In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 231: Thor Odinson (2)

Chapter 231: Thor Odinson (2)

With a click, the door lock made a soft sound as Thor pushed open the door to find Loki sitting at the bar, playing with a computer.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Loki looked up and saw Thor. Thor looked disheveled, his long hair almost completely soaked in sweat, messy and draped over his head, and his short-sleeved shirt and pants covered in oil stains and mud on the soles of his shoes.

"Why did you only finish work at noon?" Loki asked casually, but Thor didn't answer. Loki leaned over and took a look at him, seeing him walk directly into the bathroom and turning on the shower. Loki was a bit puzzled as he walked over to the door and saw Thor taking a cold shower, washing his hair.

Until he was completely drenched, Thor shook his head, then roughly dried his hair with a towel before walking out of the bathroom.

Loki hugged his arms and leaned against the wall opposite the bathroom, saying, "It looks like you've suffered another major setback, just like before, once the battle reaches a stalemate, you take a cold shower."

While hanging the towel back on the rack, Thor said, "You should know that Sif and the others came from Asgard, right? You better be careful lately, Sif has been wanting to beat you up for a while."

"Have you forgotten?" Loki let go of his arms and sat down on the sofa, saying, "I'm a legitimate god now. If she dares to hit me, she'll be banished by Heimdall."

Standing in the doorway of the bathroom, Thor fiddled with the towel rack and asked, poking his head out, "They said you've been going to the Asgardian warehouse a lot lately, and it seems like you're still tinkering with that big robot called the Destroyer. What are you up to?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Loki raised his voice, "While you were gone, the Allfather brought a lot of energy, and everyone in Asgard has gained a lot of divine power, and some have even re-enchanted their weapons."

"The energy the Allfather brought was too much, and I didn't have a suitable weapon to store them, so I decided to find a place to store these energies for future use, and I thought the Destroyer robot would be perfect..."

Thor fell silent, but Loki was surprised because in the past, whenever he mentioned divine power or weapons, Thor would start snorting like an angry bull.

But this time, Thor didn't say anything. He just walked back to the bedroom, took out his wallet, and came back out, saying as he fiddled with it, "I don't know how to explain it to you, but the situation now is that I lost my job..."

Loki turned to look at him, eyeing him up and down, and said, "Not surprising. With your brain, it's strange that you can keep a job for a long time."

"So can you order takeout tonight? I still want to eat that fried chicken."

"Unfortunately, I have a client to meet tonight, and we're going to a restaurant in the downtown area. You know, those tasteless French dishes, spending thousands of dollars to eat at a somewhat upscale restaurant. Of course, he's paying..."

Thor was still standing at the door, fiddling with his wallet. He said, "Okay, but..."

Thor scratched his head, seeming unsure how to express himself. He said, "It's rent this month might be a bit tight...but I'll find a new job soon, I..."

"Well, that's perfect. I don't want to live with you anymore. If you can't pay rent and can't live here, I don't think SHIELD will say anything. You can start packing your bags."

"Hey, don't be like that, Loki, I..." Thor walked over to the sofa, propping himself up on the back of the chair with his hand. "We're brothers, aren't we? We've fought shoulder to shoulder before..."

"Don't talk about fighting side by side, you are the bravest warrior of Asgard," Loki picked up his glass of water from the coffee table and drank while speaking, "while I am just a mage hiding in the back. When you charge forward, I can't even see your shadow, as you said yourself."

"But now we are both on Earth, and there's no war to fight here," Thor tried to engage his brain cells, "when we return to Asgard, I can return tenfold, whether it's in terms of divine power or money."

"Don't be silly," Loki sneered and said, "Divine power? I have so much divine power that I have to find something else to store it in."

"Money? You've already spent your salary from three hundred years ago. Are you going to ask Heimdall for an advance on your future royal allowance? Or do you want to take over Asgard's treasury as the owner before our father wakes up?"

"I certainly am not," Thor immediately denied, scratching his temple with his finger, "Well, if I learned anything on Earth, it's not to spend money recklessly. I swear, I'll save up my salary next quarter."

"You said the same thing last quarter. Frigga and I have grown ears of calluses from hearing it," Loki interrupted Thor's rambling.

"Alright," Loki interrupted Thor's rambling, "If you have money, order takeout. If you don't, starve. If you have money, stay here. If you don't, get out. It's that simple. Do you hear me, Thor Odinson?"

Thor glared at him fiercely and gritted his teeth, "I understand, Loki Odinson."

Not long after, Loki left with his computer, while Thor sat on the sofa and sighed. He knew Loki would do what he said and if he couldn't pay the rent, Loki would use his divine power to pack his luggage and throw him out.

