In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 90: Bad Story (2)

Chapter 90: Bad Story (2)

At Stark Tower, a data cable was plugged into a device terminal, and Peter was manipulating a computer. J.A.R.V.I.S said, "Data transfer completed, 3%, 2%, 1%..."

The computer screen on Peter's side lit up, and he exclaimed, "Received! Let me see... Oh my god, what is all of this??"

Countless pieces of information and data appeared before Peter's eyes. He couldn't believe it and said, "What is this? These seem to be some military personnel files... Lawrence, 35 years old, lost both arms, experimental subject number 3022..."

"Someone is conducting experiments on retired disabled soldiers... my god... wait, what is this?"

"Desperate Plan?"

Peter quickly began typing on the keyboard, and the screen's light flickered on his face. He continued to browse, and his complexion started to become increasingly pale and even a little ghastly.

"Mr. Parker, we have detected an issue with your heart rate. Please stop your actions immediately and take a deep breath..."

Peter put down his hands, took a few stumbling steps back, and then swallowed hard. He said, somewhat dryly, "We may have discovered a huge secret..."

Then he shook his head from side to side and looked around before saying, "J.A.R.V.I.S, ensure that this device cannot connect to the internet and protect the data here. I'll be back in a little while..."

His voice was trembling, and he appeared extremely nervous, but he still managed to calmly arrange everything and left the building with his backpack.

When Schiller saw Peter, he had never seen Spider-Man look so ill. Although Peter sometimes looked a little haggard from staying up late, his lips had almost lost their color, and his body was shaking a bit, making him seem rather scattered.

Schiller had not yet spoken, but Peter recited as if memorizing lines: "Listen, doctor, let me finish! I'm afraid I won't remember later..."

"Just now, I obtained all the information on a secret plan from Dr. Connors. But I can't copy them or record them with anything because it's too frightening. If it were to leak out, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"So right now, I can only tell you about this plan. It's called 'Desperate Plan' and is a plan organized by a series of high-ranking military officers, led by General Robert, from the military Tartu faction."

Peter was reciting information by heart, but due to his exceptional memory, he was able to recite it very smoothly. He continued, "This is a program aimed at stimulating the human body's super recovery ability and creating super soldiers. Their goals include rapid wound healing, limb regeneration, muscle restriction relief, and turning every soldier into a super soldier without pain or emotion."

"Now, this program is still in its early stages, but 16 soldiers have already undergone experimentation. All of them are retired soldiers who have lost limbs or suffered serious injuries on the battlefield."

"Three of them are Dr. Connors' comrades."

"Because of Dr. Connors' achievements in biology and bionics, he has always had contact with the military. However, he concealed his computer from the military and therefore stole most of the information for this program during his collaboration with the military..."

"It was because he wanted to save these soldiers that Dr. Connors continued to study the lizard serum. He did not have the ability to stop the military from continuing this program. He only wanted to use his research results to turn these soldiers into healthy and normal people in advance, so they could avoid participating in this experiment."

"Based on the research progress report of this program, Dr. Connors was a step too late. This batch of disabled soldiers had already received the first injection. Dr. Connors was in a hurry to complete the serum because of this, but it was precisely because he was too hasty and did not go through the final safety testing that he turned into a lizard monster..."

Peter said so much in one breath that Schiller saw him standing unsteadily. He helped Peter onto the sofa, poured him a glass of water, and handed him a heart rate monitoring bracelet to wear.

Schiller found that Peter's heart rate was indeed abnormal, causing a superhero who had mutated into a spider to become nervous to the point of heart arrhythmia. Schiller could already imagine what Peter had seen in those materials.

Peter seemed to have suffered a great shock. Those materials were not just boring experimental data, but also contained a large number of human experiment images - in simple terms, extremely inhumane content.

After drinking water, Peter couldn't help but retch. Those images were much more terrifying than any bloody injuries he had ever seen. He had never seen anything so horrifying in his life.

Seeing Peter run to the bathroom to vomit, Schiller asked Grey Mist in his mind, "Are you sure there's another symbiote that has bonded with Stark? When did that happen?"

"I don't know, but it must be one of my kind. I can recognize them," replied Grey Mist.

Schiller pondered for a moment and thought that the symbiote that had bonded with Stark during this time period was likely Venom.

After a while, Peter came back, his hands still trembling slightly. Peter said, "Doctor, we need to find a way to stop this experiment. If it continues like this, they will destroy the whole world..."

"And those soldiers are heroes who have sacrificed everything for their country, they can't..."

