Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 23

Pei Ying stopped in her steps.

That man was still wearing a black coat and white sneakers. Under his eyes, there were very obvious dark circles.

Pei Ying stood still for several seconds before turning and walking in the opposite direction. And, as expected, the man under the tree followed her.

The sky was still lit and she was on a large and busy street, so Pei Ying felt that he wouldnt dare act recklessly. With her injured leg, she slowly walked forward.

There was a local police station not too far away. She really wanted to see if this person would follow her all the way there.

After making a turn at the corner, Pei Ying could see the sign for the police station. She usually passed by the place without much care, but right now, that dark blue sign really calmed her down quite a bit.

The man followed her up to the intersection before stopping. Pei Ying didnt dare to turn around and just quickly hurried into the police station. The officer at the entrance stopped her and asked her reason for coming. After explaining her situation, the officer brought her inside.

Inside, there were several officers working. When they heard she wanted to file a report, they had her take a seat.

What would you like to report? the officer across from her asked.

Pei Ying answered, Theres a stranger following me. Its already been three days. Every day, when I get off work and head home, hes standing near the entrance of my apartment compound. Then he follows me all the way to my building.

Hes just following you? Did he do anything do you?

No, but this is already really quite frightening. He was even following me just now.

The officer looked at her and said, If thats all there is, we cant file a report.

Pei Ying frowned. Then what does it take to file a report? Should I wait until he does something more to me?

Miss, please dont be upset. I understand your feelings, but we also have to follow the rules and regulations.

Pei Ying slightly pursed her lips. In a slightly calmer tone, she said, Then what should I do now? Just let him keep following me? I dont even dare to go back home right now.

The officer responded, Currently, in these types of situations, we can only increase the patrols in the area. If we see the man youre talking about, well be sure to warn and inform him.

Hearing these words, Pei Ying felt slightly discouraged. The officer across from her examined her for a moment, and then suddenly said, Youre a celebrity, right? Named Pei Ying, I believe?

Yes. Pei Ying wasnt sure how to feel. Whod have thought that thered be a day when the police recognized her?

If thats the case, could the person following you be a paparazzi?

Pei Ying shook her head. Shed considered the possibility previously, but this person didnt carry any camera equipment, and he never tried to hide his presence as he waited for her. No matter how she thought about it, he couldnt be a paparazzi. She explained her thoughts to the officer, who asked again, Then do you think they might be an extreme fan?

Pei Ying didnt really know about that. Shed debuted awhile ago, but shed never met an extreme fan before.

I dont think so though. If they were a fan, they should be very excited when they see me. They might ask for an autograph or a photo or something. But this person hasnt said a single word to me. He just follows me and gives a creepy laugh. Pei Ying recalled that haha and she could feel her hair stand on end.

The officer thought for a moment and then said, Is your place nearby? Ill send you back. If that person is still waiting at your building, Ill teach him a lesson. Dont you worry.

Okay Pei Ying agreed. She didnt have any other options currently. She just hoped that the officer would really be able to stop the man.

The officer called over one of his colleagues and they walked Pei Ying home together. Seeing her sprained foot, he even asked with concern, You didnt get that sprain from fleeing from your stalker, did you?

Ah, no, I didnt I sprained it when I was practicing a dance.

The officer nodded. Your work must be tough too.

Pei Ying laughed. Whose work isnt tough?

Thats true. She and the two officers walked out of the station, and Pei Ying immediately saw the man in the black coat.

He was still standing at the intersection.

Its him, in the black coat and white sneakers. As Pei Ying spoke, she made sure not to point at him and just describe him, but the man quickly turned and walked off. One of the officers called to him, but he didnt stop. Instead, he started to run faster, and he was gone in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the man, Pei Ying started to feel nervous. She anxiously asked the officer at her side, He wouldnt retaliate after finding out I reported him, would he?

The officer responded, Dont worry too much. Well make sure to keep an eye out for this. Keep an eye out when you enter or leave home. Better yet, have your boyfriend stay with you.

Pei Ying bit her lip. My boyfriends currently out of the country. He wont be back for a few days.

The officer seemed contemplative as he nodded. Then this person may be taking the opportunity to follow you during that time Do you have any other male friends that you can have travel around with you for awhile?

Pei Ying thought about it. Although she had several male friends, only Chen Sheng was really suitable for this. But she couldnt trouble Chen Sheng about it. He was her boss after all.

How about I stay with my friend for the time being. Thankfully, in this city, she still had a Ren Shanshan.

