Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1200: All VS One

Chapter 1200: All VS One

Lysandre's Pyroar came out and used Flamethrower to counter the incoming Ice Beam of Kyurem and as the two moves clashed, a sizzling sound filled the surroundings as hot and cold came in contact but it was not an even match, the Ice Beam just tore through the Flamethrower and hit Pyroar and froze it on the spot.

The pokemon didn't even get a chance to escape and got turned into an icicle, Lysandre frowned as he saw one of his strongest pokemon get destroyed so easily, he realized that he cannot take on this man all alone, he needs back up.

Lysandre "Call all the admins for backup and help me fight him"

Lysandre ordered Xerosic and sent out another pokemon into the battlefield, the pokemon he sent out this time is a massive red Gyarados, the red Gyarados came out of the Pokeball and roared up in the sky while glaring at Kyurem and Julian.

Even though it felt the power difference between it and Kyurem, it didn't show any sign of fear, Xerosic on the side quickly informed all the admins to abandon everything and come here as soon as possible.

After he was done sending the message, he also took out two pokeballs and sent out a Crobat and Malamar so they could assist Gyarados in the battle, Lysandre took out two more pokeballs and sent out Mienshao and Honchkrow to assist Gyarados as well but he didn't stop there, he took out his keystone and flashed it and started to mega evolve his Gyarados.

His Gyarados mega evolved and became bigger and stronger, it roared again declaring its strength to Kyurem but Kyurem just felt offended by this, it is a Legendary pokemon of the myths and it has been revered and feared for ages and now this pokemon was trying to intimidate it with a pathetic roar.

Kyurem got angry but didn't do anything as Julian didn't bother to tell it what to do.

Lysandre "Even if you have a legendary pokemon, you cannot take on all of us at the same time, you overestimated yourself"

Lysandre declared with a serious face, he has always been a serious person and even in face of overwhelming success he wouldn't get smug about it, this is one of his good qualities but at last, it won't help him at all and he has severely overestimated himself and his small group of pokemons as he thinks they can take on Julian's Kyurem.

With all the training that Julian has put Kyurem through, he is clearly the strongest legendary pokemon on the planet and this is not even his final form, Julian can feed Kyurem his omniforce and temporary turn Kyurem into his original form, the form of the true dragon from which Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom separated from.

Kyurem doesn't even need Zekrom and Reshiram to achieve full form which boosts his power three times his current form surpassing Julian's Snorlax and Gengar easily while giving a very hard competition to Julian's Infernape.

Julian "Sure, believe whatever you want to, at the end of the day, I am going to put a stop to your madness"

Julian said.

Lysandre "Everyone attack"

Lysander ordered and every pokemon in front of him attacked, his mega Gyarados used Hyper Beam, his Mienshao used Aura Sphere, and his Honchkrow used Dark Pulse.

Xerosic's pokemons also attacked, his Malamar used Psybeam, and his Crobat used Air Slash.

All these attacks carried devastating power behind them and with the combined force of all these attacks, it could destroy skyscrapers and turn them into dust but Julian didn't even bat an eye at them.

Kyurem glared coldly with its chilling eyes and suddenly created an ice wall in front of it, the ice wall was massive and thick, as soon as all these attacks made contact with the ice wall, the sound of ice shattering could be heard as dust and smoke covered the ice wall.

Each attack landed one after the other causing the whole prism tower to tremor as if it was experiencing a mini earthquake even though the ice wall was not in contact with the tower.

Just the shockwave from these attacks caused this.

As the smoke started to clear up, Lysander expected to see a hurt Kyurem but to his surprise, the ice wall was still there standing strong with cracks and broken pits right in the middle, Lysandre was shocked by this, even the Zygarde under his control wouldn't come out unscathed from this but this Kyurem blocked it with ease.

The ice wall soon started to crumble, not because of the attacks but because Kyurem wanted to get rid of it, massive blocks of ice started to fall down and shatter forcing Lysander, Xerosic, and their pokemons to take cover so they don't get hurt by these ice shards.

Lysandre clicked his tongue as realized it will take more to take down this foe but he is still confident in his ability to handle it, he still has a hidden card up his sleeve that should be enough for his plan.

As Lysandre was planning on what to do, he noticed the arrival of all the admins of Team Flare, now all seven admins were present here along with Caroline that puts his manpower two eight elite fighters and with their combined forces, there is no way this masked man can take him on.

And he may be right, if Julian doesn't have a pokemon that can perform a wide-area attack, he will get overwhelmed by all these trainers and their pokemons but that is not the case, Julian trains all his pokemons so that they can be used in any kind of situation.

Lysandre "Now you are going down, admins, attack him".

Lysandre ordered anticipating a barrage of pokemon moves being thrown at his nemesis.

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