In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 213: Busy in Autumn (2)

Chapter 213: Busy in Autumn (2)

However, the fact is that this incident has a significant impact.

The big shots of the multiverse, like Cyttorak, didn't care about such a small amount of energy. Although Dormammu opened his belly after a long time and enjoyed a feast, it was more of a psychological satisfaction. Mephisto used these energies to solve some troubles in the hell dimension, but it didn't affect his foundation. For the peak of individual universes and big shots of the multiverse, the impact was not too great.

But for the demons below this level, it was a significant change.

Firstly, due to the many deaths caused by the explosion, the redistribution of territories became chaotic. Some demons lost their neighbors and were planning to swallow their territories, but their other neighbors had the same idea. The demons who survived the incident gained a lot of power and were quick to take action.

In order to compete for loot and the remaining territories, the demons started a crazy fight. Whoever could digest faster would become stronger and could seize more territory in a short period.

After the fight started, demons with better adaptability and faster digestion survived, swallowed more territory, and gained greater power. The number of demons in the universe plummeted, but the quality skyrocketed.

The demon industry in the universe underwent extreme integration and restructuring, forcing the upgrade of abilities, and forming a closed loop power system. The power distribution system produced new industry handles, which greatly demonstrated the industry advantages of end-to-end and fast services...

In simple terms, there were too many incidents recently, and the demons were busy practicing, fighting, and dividing territories. At this time, the convenience of the Sanctum Sanctorum was reflected.

A group of demons squatted by the phone, waiting for the Sanctum Sanctorum to open and solve their problems.

On the day of the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the sun was shining in New York. Peter set up the camera, and everyone stood in a row on the stairs at the entrance. Just as the camera was about to take a picture, chaotic noises came from the building, and screams filled the air.

Loki and Strange in the middle turned around, and everyone else followed suit.

With a "swoosh," a mobile phone flew past Strange's forehead, and then more than a dozen mobile phones flew out of the door.

Peter was agile, bending over to avoid a mobile phone attacking him, and then turned around to avoid a mobile phone attacking from the side. Stark reacted a little slower and was directly hit on the shoulder by a mobile phone, staggering for a moment.

Steve took the initiative to attack and grabbed a mobile phone flying over. Everyone gathered around, but suddenly the mobile phone burst into flames. Steve let go, and everyone dispersed. The mobile phone floated in the air, and Mephisto's shouting came from inside:

"Strange! Open the door!"

With a "click," a strange and bizarre photo appeared in the camera.

A group of people who looked like the Avengers but had many strange things mixed in, stood in front of the camera, looking up at a mobile phone on fire. Peter was still bending over, Stark was leaning forward, as if he was about to fall, Steve reached up to the sky, Strange covered his forehead, Loki looked up at the sky...

Except for Schiller, who had a calm and composed expression, and Ghost Rider, who was forced to socialize, everyone was in a panic.

The photo flew out of the camera and was blown into the window of the Sanctum Sanctorum by the cool breeze of New York. It floated and landed on Strange's desk. He picked up the photo with his fingers and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Loki walked in with a phone in his hand and said, "I'm moving. The apartment in the central area is not good, so I found a new house in the south."

"Congratulations on your promotion. When are you treating us?"

"Next week, I'm busy this week."

"Busy? What's going on? Isn't your big client coming in half a month?"

"It's not work-related. It's my personal matter."

In an apartment in the south of Manhattan, Thor carrying bags and packages was surprised to see Loki opening the door. He exclaimed, "Loki? How can it be you?! You're the landlord here??"

Then he took out a flyer from his pocket and said, "Damn it...Why is the rent here so low..."

Loki leaned against the door frame, one hand reaching overhead and the other hand on his hip. He said to Thor, "Haven't you noticed any other changes?"

Thor looked up and observed Loki for a while. Then he suddenly froze and shouted incredulously, " did you become the God of Fire?!!"

"Your divine position has been upgraded?? You..."

Loki's laughter overwhelmed Thor's voice. He laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, and he said while laughing, "What was your divine position again? Oh! The name is too long, I almost forgot, hahaha..."

"What's going on? How is this possible?!! How did you..."

Thor's worldview was shattered.

It all started with Asgard's unique divine system.

