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Book 7: Chapter 4:2: The First Taste of the Immortal Executioner Sword, Part 2

Book 7: Chapter 4:2: The First Taste of the Immortal Executioner Sword, Part 2

“The second option is to become an executor of this world, specifically the executor of its world consciousness. There are many benefits to this. Firstly, during the months you were missing, various events occurred in this world. The world consciousness can take care of those for you. Even if you don’t care, you still have a younger sister, don’t you? Secondly, the cultivation system conflicts that arise from cross-world cultivation can be resolved by the world consciousness. Do you feel a slight hindrance when using magic? Moreover, it’s not just your life, but your younger sister’s future life can also be smooth and trouble-free. Of course, cultivation is a separate matter.”

“You want me to become a lackey for the world just for these benefits? What if I don’t agree?” Yang Yan crossed his arms, squinting at Chen Heng.

“Someone like you, who doesn’t want to give up power but also doesn’t want to cooperate, puts me in a difficult position.”

“And what will you do if I do not agree? Well, beat me up if you can,” Yang Yan said in an extremely arrogant tone. He no longer had his initial gentle air. After all, there was now a conflict in their interests.

Yang Yan had just spent some time observing and had a basic understanding of the person in front of him. While this person’s Will Energy was formidable, Yang Yan believed his own Will Energy was no less impressive.

He also had unwavering confidence in the countless magical abilities he had painstakingly cultivated over 20 years. This world, in his eyes, was nothing more than a middle-martial world. Yang Yan had gleaned this information through his memory observation technique by examining a passerby’s memories, which revealed that in the past two months, there had been an influx of Valkyries and newly awakened ability users. Unsystematic cultivation, no matter how strong, would prove ineffective.

If the person in front of him could become an administrator for the Dimension Administrators Association, Yang Yan assumed the association’s strength wasn’t insurmountable. After all, it was a newly established organization.

“Your request is quite unusual, you know? I’ve never heard of such a demand in my lifetime. However, since you insist, I suppose I can’t refuse.” Watching Yang Yan becoming increasingly uncooperative, Chen Heng shook his head. Although he had guided the situation to this outcome step by step, Yang Yan’s attitude was deteriorating. It seemed that resorting to some force might be more effective at times.

Chen Heng prepared to reach into his spatial storage, intending to retrieve a remarkable sword with an imposing name—the Immortal Executioner Sword!

Although Chen Heng was only in the late-stage Nascent Soul Realm, insufficient to unleash the Immortal Executioner Sword’s full might, he had Coronatite. Through the Dimension Administrators Association’s modifications, the Immortal Executioner Sword could now draw energy from the Coronatite for attacks. While the duration of use was brief and its strength not fully realized, it was more than enough to eliminate a law deity.

Moreover, if the Immortal Executioner Sword depleted the Coronatite’s energy too severely, the Coronatite could recover on its own or be rapidly recharged using a Philosopher’s Stone.

Chen Heng had initially planned to use a Philosopher’s Stone to power the Immortal Executioner Sword directly, but the sword disliked the taste of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Yes, the Immortal Executioner Sword was sapient, and the other three swords were as well. In fact, not being sapient would be odd.

“Are you planning to take action?”

“Here’s the deal, Mister Yang. As long as you can catch my sword strike, you’ll have no interference from the Dimension Administrators Association in anything you do, no matter where you go. Being the sole administrator of the Dimension Administrators Association, I have that authority. How about it?”

“Is this some kind of good fortune? Let’s do it.” Yang Yan agreed casually. After agreeing, he began stacking buffs and spells on himself. He might strategically underestimate his opponent on the surface but was cautious in tactics. As a mage, he did not intend to catch the sword head-on.

After all, this was a member of a mysterious organization. He had to take this person seriously.

Sacred Guardian, Heavenly Church, Dragon Scale Mark, spatial barriers, Trust of the Guardian, and Demonic Dragon Barrier—Yang Yan continuously enhanced his defenses.

Meanwhile, Chen Heng made a grabbing motion. Then he pulled out a sword with an ancient and fiercely murderous appearance out of nowhere.

Chen Heng flicked his wrist, pointing the sword at Yang Yan, who had already fortified himself with various protective measures.

When Chen Heng pulled the Immortal Executioner Sword from his spatial storage, a tremendous aura of slaughter had surged from the sword. This terrifying weapon even formed a towering black-red Immortal Executioner Sword image behind Chen Heng. Just the innate murderous intent from the Immortal Executioner Sword alarmed Yang Yan, who had already layered many defensive barriers. He suddenly felt his defenses were lacking.

After all, the Immortal Executioner Sword was one of the most formidable treasures of slaughter in the Great Desolate World. In the words of the Immortal Executioner Sword itself:

“I have slain even more Supreme Golden Immortals and Great Law Golden Immortals than you have eaten meals!

“However, even though I—the Immortal Executioner Sword—have fought, beaten down, and slaughtered, I am a benevolent sword. Just look at my irrepressible aura of guilelessness.”

Chen Heng glanced at the Immortal Executioner Sword image behind him, which had a blackish-red aura… Indeed, truly guileless. More like, “I just want to kill you, nothing more.”

Chen Heng activated the grain-sized Coronatite affixed on the Immortal Executioner Sword’s hilt. The Dimension Administrators Association had used a special method to shrink it down. Now, a stream of pure fire-attributed energy ceaselessly flowed into the Immortal Executioner Sword’s blade.

Perhaps due to the long period of disuse, the Immortal Executioner Sword emitted a melodious hum when energy was infused for the first time.

“I say, Immortal Executioner, are you doing okay? Did you get rusty from not being used for so long?”

Don’t talk nonsense. If your brain is damaged, this great lady’s won’t be. It’s just that I haven’t been used in ages. Your ancestor is always poking people with his fingers, completely abandoning the use of swords. I don’t know how that habit came about.

“So, there won’t be any issues in this fight, right?”

What’s the problem? Against a little brat like that on the other side, who’s as feeble as a wingless chicken, this great lady won’t even need to blink to kill a hundred of him.

When the Immortal Executioner Sword pointed at Yang Yan, he suddenly felt trepidation beyond what he classified as level 10. His legs trembled uncontrollably.

Yang Yan possessed a special ability that allowed him to attract good fortune and avoid disaster. This very ability was pivotal in his becoming one of the most formidable law deities in the other world over the course of 20 years.

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