Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 196 196 There Are No Secrets Here

They didn't have to wait long for someone to come looking for them and freak out at the appearance of the room, either. Stephanie only had a few minutes of enjoying the unoccupied bed when Ella came in to take a nap and stopped at the doorway in shock.

"What is all this? Is this the same room? Did you manage to change it all in the same way that the furniture in the Magi House we found was changed?" She asked in one long breath.

"It's not actually changed. It's just a thin layer of magic over everything, like an armour spell, that makes it look fancy. It's the same basic chair and table, and the bed made of vines, but I added some spells for comfort, so we can get a better night's sleep." Wolfe explained.

"I would take Stephanie's presence as a glowing recommendation, but that cat can sleep nearly anywhere. Even if there are people working nearby, she has no problem finding an out-of-the-way location for a nap."

The raised voices attracted more attention, and Mio led Nia and the Twins into the room.

"Wolfe, you should have told us that we didn't need to work so hard. If I had known that you could make furniture like this, I wouldn't have had to slave away all day making crude stuff for the others to decorate their rooms with." Mio complained.

Nia, the generally silent member of the five Servants, came forward and poked the table, then ducked her head underneath it and inspected it for a while before coming back up with a smile.

"He didn't change anything. It's the same table and the same chair and bed. He just cast a barrier over them so that they look fancy. Even the walls are still the same rough-cut stone. Who knew that our favourite demon was a fashionista?" She stuck out her tongue at Wolfe but still continued to run her hand over the wall in fascination.

"As much as I dislike that moniker, I will say that a luxurious look does have a certain appeal. I needed a target to practice the new spells I was learning, and I was already in the room, so I transformed everything until I was sure that I had it right.

They're not permanent, other than the chair. They will disappear in a day, and I'll have to cast them again or make them permanent. What do you think? Is it a good theme for the bedroom?" He replied.

"I like it. What did you do to the bed, though? You said it got some additional spells." Mio asked.

The twins didn't wait for the answer and simply climbed on the bed with Stephanie, then lay down with a sigh.

"It's like sleeping on a cloud, and it's the perfect temperature. I think we need to make all the beds like this. I don't know how we would get anyone to wake up, but they would certainly be comfortable." They informed Mio with smirks on their faces.

"Stealing a Demon's bed? You two are getting braver now that your aura is recovering." The older witch teased.

"It's not him we need to worry about. It's Stephanie. She gets territorial about her sleeping spots." Jenna laughed while carefully avoiding disturbing the cat in question.

"Your rooms are right next door. Do you want me to make some improvements for you? I've only used these spells a few times, but I'm pretty sure that I can make the rooms all look pretty much the same, and the spells for a comfortable bed are somewhat easy to duplicate." Wolfe suggested.

"Definitely. Keep this theme through them all. We will all live like royalty for the day." Mio agreed.

"Can you do the blankets too? The plain green army bedrolls don't go with the room anymore." Jenna asked.

"I think so. I should be able to enchant them like the bed itself and just change the appearance a little. It will be good practice because I can already tell that this isn't going to remain a secret for very long. You're all too eager to tell someone, and the first time that another witch comes to wake you up, they will have questions."

Ella nodded in agreement. "You should do the big tables in the dining hall to look like the table in here. I think it would be cool to have gemstone tables ten meters long in the dining hall."

Wolfe chuckled at her suggestion. It was so ridiculous that it would be hilarious. But he only had so much time and mana available.

"The public areas might have to wait a while, but I can start doing a few things, like the tables, in a day or two. I should properly master these spells before I start making permanent inscriptions on everything.

Right now, I can do the basics, but I'm likely missing a lot of little things that would make them better, and I can't use all the Elements, so I can't activate all the spells that it wants me to." He explained.

"That's fine. You know how we were living on the front lines, and it got even worse when we got to the refugee and medical treatment camps. Even a simple facelift to the common areas would be a big thing for everyone.

Most of them don't care about the luxuries of being a Noble. If they did, they would have gone home with the others. But that doesn't mean that they don't appreciate a bit of comfort in their lives." Ella agreed.

"Alright then, I will make it my daily practice. I need to get better at activating spells on their own without a preset inscription, and altering the rooms is an excellent way to do that. I can break the spells if I want, so they can be changed even if I finalize them, but it's up to you if you want the look to last more than one day."

The look on every face in the room let him know that permanent was going to be the only option they would find acceptable. One day of luxury wasn't going to cut it in their minds.

If he planned things out properly, he could work his way through the Den, making improvements and then start over once his magic had improved enough to make a real difference. Not only would it make the place look better, but it would also be a steady regimen of training to improve his own skills.

The first task was to make all the spells that were active in his own bedroom permanent, and then Wolfe got to his feet to head across the hall and get started on the rooms for the original five Servants.

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