It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 139: Leave My Points Alone, They Are Mine

Chapter 139: Leave My Points Alone, They Are Mine

“Good gracious, are these monsters holding a meeting?” Lin Fan was standing on a huge rock. In front of him was a horde of monsters who looked as if they were conversing with each other. When he appeared, the alpha of the horde immediately sensed his human presence and roared in anger, giving rise to sonic waves that swept through the cave.

Lin Fan disregarded these sonic waves altogether. In fact, his eyes were flickering with excitement. The monster king had reached the fifth stage of the Earth Star Border Realm, but in Lin Fan’s eyes, it was nothing more than a few hundred points, that’s all. However, this monster’s subordinates were a different thing; they were his favorite.

What Lin Fan liked most was bullying the weak.

One strike for each. They might not give me many points individually, but the crux of the matter is to finish them quickly.

Lin Fan jumped down from the rock and dived straight into the horde with the frying pan in his left hand and the mace in his right. Then, with a look of tyranny on his face, he said, “Hello there, look at me, don’t I look tasty? Come and eat me.”


The monster king let out a roar as its followers swarmed toward Lin Fan at once. Had it been any ordinary guy, he would have long been eaten clean and not even a bone of his would have been left.

Lin Fan was drowned by the monsters. These monsters opened their humongous jaws and bit him with their earth energy, but they were truly too weak. All of them were either first or second stage Earth Star Border Realm, and there were even some in the Body Tempering Realm. They couldn’t even break Lin Fan’s earth energy protection, let alone harm him.

“Violent Body.”

Lin Fan raised his mace and frying pan and swept them toward the horde of monsters.

Lin Fan let out a war cry as he swept the mace in his hand in a circle, tearing all the monsters within its range into pieces. Flesh and blood splattered in the air as rivers of blood flowed around him. A thick smell of blood permeated into the surroundings. The blood smelled somewhat fragrant as if the blood of these monsters had an enticing quality.

Smelling this, Lin Fan suddenly recalled something. These monsters were Fierce Hou. They resembled leopards and had a horn. An ordinary Fierce Hou only had one tail, but when they broke through to the Earth Star Border Realm, they would grow another tail for each additional stage. The fifth-stage Earth Star Border alpha had exactly five tails.

(TLN: Hou is a monster in Chinese mythology.)

But these weren’t the key points. The key point was that the blood and flesh of these monsters were the favorite food of other monsters.

Their blood also had another function, which was to deter lower-level monsters, but stronger monsters liked this smell very much.

And now their blood was flowing into a river here like an abyssal hell, and the fragrance was only getting thicker and thicker. Only God knew what it might attract.

Naturally, Lin Fan was aware of this, but he was still very calm and composed. It’s better if something comes! I will use this mace to let these monsters know that voracity is actually a scourge.


The alpha Fierce Hou was completely enraged by the sight of its followers being slaughtered by a human like this. It kept staring at Lin Fan with its red-as-blood eyes. It raised its five tails as it flew over the horde and stabbed straight at Lin Fan.

In the time it takes for a spark to fly off a flint, the moment the shadows of its tails darkened Lin Fan’s sight, Lin Fan promptly stepped back as the five tails bombarded the ground like arrows, penetrating deep into the ground.

“Don’t be in a hurry, I will be with you in a while, but first let me take care of all your little brothers, then I will play with you slowly.” Lin Fan smiled before he turned his gaze to the followers of the alpha Fierce Hou. He then raised the weapons in his hands and brought them down fiercely.

Lin Fan’s every move was simply unstoppable. His thick and dense earth energy burst out as the mace in his hand smashed down with incomparable might.

Lin Fan’s points started skyrocketing at once. In his opinion, the system prompts were like music to his ears.

The alpha Fierce Hou, on the other hand, was going crazy. It hadn’t expected this human to be so detestable. It was crying in its heart, Fight me, fight me you motherf*****!

It couldn’t bear the sight of its adorable little brothers, who had always supported it, being tortured by a human. Its heart was in extreme pain.

At the sight of the blood and flesh of its younger brothers flying left and right, it let out a roar in anger as it pounced straight at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan had just smashed several Fierce Hou to death with just a strike of his mace. His mace had already been dyed red. Suddenly, the alpha Fierce Hou pounced at him with lightning-fast speed. Had it been any ordinary third-stage Earth Star Border Realm expert, they might not have been able to respond and would have been pierced through by its five tails.