Peter seemed to remember those images again, his complexion becoming worse. Schiller said, "Don't think about it anymore. I'll give you a simple hypnotism later, and then you can go upstairs to sleep."

"No, I can't, I have to find a way, I have to find a way... I can't let these people succeed..." Peter kept muttering, his mind becoming confused.

Facing such cruel facts at the age of 16, and suddenly experiencing such a big shock, Peter was clearly on the verge of a breakdown.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, are you there?" Schiller asked Peter's mobile phone.

"I am, sir," replied J.A.R.V.I.S.

"Okay, I know I may not have the authorization to access Stark's private information, but I still have to ask you, did the military invite Stark to participate in negotiations?"

"Sir, actually you do have the authorization. Mr. Stark has granted you Level 2 access, which includes the ability to access all external information."

"Indeed, I have received seven messages from different communication frequencies within five days, most of which are invitations for Mr. Stark to meet at some military base."

"What's Stark's attitude?"

"I cannot know, nor can I reveal it."

Schiller said, "The military has no bargaining chips now, and these invitations are just probes because they know that even if they call Stark over, they don't have enough bargaining chips to get what they want."

"If that's the case, let's give the military a bargaining chip..."

Peter was a little dizzy listening to this. He was not interested in this kind of thing, but he tried to think about it and said, "What does this have to do with stopping that plan?"

"Wasn't that plan made by the military's high level?"

"Yes, according to Dr. Connors' information, there is a faction in the military high level called Talto. They seem to be a political alliance, led by a General named Robert. These people are different from traditional old-school officers. They believe that the future war will be a war between superhumans, so they have always wanted the military to invest more in the training of super soldiers..."

"It was them who came up with that terrible Desperate Plan, experimenting on some disabled soldiers..."

As Peter spoke, he began to feel a little nauseous. If this plan was just a regular surgical operation, it would be okay, but unfortunately, it was a chemical modification plan, and the disabled soldiers who received injections could become anything. It was simply an unprecedented shock to Peter's worldview.

He couldn't understand how there could be such devils in this world, turning their compatriots into that kind of thing.

And they were all soldiers who should have been comrades.

For the first time, Peter realized that even within the same group, the exploitation of the upper class towards the lower class was endless. After squeezing out all their value, they still would not let go. There are devils in this world who only care about their own interests.

"I think the officers of this Talto faction should also be the ones who want to obtain Mech armor technology, right? After all, the other old generals probably prefer to have more missiles or something."

"I want to guide Stark to meet with these people. Of course, Stark will not be willing to meet them, but if the military insists strongly enough, Stark will be annoyed and should be able to deal with it..." Schiller rubbed his chin and said.

"Technically, it should be like this," Peter said. "But what's the benefit of bringing Mr. Stark and them together? Mr. Stark wouldn't kill anyone, would he? Besides, Mr. Stark is drunk now, and we can't tell him about this plan. Even if we did, Mr. Stark couldn't just kill so many people at the military base, right?"

"Indeed, Stark isn't capable of it. Even if he knew about this plan, he wouldn't resort to violence and directly kill those behind the scenes. He's not that kind of person."

"But we don't have to worry about the process. As long as the result is right, it's okay."

"What do you plan to do?"

"You don't need to know yet. Come, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel every sense organ in your body from top to bottom."

Soon, Peter slowly relaxed and fell asleep.

The next day, when he went downstairs, he found Schiller tinkering with an injection syringe. Peter was curious and wanted to go closer, but suddenly, his spider sense rang out. Peter stepped back and said, "What are you doing? This thing seems dangerous..."

"It is indeed dangerous, but later I'll need you to transport it."

"Where to?"

"Dr. Connors is at the Stark Tower laboratory. J.A.R.V.I.S told me that the military personnel will come to receive the remaining results of the medical cooperation project today, and this will become one of the results."

"Of course, before that, you need to fabricate an experimental report to cover it up."

"Um...fabricate? What about the original experimental report for this thing?"

"It went into a mental hospital with its inventor."

Peter pursed his lips and said, "So you're saying this is actually a product with no records? "

"But it works well, and that's all that matters."

"So what should the experimental report say?"

"You need to describe it as a medicine that stimulates the nerves and activates brain activity."

"If it's not doing that, then what is it actually used for?"

"It is actually used for that, but it has some significant side effects. However, it doesn't matter, as no one would actually use it. It's just used to give a small stimulation to an alien creature..."

Peter was a bit confused, as he couldn't understand the mention of an alien creature. He took Schiller's words as a metaphor he didn't understand and skipped over it.

But in fact, Schiller was telling the truth, because the injection syringe contained highly concentrated Fear toxin.

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