In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 219: Fair farce (2)

Chapter 219: Fair farce (2)

On the day of the Stark Industry Expo, New York was very sunny, and the streets of Midtown were crowded with cars. The East Street of the Central Station was congested.

The work vehicle opened the trunk, and the TV station staff moved the reflectors and camera brackets. The editor-in-chief near the front of the car was instructing the journalist with the microphone.

On the side of the road, many luxury car drivers honked impatiently, driving away the internet celebrities and bloggers who were occupying the road for filming. Even the coffee and hot dog stand was affected. The crowd gathered in front of the stand, young men and women in fashionable clothes held food and drinks, chatting in groups of two or three.

Soon, the glass door of the Stark Tower opened, and everyone rushed in like soldiers responding to orders. The journalists reacted the fastest, holding their long guns and cannons, while the luxury car owners, self-conscious of their status, leisurely opened their doors and watched while holding the coffee bought by their drivers.

The young couple who came for the excitement followed the crowd into the Stark Tower. Peter protected Gwen with his arm. Gwen whispered to Peter, "You seem familiar with this place. You must have taken your internship seriously."

Peter looked around and said, "Coincidentally, I brought my work permit today. Let's take the employee channel."

He pulled Gwen out of the crowd and headed to the other side. Gwen was a little worried and said, "But we don't know the specific address. Where is the 90th floor on the invitation?"

"I don't know, but let's go up to the 89th floor first. It should be right."

Other people entering the building didn't have Peter's high subjective initiative. When they entered the lobby of Stark Tower, they found that there wasn't even a guide. Many people were complaining about Stark's negligence, but in the spirit of coming all the way, most people followed the flow of people into the elevator.

Stark Tower's carrying capacity is good. Even with so many people rushing in at once, they were still transported to the top floor in an orderly manner.

The 79th to 89th floors of Stark Tower belong to Stark's personal laboratory and are generally not open to the public. Almost no one has ever entered the 89th floor of Stark Tower. When the crowd rushed out of the elevator, everyone was stunned.

The technology in the early 21st century was already quite advanced, but it was definitely not as advanced as the technology displayed in Stark Tower, which was like celestial technology. At the moment they left the elevator, the entire corridor lit up, and an electronically synthesized voice sounded, "Hello, I am J.A.R.V.I.S, the steward of Stark Headquarters. Welcome, please follow the light guide to the designated location to participate in the Expo."

Then, the light lit up, and a holographic arrow appeared in the middle of the corridor.

The crowd followed the guide through the tech-filled corridor and then came to the lobby on the side of the 89th floor. Three walls and half of the ceiling here were all glass curtain walls.

The curtain wall was covered with a honeycomb-like structure. As the crowd surged in, the metal plates opened layer by layer, and the bright but not dazzling sunlight shone through the glass.

Peter, who came directly from the employee channel, brought Gwen in. Peter was used to it, but Gwen was very surprised and said, "Can the building's strength support such a large area of glass curtain wall?"

Peter explained to Gwen, "This is Stark Group's new technology, which currently doesn't have an official name, but I call it Resonance Glass. The larger the area of the glass, the stronger the strength."

The crowd rushed into the lobby, but Stark was not here. Just as they were wondering where the host of the industrial expo had gone, a fine buzzing sound came from above their heads.

Immediately, the sound of armor friction, as dense as a machine gun, rang out, and layers of shadows appeared above their heads. Everyone looked up and then opened their mouths in astonishment.

Accompanied by the sound of whistling wind, hundreds of racks flew in from the opening of the glass curtain wall. The sunlight shone on the metal Mech armor, and the entire lobby was like a diamond rain, dazzling and blinding.

Then, a louder jet sound rang out, and a huge aerial platform descended from the center of the lobby. The platform was surrounded by cigarette smoke as it touched the ground, and all the Mech armor fell and guarded around the platform. Stark in his suit rose from the platform.

The dense crowd was motionless for a while, obviously shocked by his unimaginable debut. But then, Stark opened his arms and said, "Do you think this is all there is to it?"

He shook his head and slowly lifted his head to look up at the sky. Everyone followed his actions and looked up. In an instant, the Mech armor covered Stark's body, and he flew up in place, flying out of the exit of the glass curtain wall on the ceiling. Then everyone heard him say, "Ready to deploy!"

As Stark's voice fell, shadows gathered above their heads, and the other half of the ceiling was also covered with metal. Immediately, countless metal structures flipped over like waves.

The supporting columns rose layer by layer, the walls grew like living beings, the armor spread, the gears interlocked, and the structures overlapped. In an instant, a mechanical city like a floating island appeared overhead.

They watched as Stark flew in mid-air and released an incredibly large mechanical city on the 89th floor of Stark Tower.

Then, people saw the huge mechanical floating island slowly descend, and the Mech armor in the hall flew in various directions, then stopped under the floating island, as if to catch the huge floating island.