But even though Lin Fan was just in the third stage, his actual strength was on par with a sixth stage. His senses were even more keen. He had already sensed when the alpha Fierce Hou’s bloodlust toward him skyrocketed.

“Get away from me, I don’t want to kill you yet.” Lin Fan raised his mace and smashed it straight down on the alpha King Hou. Lin Fan’s mace struck its five unstoppable tails hard with tremendous strength.

The alpha Fierce Roar immediately let out a roar in anger as it was pushed back.

It couldn’t understand how a human could be so strong when the energy emanating from him wasn’t that strong.

What’s more, its little brothers were all here as well. No matter how weak or strong they were, they should have at least consumed a little bit of his energy, but the human before it seemed to have inexhaustible energy. Even when his entire body was covered in blood, he didn’t show any signs of weakness at all. His movements hadn’t slowed down even the slightest bit.

It had seen a lot of humans, but it had never seen a human like this before. In its opinion, he was even more of a monster than the monsters.

Lin Fan looked around. The Fierce Hou seemed afraid of getting killed by him. They weren’t attacking him, but their bloodthirsty eyes were flickering with ferocity.

Monsters were different from humans. They knew fear, but once monsters entered a fight, they would never back down even if they couldn’t beat their opponent because their king was still there.

According to the records of the sect, the most dangerous enemies weren’t internal or external humans, but rather the invasion of monsters.

A few centuries ago, a real emperor was born among the monsters. Its roar could shake the world itself. It led an endless swarm of monsters and swept away all the sects, causing a great bloodbath.

Many sects that used to be prosperous were reduced to ashes under the hooves of the monsters. Even if they were revitalized in the end, they could not back up on their feet ever again.

As for how the monster emperor was beheaded later, it was a secret.


The entire mountain range of the Thousand Deep Cave started shaking. Huge boulders rolled down the cliff, one after another. The Fierce Hou dodged left and right; it was so dangerous that they were almost crushed by these boulders.

“What’s going on? It’s not going to collapse, is it?” Lin Fan was shocked. This was like an earthquake.


The alpha Fierce Hou growled and fiercely retreated. Its younger brothers even more so. Fear was clearly visible on each and every one’s face as if they could feel that something dangerous was about to happen.

Some Fierce Hou even scattered away in every direction under the instruction of their leader.

Lin Fan was quite puzzled at the sight of this. “F***, don’t run, it’s just an earthquake. Don’t be nervous.”

They are my precious points. I have only killed half of them so far. A small pack of them is still here. If all of them ran away, I would really be scammed.

Right then, the pitch-black ground started cracking, and the rocks moved up and down as if something was moving under the ground.


Suddenly, shiny black bone spikes grew out of the ground, piercing through the Fierce Hou.

At this time, Lin Fan felt the vibration under his feet getting stronger and stronger. The ground started to sink as well. Suddenly, a suction force appeared from under the ground. The same was true for where those Fierce Hou were. These monsters wanted to escape, but red tongue-like things emerged from the ground and dragged these Fierce Hou under the ground.

“What’s this?” Lin Fan was shocked. I was just raking in these motherf***ing points, but why have these things appeared out of nowhere?

If the blood of these Fierce Hou has attracted the attention of some monster, then the monster hiding under the ground is too terrifying.

Suddenly, a weird screech came from underneath the ground as the suction underneath his feet disappeared and one of the walls exploded all of a sudden. Immediately after, a pitch-black centipede-like monster appeared before him.

It was several dozen feet long, and its mouth was full of sharp teeth. Coupled with its pitch-black body, it gave off a hair-raising feeling.

“Abyssal Worm.”

Lin Fan was taken aback as he looked at the behemoth in front of him as if he had never expected to draw this monster here.

Suddenly, the Abyssal Worm opened its mouth and started sucking everything toward it. The Fierce Hou that were trying to retreat floated up in the air and flew toward the mouth of the Abyssal Worm.

“F*** me, let my points go!” Lin Fan was enraged by this. He raised his mace and jumped straight toward its mouth.

These points are mine, no one can take them from me.

No matter how strong you are, I have to defend my trophies.

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