciple had lasted three months, having left just a few days ago.

At the time, he thought the guy had left the Sword Pavilion for another job.

It turned out that 'left' in Senior Disciple Luo's words meant dead!

Suddenly, Meng Fan felt a chill and deeply sensed the terror of the Sword Pavilion.

"Scared?" the Lady in Red asked with a smile, her demeanor flirtatious.

Meng Fan said somewhat awkwardly, "Miss, since you already know I have strong Determination and cannot be tempted, please stop being so... flirtatious."

The Lady in Red sat on the bed with Dignified composure, "Oh, young gentleman, do you prefer this demeanor?"

Meng Fan coughed lightly, neither confirming nor denying, avoiding the question.

From start to finish, the woman had not stopped teasing him.

"Miss, please have some self-respect!" Meng Fan said solemnly, all seriousness.

Of course, it was an act!

He had to show that he couldn't be seduced by beauty, so she would let him leave.

If he showed even a hint of desire, she would definitely try to overpower him and absorb his Yang Qi!

He must resist!

"Unexpected to find such a serious young man in the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

Interesting, remember, don't call me Miss, call me Hong Qi."

Meng Fan nodded, "Alright, Miss Hongqi!"

Hong Qi gave Meng Fan a sidelong glance, then with a wave of her hand...

A sweep of red sleeves passed before Meng Fan's eyes, and his vision returned to normal.

The illusion dissolved, and he was back on the first floor of the Sword Pavilion, standing before the wooden rack.

In front of him was a longsword emitting a faint red glow.

In Senior Disciple Luo's room, the Senior Brother, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, now opened them, a smile playing on his lips.

"This man, with a surprisingly strong Mindset, is completely unharmed.

Much stronger than the previous one, he should live a couple of months longer.


And Meng Fan, whom Senior Disciple Luo had just praised, was now looking at the longsword in front of him, radiating a faint red light.

Unable to resist, he reached out and touched it!

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