The officer responded, That sounds good too. Well be mindful of this guy as well.

After they sent Pei Ying off in a taxi, they left. Pei Ying checked the time. Ren Shanshan should still be at her studio, so she had the driver head there.


When she arrived, Ren Shanshan was holding a bowl and having dinner. When she saw Pei Ying hobble inside, she quickly stood up. Whats going on?

With Shanshans help, Pei Ying walked over to the table and sat down. She took a breath and said, I sprained my ankle at dance practice. Its not serious.

Not serious but wrapped up like this? Hospital gauze doesnt cost money now? Ren Shanshan examined her foot a bit and then sat down beside her. Why did you come over here?

Pei Ying explained about her stalker, and when she was done, Ren Shanshan stared blankly for a moment before abruptly putting down the bowl in her hands. Wow, thats really too scary. Your Song Nanchuans not doing anything about it?

Oh, I didnt tell him about it. Hes abroad now, so telling him wont be much use.

What do you mean? Complaining a bit and letting his heart hurt is something! As Ren Shanshan spoke, she suddenly glanced out the window nervously. That guy didnt follow you here, did he?

I dont think so.

Good. Ren Shanshan pat her chest. When she saw Pei Ying looking at her dinner, she clicked her tongue. Stop looking, theres not much left. Ill go next door to order a bowl for you.

Spare ribs noodles. Thanks.

Ren Shanshan, .

After the two finished eating in the studio, Ren Shanshan drove her small VW Polo home. Because of her sprained ankle, it wasnt very convenient for Pei Ying to shower. She just washed up simply and then sat down on the sofa.

When Ren Shanshan came out from her own shower, she saw Pei Ying playing games on her phone. She said disdainfully, How old are you that youre so entranced by a dress-up game.

Not taking offense, Pei Ying responded, Song Nanchuan sent me more than 200 thousand diamonds. Itd be a waste not to play.

Ren Shanshan, .

Daring to show off her (Pei Ying) relationship in her (Shanshan) house?! Criminal!

She was about to teach Pei Ying a lesson when Pei Yings phone rang. Pei Ying glanced at it and quickly answered, Chuan Chuan ah

Before she could finish speaking, Ren Shanshan pulled the phone away. Hello, is this Song Nanchuan? What kind of boyfriend are you? Did you know that your Pei Ying has a weird guy following her? Shes so scared that shes hiding out at my place!

On the other end, Song Nanchuan was startled. In a heavy voice, he said, Hand the phone over to Pei Ying.

Ren Shanshan gave the phone back to Pei Ying and ran off. Pei Ying watched her happily receding figure as she answered the phone hoarsely, Chuan Chuan

Pei Xiujuan, is what your friend said true?

Pei Yings heart thumped. She shot a resentful glare at Ren Shanshan and then responded, Yes, but

You didnt even mention one word to me about such a serious thing? Do you even take me for your boyfriend?

Pei Ying tried to explain, a bit anxiously. I wanted to wait until you came back to tell you. Youre abroad right now, so there wasnt a reason to make you worry

Song Nanchuan pressed his lips together and remained silent for a moment. Then he asked, Do you know who it is? Did he do anything to you?

No, hes just been following me. I dont know who he is either. I went to make a police report today, but they said they couldnt file a report. That guy found out that I reported him, so I was afraid he might try to get back at me. Thats why Im staying with Shanshan for now.

Song Nanchuans brow tensed. Pei Ying was a public figure. If that person knew where she lives, he probably also knew where she works. Right now, he was anxious but unable to fly home, and he could only sit there apprehensively. When you went to your friends place, did that guy follow you?

I dont think so. The police escorted me and sent me off in a taxi.

However, Song Nanchuan didnt feel at all reassured. Remember to lock all the doors and windows before you go to sleep. Send me your friends address. Ill have my driver pick you up in the morning.

Ah, theres no need for

What do you mean no need. From now on, Ill have the driver send you to and pick you up from work. And dont go back to your apartment. Move to my place.

Pei Ying thought about it for a moment. Although it was true that she didnt dare to return to her own apartment, she wasnt quite ready to just pick up and move to Song Nanchuans house either. Before you get back, Ill just stay with Shanshan.

Sitting off to the side, browsing the internet, Ren Shanshan quickly turned around and said, Dont. If you stay here, I cant bring any guys back.

Pei Ying,

She didnt know where to start with that statement!

Whether or not Song Nanchuan heard Ren Shanshans words, he still insisted on Pei Ying moving to his place. My house is safer, and there are security cameras all around the area. If anything happens, my security team will be able to arrive faster as well.

