Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 185: Vitality (1)

Chapter 185: Vitality (1)

In an environment abundant with food without a predator, rats can give birth when they’re six months old and one rat can give birth to a maximum of 40 rats a month. That overwhelmingly tenacious vitality and breeding speed reached its height in the 14th century when hygiene was at its bottom and when cats were referred to as devilish animals.

Rats carried over germs by breeding and close to a 100 million people in Europe got infected and died – Black Death.

Why was that specific part of the textbook that she heard last semester coming back to her now?

Yeorum felt like throwing up.

There was a cluster of black fur, with deep-red flesh embedded within. The black ones were adult rats while the red ones were baby rats that had yet to grow their furs. Their bodies were intertwined and stuck together, sharing a bluish-black vein as one while still resembling a cluster of many individual animals.

Rats were connected to other rats.

It was a horrendous sight that made one wonder how such an existence could even exist. What frightened Yeorum even more, was how hundreds and thousands of heads that were attached to the lump simultaneously turned towards her, and looked into her eyes.

“…Like, what is this.”

The Regressor replied with a sluggish voice.

“Artificial Shaped Colony. Someone was experimenting with rats.”

“What kind of experiment?”

Artificial shaped colonies, also called Chimeracias. It was one of the most dangerous forms of chimeras found on Earth.

“An experiment to create an undying organism.”

The chimera that either had a spell that made it wish to live eternally or a similar artifact, would continue its pregnancy and give birth to increase its size over time.

That was what the bizarre creature in front of them was.

“Judging from the size, it should’ve been here for around 2 years.”

On the way here, Yu Jitae hadn’t felt the presence of other animals in the forest and had a hunch that things would be like this.

“This. You’re going to tell the sentries, right.”


“Then what will happen to that?”

“It’ll be disposed of.”

“Disposed? Ah…”

Yeorum clenched her fists. What was in front wasn’t a rat and was instead an existence made by merging them together, but seeing it from another perspective, they were still rats. Seeing that ridiculously cruel and wicked appearance they were forced to look like created a frown on her face.

At that moment, she suddenly exploded in rage.

“This can’t be… This, fuck, fuck… Does this even make sense?”


“Who is it? Who’s the fucking trash that did this? Can you find them?”

“What if I find them.”

“I’ll kill them. Twist their heads and crush them, or break their back into two. I’ll dig their eyes out.”


“Please. Tell me! Huh? You can find them right? You can tell me who the fucking human trash that did this is, right? I’ll go and kill that inhuman bitch.”

Did the eyes of the baby rats staring at her shake her heart? Her anger was very abrupt.

He shook his head.

But after thinking about it, he could somehow guess the reason – the weight behind the word ‘Life’ to Yeorum, and how she felt about an existence that was destined to lead an unfortunate life from birth.

He could understand why the child was angry but he also knew that it was but a momentary emotion. Even if she emotionally approached this incident, she would only be feeling empty once it all came to an end, so he remained quiet.

After giving the case over to the sentries, he let them in on the clues he found about the identity of the culprit. From what he heard later on, the culprit was a cadet – an unlucky cadet from the Tower of Mages whose curiosity got the best of him.

The sentries caught the said cadet and handed him over to the Association. The Association would ask for the price of going against one of the 3 Taboos which was considered a bigger issue than drugs, assault and murder with his life.

This was the end of his 10 hours of campus community service.

Throughout the way back to the dormitory, Yeorum didn’t say a word.


Time flew by since the start of the new semester.

Bom’s writing contest was only a month away. She had finished writing an entire book already and it was ready to send, but she didn’t stop writing even after that and finished about 4 books worth of different stories.

All of them were horror stories and he realised that even the contents were similar after reading through them all. It was the story of a female criminal running away to a cabin in a mountain, meeting a ghost and paying for her sins.

“Why are you writing the same thing multiple times?”

“Hmm… I like the story but I don’t know what would work for the readers.”

Yu Jitae couldn’t understand the Green Dragon’s way of writing.

“So I’m going to try writing it one last time.”

Although he couldn’t understand it, he could cheer her on.

“Call me whenever you need me.”


On the other hand, Kaeul had finally found a new hobby.

“You know! I think, magic is pretty fun!”

It was none other than magic.

“What type of magic?”

“Uhh, umm, actually, Bom-unni started teaching me recently.”

“Bom’s teaching you?”

Bom nodded from the side and added, “Yes. I thought she might need it, but Kaeul liked it more than I expected.”

“Nn. It’s fun!”

“What are you learning these days,” he asked.

“These days, healing spells…?”

She brought her hands together as a gentle and soothing mana gathered on her hands. The mana contained a golden lustre that resembled her hair colour.

“But, you know. I don’t think it’s that good to practise with.”


“We can only use healing magic when someone’s hurt right? But we are all too healthy!”

What he thought for a second was that he could help her with the healing magic himself. It wasn’t that difficult – he could simply create a wound on his arm with a knife and tell her to heal it.

However, the Regressor now knew that things like that slightly deviated from the general framework of normal lives. Kaeul would be shocked and wouldn’t be happy about it.

“Hmm… I get it. Try your best for now.”

Even now, there were lots of people getting hurt. If she stayed interested in healing magic, it would definitely be useful in the future.


Meanwhile, Yu Gyeoul.


She was carrying a bag.


With an extremely displeased look on her face.

“What’s the problem.”

“…I don’t, want to go to school.”


“…I like, staying at home.”


There was no real reason to send her to school. However, Gyeoul’s interpersonal relationship was way too limited and these days she spent more time lying down at home.

