Jagged Germany

Chapter 1777: Conquer Okinawa

   Manila, German Pacific Theater Command.

  After the German army captured the entire Southeast Asia, the Pacific Theater Command moved here.

  Reich Minister of War and Chief of General Staff Marshal Manstein served as the commander of the Pacific theater, responsible for commanding the German Army, Navy and Air Force in the Pacific to fight against the island country.

   Now, the German Army has captured the Southeast Asia, and the German Navy has eaten the combined fleet of the island nation's navy. This also makes this war only an attack on the mainland of the island country.

  In the meeting room of the Pacific Theater Command, the generals of the German Army, Navy and Air Force in the Pacific Theater have gathered here. There were smiles on everyone's faces. Because, everyone knows very well that this battle is about to end.

"Everyone, this battle has been fought so far, and all we have left is to attack the mainland of the island country. After we attack the mainland of the island country and destroy the island country, this battle will be over. I believe that everyone has long been looking forward to This is the day," Marshal Manstein said.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, when we defeat the islanders, we can go back to China for Christmas. I haven't been back to China for two years." A German general said.

  The other generals also echoed.

  Since the army of the island country attacked Nanyang, the troops deployed by the German army in Nanyang and Australia have never returned to China. Now, the island country can be defeated immediately, and they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

  Marshal Manstein nodded: "It is already late August. There are still four months before Christmas. I think it should be possible to destroy the island country in four months!"

   "Your Excellency Marshal, we will surely destroy the island nation within four months!" Marshal Lundstedt said.

  The other generals also nodded. In their view, it would not even take four months for the island nation to perish.

"Everyone, I know that everyone is eager to return home. However, His Majesty the Emperor has told you that you must be very careful when fighting against the island country, especially the attack on the mainland of the island country. After fighting against the people of the island country, you must have already It is very clear that the islanders are a very crazy people. On the battlefield, they seem not afraid of death at all. Once we attack the island mainland, we will face tens of millions of islanders. In other words, tens of millions are crazy Islanders who are not afraid of death. This also means that we must be cautious. Otherwise, we are very likely to suffer a big loss in the island country and pay a heavy price. I think this is why everyone is unwilling See it!" Marshal Manstein said.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, will the civilians of the island nation be so crazy? They should know that if they get involved in the face of the heavily armed imperial soldiers, it is no different from courting death." Marshal Bok said.

"According to the information we have now, the islanders are already expanding their army crazily. Their local army has expanded to eight million people. Although, most of them are mobs. But even if there are more ants, the number is still large. Elephants can be killed. In addition, the government of the island country has also begun to mobilize the people and distribute weapons to them, allowing them to attack the imperial army after the imperial army invaded the mainland of the island. Therefore, we have to be prepared. "Marshal Manstein said.

   "God! The islanders are really a crazy nation!" Marshal Lundstedt sighed.

  The other German generals almost all had the same expressions.

"Everyone, no matter how crazy the islanders are. Our task is to destroy them. Your Majesty has authorized it. After landing on the mainland of the island country, the soldiers of the empire have the right to attack any target they think will pose a threat to them! Large casualties, I hope every soldier in the empire can do this very well." Marshal Manstein said.

   "Yes, Marshal!" All the generals replied.

  Although, they know that this will cause very large killings on the island mainland. However, if the person who died was an islander, it would be much better than the death of one of his own people.

   "Everyone, everyone, go back and prepare. Five days later, we will launch an attack on Okinawa. After conquering Okinawa, we will directly launch an attack on the mainland of the island country!" Marshal Manstein ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Marshal." The generals replied one after another.

  On August 25, the Imperial Navy's Atlantic Fleet, Pacific Fleet and Indian Ocean Fleet launched an attack on Okinawa.

  Hundreds of carrier-based aircraft bombed the airports and other military installations of the Army Air Force of the island country on the Okinawa Islands.

  Despite the resistance of the Army Air Force of the island country, the carrier-based air fleet of the German Navy quickly completed its mission in the face of a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

  Subsequently, the German Navy dispatched more than 20 capital ships to launch a fierce bombardment on the military installations of the Japanese army in Okinawa. Under the fierce shelling of large-caliber heavy artillery, those military facilities of the Japanese Army were severely destroyed. The troops stationed on the island also suffered heavy losses.

  That afternoon, the German Marine Corps dispatched five divisions to land on the islands of Okinawa.

  The army of the island country has only more than 50,000 people in Okinawa. Although the soldiers of these island countries are very brave. When they fight, they often fight to the death without retreating. Even after the position fell, they were able to launch a counterattack bravely under the leadership of the officers.

   But even so, it still cannot save the defeat.

  Before sunset, the German army captured the southern part of Ryukyu Island, and several other islands also fell into the hands of the German army. The Japanese army on the island pushed into the mountains to resist.

  But the German army still did not let go of these island armies. With the support of their own naval guns and carrier-based aircraft, the German Marine Corps wiped out the island army in the mountains.

  Three days later, almost all the island army's troops in Okinawa were wiped out by the German army, and only a very small number of the island army escaped. But they can only operate in the mountains and can no longer pose a threat to the German army.

  After the German marines captured Okinawa, they took the time to repair the airport on the island. Next, the German Air Force will launch a large-scale bombing of the mainland of the island country. These airports in Okinawa will all park fighter jets of the Luftwaffe to provide **** for the bombers of the Luftwaffe. In this case, the heavy bombers of the German Air Force take off from the northern part of Luzon Island, and they can include the southern part of the island country in the bombing range. Even the Luftwaffe was able to use Russia to bomb the mainland of the island country from an airport in Russia. In this case, the entire island country will be under the bombing of the Luftwaffe.

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