Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 141X-plaining powers

Chapter 141X-plaining powers

We all sat around a round table as Kitty Pryde read us the updates on the school and Krakoa. She looked at all of us and finally asked. “Alright, starting from my left can you please tell us your name and what mutation you have.” The one right next to her was Scott and he went. “My name is Scott Summers and I have heatwave eyes. They essentially produce as much energy as the sun on Earth so I can give you all a tan if you’d like. Professor X made this band to absorb and focus my powers into a laser shot a day. The visor can store up to twelve shots.”

What a convoluted system for using powers. So he can only fire up to a dozen laser beams? That seems extremely weak, especially since it will take him twelve days to generate them. Having his eyes be an alternate dimension didn’t really make sense but it was still surreal to see this weak boy given a high position because the professor likes him.

Next was Orca. “My name is Orca and if you couldn’t tell. I have Orca powers, and increased strength, speed, and endurance over that of a normal human. I do wear out faster but I can also breathe underwater and communicate with other whales.” My mind is telling me no! But my body! My body is telling me yes! I think having sex with her just for the experience would be worth it.

Rose Wilson went next. “Rose… I’m good at killing.” Everyone waited for her to continue but she didn’t. I was next. “Danny Storm, billionaire playboy philanthropist. I made the serum that can turn normals into mutants and used it on myself. My power is mutant boost. I can give you a tiny boost over a long period or a big boost over a short period… What else? Oh! I’m super strong I have like fifty other powers I don’t plan on using and anyone who has sex with me gets stronger. I would also like my hero name to be High Five because that’s the only way I plan to activate my powers.” 

Kitty lights up. “Okay, high five then.” She raises her hand up and I ask. “Big boost or small?” She looks at me like I’m dumb. “Big boost duh!” I give her a high five and she flops over on the table for about a minute. I was starting to worry before her head suddenly snapped up. “Holy Moley! I was able to astral project three different versions of myself and they could fly around and go through walls. I was even able to interact with objects for all three projections!”

Wow! That is strong. It would be great for scouting. “I can only do this once or twice a day without people getting addicted to the power boost. You should write down a few things you want to try while boosting, can one of your projections jump back into your body and control it? Can you fly, teleport you know try some things your original power wouldn’t have.”

That was an awful way to find out about my powers. God, if it activated immediately like Rogue’s mutation, I would be in a lot of trouble. When I powered up the mutants, there was more misfiring. It seemed like the newer the mutation, the higher the chance of it misfiring or becoming addicted. It was like any other form of power, though, of course, people would crave it more and more.

There was an easier way to grow more powerful that I could show the ladies though. A way to gain power permanently. Gemini went next. “Gemini and… I’m good at killing.” She gave a satisfied smirk while Rose slowly looked up at her. “Roberto aka Sunspot. It’s odd we have two millionaire playboy philanthropists. If that sex thing is up for guys, I mean I’m not gay but I’ll definitely let you fuck my butt for a power boost.” I was visibly repulsed by what he said. “Eww, I said billionaire playboy philanthropist. Get out of here comparing us you peasant! Also… I think I can turn you into a girl but that gets into really weird territory quickly. You’d have to be down staying a woman if I did change you.”

I had toyed around with the idea of changing men to the opposite sex but the big problem with that is where does it start and where does it end. I’m not going to turn Peter into a woman even though he’d be way happier if he was… That really goes for most of the true boyscout heroes who never kill. I decided they had to want to change, I wouldn’t immediately fuck them until they got used to their new body and they had to stay a woman after.

“Danielle Moonstar. You can call me Moonstar or Mirage and I’d like to keep my powers secret like everyone else who has so far.” She sat back down as her eyes refused to meet mine. I knew she wanted me to pay attention to her but was copying the wrong girls if she wanted my attention. Kitty and Jynx were probably my two favorites out of this group. She was going for a mysterious persona but that doesn’t really work when I know who she is from the comics.

I don’t think she got her Valkyrie powers yet, so one of our missions will probably have to deal with Asgard. “Aquagirl. I can breathe underwater, I’m about as strong as Orca and I can use Atlantean magic.” She wasn’t from Atlantis but from a different Atlantean city called Sub Diego. Tula was still killed before I joined the world and her student Lorena Marquez took up the Aquagirl mantle.

“Jynx. I got luck magic.” She also downplayed her powers. “Surge… Lightning…” She was way shyer than in the comics. Often put as the leader of most groups her light blue hair stood out. I think she was overloaded because she was trying to very carefully word her sentences so I asked. “Do you need to discharge your lightning? I can absorb your powers if you do.”

I held my hand out for her and she tentatively grabbed it. Visible lightning shot through our bodies as I soaked up some of her electrical energy. Absorbing lightning always felt so good. I gave her a smile and wink before she blushed and thanked me. “Hi! I’m Halo and I have light powers. Heat beams, concussive force, flashing lights, slow beams, confusion rays, attraction, and repulsion beams. Oh! And I can fly and I can’t die. My consciousness just moves bodies when I do!”

Everyone looked at her in complete shock, even myself. I didn’t think they’d give someone a revival ability but it really wasn’t. She was more of a body swapper, stealing someone else's body to keep functioning, which was insanely dark for her bubbly attitude. I noticed a few also realizing the implications of what she just said as she cheerily mentioned. “Oh, don’t worry! I only swap to non-mutants so you’re all safe… They all tend to be really pretty blondes for some reason though. Not sure why.”

“Karma is my hero name. Mental possession, I can use my telepathy to see and hear in rooms I’m not in. Make people see things, and make psionic shields to protect myself.” I couldn’t help but smile from the team I was placed on. So many beauties my plot must have been working overtime to get them. The final girl speaks up. “Illyana Rasputin. I can… Use magic but it’s hard to explain. My brother is around here somewhere. The big metal guy if you see him. Umm… I got a sword I can pull out of my body and I can teleport but the further I teleport the less control I have.”

She was an aged-up version, I’d put her in her twenties. Her age was always a toss-up in the comics because of her alternate dimension where time doesn’t pass she could be anywhere from a twelve-year-old little girl to one of the oldest members of whatever team she was on. She most likely had better control over her powers than the younger versions of herself which was good, I was more curious about what kind of cores these girls had since most could use magic.


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