Mm, okay But what about my things?

When I come back, Ill go with you to pick it up. You left some of your stuff at my place, so you can use that for now.


Hearing her agree obediently, Song Nanchuan finally released his breath. Remember to send me the address youre staying at, and to lock the doors and windows before you sleep. If anything comes up, call me immediately.

Okay. Dont worry. Things should be fine when Im with Shanshan.

Song Nanchuan was silent a moment. Then he spoke in a low voice, almost as if he were letting his guard down slightly, How could I not worry

He was nearly scared to death. He didnt dare to imagine how it was for her to be alone back home, how frightened and helpless she must have felt.

And he wasnt by her side. He wasnt able to do anything

If theres nothing else, you should sleep early. My phone will be on 24/7, so call me whenever.

Okay. Hearing Song Nanchuan say that, Pei Ying couldnt help feel a gush of warmth slowly flow into her heart.

Ill be back soon. Wait for me.

Pretending to play on the computer at the side, Ren Shanshan saw Pei Ying hang up the phone and then she turned around and sighed. And I thought your luck was getting better recently. How can you be so unlucky? Youve even got a creepy stalker now.

Pei Ying didnt say anything, so Ren Shanshan walked over and looked at her foot. And your foot. Can you still dance for the audition?

I dont know Pei Ying tried to move a bit. Actually, it doesnt hurt a lot. The dance is just a minute long, so I should be able to bear it when the time comes.

Mm, well, good luck to you. Ren Shanshan pat her shoulder and then went to grab a face mask from her makeup table. Want one? My friend brought it back from abroad. After wearing it, your face will buling buling. (Note: bling bling, I assume, as in sparkle and shine)

Haha, thanks. Pei Ying didnt hold back as she grabbed the mask from her friend.

Before sleeping that night, Pei Ying complied with Song Nanchuans instructions and carefully checked to make sure the doors and windows were locked. Only after she was sure did she and Ren Shanshan go to sleep.


The next day, the girls left together. Ren Shanshan went to fetch her small Polo, and downstairs, there was a quiet, black Maybach sitting on the street.

She laughed and then said to Pei Ying. Not bad. Your rides here. I wont bother trying to stuff a big buddha like you into my tiny car.

Pei Ying, .

She got into Song Nanchuans car, and sitting at the front was the familiar driver.

Hello, Ms Pei. Song Nanchuan has instructed me to send you to and pick you up from work, the driver explained politely.

Mm, I know. Thank you, Pei Ying replied back courteously. Having a driver was much more convenient than taking a taxi like she did in the past. And her ankle was injured, so this really saved her some trouble.

After she arrived at the dance room, she changed her clothes and started to warm up. Her task for the day was still practicing the spinning moves. Her ankle had gotten a bit better last night, but when she got to the dance room, it still hurt a bit.

Dont dance too much today, lest your condition worsen for the audition tomorrow, her dance instructor reminded her after seeing her work so diligently. You know, every dancer has their own particularities when they dance. When different dancers perform the same dance, it will give the audience different impressions. I suspect that the director doesnt just want to pick out the technically best dancer, but he wants to find the most suitable dancer for the role, the one who matches the character the best. Youve pretty much got the dance moves down, so you might want to try analyzing the character and bring her feeling into the dance.

These words really did remind Pei Ying about something important. She hurried to tell the instructor, Thank you. Youre right. Ill go over the character some more.

Mm, thats good. Good luck on your audition tomorrow.

Mm. With considerations to her leg needing rest, Pei Ying didnt stay at practice too late. After class was over, she left.

Tao Tao didnt come in until the afternoon again, and after two hours, the two girls left together. When she saw Pei Yings injury, she asked, Can you dance tomorrow?

Yeah. It doesnt hurt that much, so I should be able to push through. Pei Ying smiled at her.

Tao Tao nodded and didnt say anything. Pei Ying changed her clothes and walked out of the dance room. The driver was already waiting at the door. This time, he sent Pei Ying up to the garden. After she entered the house, he called to report to Song Nanchuan.

Pei Ying rested a bit before she started to make dinner. Shed left a few bags of Luosifen in the house, so she took advantage of Song Nanchuans absence to cook her noodles with an easy heart.

She called Song Nanchuan later, as per their routine, and they spoke for ten minutes. Pei Ying was in good spirits, so she washed up and slept early.

After practicing for so long, the audition would finally arrive tomorrow.

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