Judging from how she occasionally quarrelled with Yeorum, the Regressor could tell that she was very skilled at forming relationships despite being a young child. Even after going to a school, she would definitely find enjoyment and do well at it.

“Let’s try going for now, and if you really don’t want to, can you talk to me again?”


That morning, Gyeoul held onto his hand and went to Lair’s public elementary school for guardian’s children. Since he had applied for her beforehand, Gyeoul simply headed to the classroom and after entering the classroom, she stared at Yu Jitae through the window for a very long time until he eventually disappeared from her sight.


While other kids were rustling next to her, Gyeoul rested her chin on her hands with a discontent look on her face. From the surroundings, she could feel gazes glancing her way.

Gyeoul reflected on the words Bom told her last night.

‘Gyeoul. You’re a dragon and most of the people at school will be humans.’

‘Us dragons are using polymorph to pretend like humans.’

‘Because of that, we could look beautiful on the outside. People will like you a lot, and try to stare at your face because you’re a really pretty child.’

‘But don’t care too much about their gazes. Don’t doubt them and observe who the good people are by slowly chatting with them. Get closer to them and there will definitely be a lot of interesting things happening.’

Gyeoul was now aware that she was special from an objective standpoint. But she also knew that because she was special, she had to try to be normal in order to lead a normal life.

Someone who called herself a teacher came and introduced herself to the kids and the class soon started. Although she wasn’t particularly interested, Gyeoul obediently focused on the lesson.

When it was finally a recess break, a group of girls carefully came towards her and started a conversation.

“H, hello…?”

Gyeoul turned towards them and gave a nod.


“You’re really pretty…”

“Uhh, you look like a doll.”

“…Thank you.”

On the first day of school, the kids wore their favourite hair pins, clothes and necklaces to class. Gyeoul immediately realised that.

“…Your necklace, looks pretty.”

“Ah, really?”

“…Nn. And your clothes look cool.”

“Uhh, thank you…”

After sharing friendly greetings, the nervous girls hesitantly asked Gyeoul.

“Do you want to go to the canteen with us?”


“…This, to daddy.”

Yu Jitae thought he was hearing things.

Sitting in the study, he turned around and found Gyeoul holding something in her hands.



“What was that?”

“…Ah, this. They said to give it to daddy…”


While saying that, Gyeoul threw glances at him, trying to read his mood. When he nonchalantly received the paper, she widened her eyes.

“Right. How was school.”


The child placed her two hands on his lap. For the first time in a long time, he lifted her up and sat her horizontally on his lap and supported her back so that she wouldn’t fall.

“How was school.”

“…Well, nothing much.”

“Was it fun? How was the teacher and other friends.”

“…Just so-so.”

It was a positive sign that she wasn’t saying that she hated it, since she did look sincerely uncomfortable in the morning. Maybe something fun happened at school. Curious, he asked.

“Did something fun happen?”


But Gyeoul simply shook her head without saying anything. Something like this felt very refreshing because until now, he had known everything she was doing wherever she was.

In other words, she now had something which he didn’t know about.

It didn’t feel all that bad.

“…Please, come pick me up tomorrow.”

Bom had gone today, but in any case, he nodded back.

“Got it.”

Only then did she give a satisfied nod.


That night, the kids boisterously chatted about watching a midnight movie.

“It has to be horror movies in Summer!” Kaeul’s shout intrigued Gyeoul and Bom also left with them after judging that it would be a good study material. On the way out, they mentioned that they would be playing till it was late.

However, Yeorum didn’t go with them. It had already been several days since the community service but she was always staying holed up in her room unless she was training outside.

Today was the same. She stayed in her room the whole day but came out and laid down on the sofa of the living room after feeling stuffy inside.

Soon, Yu Jitae stole her seat so she had to awkwardly sit next to him on the sofa.

For a long time, they sat there together without saying anything. From time to time, she glanced at him seemingly trying to say something but hesitated, and he waited for her to open her mouth so that her thinking time wouldn’t be interrupted.

Ding– dong–

That was when the doorbell rang.

“Are they here already?”

Finding it awkward, Yeorum stood up and headed to the front entrance but on the way, she suddenly realised that both Bom and Kaeul had keys.


Who was it then.

It was then. Yu Jitae was behind her by the time she realised it, and he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Go to your room.”

Yeorum, who had a bad experience a few days ago for not listening to his words, obediently went into her room with a nod. However, she didn’t close the door and looked outside. What she found strange was that the cleaner standing in the living room, Armata, had unsheathed its sword.

Yu Jitae opened the door.

Something resembling a human was standing outside.

Unkempt hair. A tall and thin body. A long monochromic business shirt and a long pair of pants. The clothes, however, were all ripped and were stained with filth and blood.

A half-broken pair of sunglasses was on his face.

The person that looked like a wasted man, was none other than BM.

“What brings you here at this time of the day looking like that.”

Yu Jitae asked and BM replied.

“Sir. Mister Yu Jitae.”


“It’s not just gods like you that can pull it off.”

A calm yet gloomy voice. It sounded half like a human while the remaining half sounded like it was coming from the other side of a thick fog.

But Yu Jitae sensed pride from his voice.

“You must have made something.”

“Yes, I did. And I came here to let you know before anyone. Come, say hello.”

As soon as he said that, a small child peeked from behind BM.

Yeorum looked at the child with a frown. The child appeared to be around 10 years of age and had slightly dark-red hair along with red eyes. Rather than a girl, the child looked like a girlish boy.

The child glanced across the dormitory with a vacant gaze which eventually stopped after reaching Yeorum’s eyes.

“Right. Come in. Let’s have a chat.”

Yu Jitae brought them into the house.

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