Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1216: Memories

Chapter 1216: Memories

Julian walked out of the room tidying up his clothes leaving the nurse all alone with the unconscious Julio.

The nurse is still trying to get her mind back to a working state from all the pounding, she will need a few minutes to come back from what she experienced but luckily for her, no one will disturb her for a while.

Julian walked towards the first gate of the corridor where he found the guard who escorted him here waiting patiently for him, seeing that Julian was back, the guard opened the door and started escorting Julian out of the prison.

On his way out, Julian looked at the prisoners who were making faces at him before but now each and every one of them looked terrified and curled up into a corner calling for their mommy, Julian sighed as he knew who the culprit was.

Meanwhile, Gengar who was in Julian's shadow was giggling while looking at his work.

The guard was also very confused as to what happened here, these people are the most dangerous people in the region and now each and everyone is cowering in fear, the guard wanted to stop and check on them but he decided to escort Julian out before doing it.

Once outside the prison, Julian bid his farewell to the guard and headed towards the closest forest, when he got there he found a nice place to rest and released all his pokemons so they can move and play around while Julian digests all the information that he has extracted from both Lysandre and Julio.

He asked Gengar to transfer all the information to him, Gengar did as he ordered and connected his consciousness to Julian and transferred everything he extracted from Lysandre and Julio into Julian's mind.

After he was done, Julian let Gengar join the other pokemons and have fun with them while he goes through the information.

As his mind filled with information he was looking for, he was presently surprised, the things he got to know from Julio's memory were mind-blowing, where he came from, why he is the way he is, and what was his real objective.

First, he found out that Julio is a product of the underworld, seeing it was the underworld, Julian got annoyed, he didn't know who these people are but if he ever comes across them, he is going to rip them of their roots and completely erase them.

Julian has already heard a lot about them from both the league and Cynthia so he doesn't have any good impression of the underworld.

From Julio's memory, he learned that he was picked up by the league and promised power and riches and instead he is willing to become their test subject, what Julio failed to notice was that throughout the testing phase, they were slowly turning Julio insane, they were brainwashing him and teaching him how to battle like Julian.

This brainwashing got so intense that Julio even forgot who he was before and wanted nothing but to become Julian, replace him.

At first, Julian felt very weird seeing how obsessed Julio was regarding him but it didn't take a genius to figure out that Julio was not the blame at all, he was just an average man who was fed up with life so he took a huge risk and handed over his life to the underworld and they took full advantage of him.

They brainwashed him to forget who he was and then planted a completely different personality into Julio, the experiments that these people ran on Julio turned him insane, the amount of torture he went through was unnecessary, even though Julian had tried to put his hands on his fiancée, Julian pitied the man a little.

He gave up his life just for the promise of a better life, to Julian nothing was worth more than one's life, Julio should have never taken that offer and he would have been living a better life.

But what's done has been done and Julio is permanently bedridden and mentally disabled because of his choice, but that didn't concern Julian, Julio is just another idiot who came to disrupt his peaceful life and got rekt, what he was more concerned about was what else he found from Julio's memory.

He was not the only one, from Julio's memory Julian found out that the underworld is trying to replicate him, they want their brainwashed people to battle like Julian, why? Julio didn't know.

At the end of the day, Julio was just a tool sent here to Kalos to battle Julian and test out how effective he is with everything they put into him.

This angered Julian, did it have to be him? Couldn't these people find someone else to program?

Julian didn't know how many victims the underworld had but one day, he will put an end to this organization, after finding almost nothing about the underworld from Julio, Julian was very disappointed.

So he decided to look into the experimented pokemon that Julio used in the league and he was presently surprised by what he found.

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