When such a huge building collapsed, everyone showed a look of horror. The process of landing was like the mountain pressing down on them.

In the center of the hall, Stark descended from the light screen elevator. When the elevator landed, his face mask opened, and his voice echoed in the hall: "Welcome to the Stark Industrial Expo!"

As his voice fell, the Mech armor that flew out became pillars under the floating island and quickly transformed, accompanied by the humming and jetting of the machinery, the mechanical floating island landed steadily above Stark Tower.

They didn't know who cheered first, but a few seconds later, the boiling shouts echoed throughout the hall.

The crowd was completely boiling. No matter what their purpose for coming here was, they witnessed a miracle of human technology.

At this time, Schiller's satisfied voice came into Stark's ear: "!It's not in vain that I screwed the light bulb for so long."

Stark replied to him, pressing his headphones: "Obviously, the least important thing here is your process of screwing the light bulb."

In the monitoring room of Stark Tower, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Steve looked at Peter and Gwen's surprised expressions in the monitoring screen and said, "If Peter knew we didn't bring him, he would probably be very sad."

"He said he had to wait for his girlfriend and couldn't come early." Schiller put down his coffee cup and said, "Let's go, the job is done, it's time to go to the exhibition."

"You go ahead." Rhodes behind the two said, "Stark told me that someone might come to make trouble. I'll check the evacuation route again to prevent it from affecting ordinary people."

Natasha fixed her hair and said to Schiller, "Stark knows that someone wants to cause trouble, and he still came out so high-profile?" "What you should be worried about now is not Stark's safety, but the safety of the people who want to cause trouble.

The two walked into the hall, and Schiller said as he walked, "The security facilities of the entire Stark Tower have been upgraded comprehensively. I doubt whether those people can..."

After Peter and Gwen boarded the floating island, they turned into ruthless exclamation machines. Throughout the journey, they could only make sounds of "Wow" and amazement.

The entire mechanical floating island was not just for show. After boarding, various new technologies and machines developed by the Stark Group were displayed in an orderly manner. The various mechanical creations that should not appear in this era were dazzling.

Generally speaking, industrial exhibitions should be comprehensive in nature. Even if Stark is the organizer, other industrial groups should be invited to participate. After the venue is provided by the organizer, each exhibitor will be assigned their own space. The previous Stark Industrial Expo was also held in this form.

However, the Stark Industrial Expo held by Stark did not have any other positions at all. It was a very pure "Stark Industry" exhibition.

This can be traced back to the moment when Stark used the magic reactor to ascend. At that time, in addition to experiencing high-dimensional sensory experiences, the way of fighting of the steel giant army also gave him a lot of inspiration.

Although the original Stark was not an extreme technology conservative, due to the lack of security, he was disgusted with some uncontrollable things.

Upgrading J.A.R.V.I.S.'s emotions was the first step for Stark, and the subsequent vampire war made him realize the importance of quantity and functionality. Later, the perspective of the Iron Man made him realize that the so-called risks and uncontrollability were only due to insufficient technological levels. As long as he could reach the level of "I am the cluster," there was no risk of an AI crisis.

Having experienced this feeling, Stark began to break through his own internal barriers and no longer focused solely on researching single Mech armor. Obviously, he also realized that being the master of machinery and the steel torrent was more practical than becoming a perfect mechanical individual.

Having realized this, the recent Stark was bursting with inspiration. Previously, his skills only had a single line, so once he encountered a technological bottleneck, the research progress would be stalled. But now, based on that single line, Stark has developed a dense skill tree. When a particular research hits a bottleneck, he turns to another path, greatly increasing his research efficiency.

The biggest difference between Stark and other geniuses lies in his rich creativity. After upgrading his own route to a skill tree, the exhibits at the Stark Industrial Expo were incredibly rich. Without any cooperation from other companies, Stark's inventions alone supported the entire large-scale industrial expo.

Even the most picky critics had to admit that this was an unprecedented expo, not only because of its stunning opening, rich products, and advanced technological level, but most importantly, because it was independently completed by Stark Industries, fully reflecting the shocking financial power of Stark Industries and Stark's amazing creativity.

"How about it? I told you it would be a surprise." Stark squeezed out of the journalists and said to Schiller, who had just arrived on the floating island.

"Those journalists were all stunned. Can you imagine? Among so many journalists, not a single one asked me about any gossip. They were all amazed at how I did it."

"Besides this?" Schiller looked around and said, "Don't you think something is missing from this show?"

"Something missing?" Stark was stunned and said, "All my exhibits are here. What else is missing?"

"What about your opponents?" Schiller looked at Stark helplessly.

Stark opened his mouth, "I forgot about them. Oh right, where are Hammer Industries and that guy Ivan Wanke? Aren't they supposed to show up and make trouble at my industrial expo?"

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