Over an hour later, Thor was in the SHIELD cafeteria, taking a big bite out of a burger and telling Sif, "Loki is always like this, mischievous since he was young. Unfortunately, Frigga always takes his side. Last time he broke my carriage, I didn't even ask him for compensation. He wouldn't even order takeout for me."

As he spoke, he tried to swallow the food in his mouth and sighed, "I don't know when he'll grow up. I liked him when he was just learning to walk. It's really worrying that he's getting worse as he gets older."

"Do you really think his bad behavior is just mischief?" Sif said, very helpless, "Thor, who really needs to grow up?"

"Alright, alright, Sif. I know you two have a grudge. I've already apologized for Loki. He shouldn't have cut your hair and turned it a different color. I swear, when I inherit the throne, I'll use the power of the World Tree to turn it back. Don't worry, I'll definitely-"

"That's not what I'm talking about," Sif's tone was always very solemn, like most Asgardian goddesses, with a bit of holiness and dignity. She said, "You have to realize that there may be deep malice hidden in his increasingly bad jokes, not just playful teasing between brothers. I don't think a person who would deliberately destroy what others love in childhood is as innocent as you think."

"But he's the youngest son, and the youngest son always has privileges. Odin indulges him, and Frigga always takes his side, while I... you know, I don't want to tattle on him. After all, he's my brother."

"He's always had poor health since he was a child. If I went to Odin to complain, Odin wouldn't be able to beat him like he beat me. If Odin really hit him, Frigga would cry and be very sad."

Sif sighed deeply. She realized that Thor's thinking was not on the same level as a normal person. She said, "Can't you use the mindset of a heir to think about these issues? Have you ever considered... the fight for the throne?"

"The fight for the throne? You mean Loki wants to compete with me for the throne, and even start a war over it? That's a bit far-fetched."

"He doesn't want the throne. Do you really think he wants to sit on that throne, dealing with so many messy things every day, and occasionally leading troops to battle, charging at the front, and then attending reward banquets, listening to people's praise, rewards, titles, and praises of the warriors when he returns? He doesn't like doing these things."

"With that time, he would rather lock himself in a room and read those idle books."

"To be honest, I've always felt that he doesn't quite resemble an Asgardian. He doesn't like duels, swordsmanship, and has no interest in martial arts. He lacks aggression and a sense of honor. He can't be the king of Asgard."

"Then why does he always play pranks and try to outdo you in front of Odin?"

"Maybe he just wants to prove that he's stronger than me." Thor took a big sip of juice and said, "But this is normal. Look, don't siblings with two brothers all do this? They try their best to prove that they're stronger than each other, to prove that they're their parents' favorite son."

"Don't you have two older brothers?" Thor asked Sif. "Don't they compete with each other?"

"Well..." Sif was stunned by Thor's question. She thought for a moment and said, "It seems they do. My older brother likes to drag my younger brother to the dueling arena when he's free, then at dinner, he boasts about how he used such a beautiful attack today and chased his brother around the field."

"You see, that's how it is. It's normal. Have you ever thought about whether you're your parents' favorite child?"

Sif broke off a piece of finger biscuit and stuffed it into her mouth, saying, "Of course I know I'm not. Otherwise, why would my parents send me to the army? How many goddesses in Asgard are walking the path of Valkyrie? Most of them are magicians."

"At the time, Loki turned my golden hair into black, and I was so angry, but my parents didn't take my side at all. They thought I was vain and cared too much about appearance, that's why they..."

"Don't be sad, Sif," Thor comforted her. "As I said, when I ascend to the throne, I will change your hair back, and maybe I can persuade Loki to apologize to you. I've noticed that he's become much easier to talk to lately."

"Easier to talk to?" Sif stared at Thor and said, "Are you sure? He doesn't even want to pay rent for you, let alone buy takeout for you. He even kicked you out..."

"If this happened in Asgard before, he would have thrown me and my luggage into the sewer on the other side of the street."

Sif covered her forehead and said, "Don't you think your tolerance for him is a bit too high? Have you ever thought about beating him up?"

"To be honest, Sif, I don't really agree with Hogun and the others coming to find you like this. It's because I'm afraid they'll cause trouble that I followed."

"But you also know," Sif looked into Thor's eyes seriously, "the struggle for the throne is a winner-takes-all game. They and their families have clearly stood on your side. They won't allow Loki to make any moves. Even if they themselves don't want to do it, their families will definitely force them to keep an eye on you and Loki."

"Perhaps you have been fighting outside for too long and have been away from here for too long, and you don't understand the situation in Asgard. But I can tell you that the recent situation has become tense because the Allfather has really grown old."

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