The reason why the Asgardians were called gods was because they could truly gain power from their divine positions. If one were to delve into the system, it would take too long, but overall, every member of the Asgardian race could obtain a divine position after reaching adulthood.

However, there were different levels of divine positions. For example, the current god king Odin's divine position was the God of Thunder, which was the highest position in the Asgardian divine system. If Thor were to inherit the throne, his divine position would also be the God of Thunder.

But Thor's current divine position, as someone who had not yet inherited the throne, was the God of Climate and Storms, while his brother Loki's was the God of Lies and Deception.

The main rule of divine positions was that the shorter the title, the more abstract the description, and the less specific the management scope, the stronger the position.

For example, the God of Climate and Storms was actually a subsidiary divine position in the God of Thunder divine system, while the God of Lies and Deception was a subsidiary divine position in the God of Fire divine system.

Divine positions were not immutable. There were two main ways for a divine position to change: one was for Odin to pass the position to Thor. Once Odin left all of his power to Thor, Thor would naturally inherit his divine position.

The other way was like Loki's, where he followed two big shots and took advantage of the situation, digesting it and then rising a step in strength, naturally upgrading his divine position.

Of course, Loki's easy promotion of his divine position was not only because the position of God of Fire had been vacant for years without any competitors, but also because Odin was satisfied with his performance, which was an important reason why he helped him.

The main reason why Loki deliberately found Thor and tricked him into renting a house was that Loki was now Thor's superior.

Asgard was a nation where everyone was a soldier, so their political system was more like a military one, with those having higher divine positions being commanders and those with lower divine positions being soldiers.

Within the same divine position level, there was also a difference in height due to the different directions of the positions. Generally speaking, divine positions that managed natural forces were higher than others, which was also determined by the Asgardian nationality.

Therefore, Thor's original divine position of God of Climate and Storms was supposed to be half a level higher than Loki's God of Lies and Deception, which was very reasonable, because Thor was the eldest son and the future heir.

This had been the case for the Asgardian royal family throughout history, with the divine positions of the heir to the throne being half a level higher than others, and only after the heir inherited the highest divine position could other princes be promoted to full gods.

In other words, the original plan was for Thor to become the God of Thunder, and only then would Loki become the God of Fire, with his divine position still being half a level lower than that of the God of Thunder.

But now, the situation was that Thor had angered Odin and had been banished to another realm, missing out on the Knull incident that had just happened. On the other hand, Loki had been glorified by Odin, and his strength had already reached the level of a full god.

And seeing Strange and the Ancient One getting along so well as teacher and disciple, Odin thought of his own son and became angry, ignoring the Asgardian tradition and directly giving Loki the divine position of God of Fire.

And the first thing Loki did after obtaining the divine position of God of Fire was to come and provoke Thor, who was being driven crazy by him.

Thor was a very traditional Asgardian deity, and he believed very much in the Asgardian system of gaining rank and divine positions through military achievements. He also believed that his military achievements were worthy of the title of heir to Asgard, and that no one in his generation could surpass him.

But now, a cruel fact was staring him in the face. Loki, a mage who was the weakest in combat strength among his peers and could be called weak in Asgard, had become a full god before him.

He had become the first full god among his peers.

The difference between a full god and a subsidiary god was not just a world apart. Asgard's political system was closer to that of a military one, which meant that superiors had absolute control over subordinates. Once a subordinate defied his superior, he could be expelled by Heimdall.

Now, Loki, who could only stand in the rear during battles, had become Thor's superior, who charged into battle bravely. Thor could not accept this at all.

Loki saw that Thor outside the door was red-faced and his neck veins bulging. He leaned against the door frame and spoke lightly to Thor: "What's wrong? Do you want to beat me up? Like I used to play tricks on you?"

"But unfortunately, you can't do it..." Loki looked into Thor's eyes, his gaze becoming somewhat cold. "Now, you have no divine power, no weapons, and, more importantly, you don't have the right. I am no longer your subordinate..."

Thor gritted his teeth and spat out a few words from his mouth: "The Father of the Gods is unfair..."

Loki's gaze grew colder and the smile disappeared from his face. The symbols of Asgardian runes flickered around his body, the mark of a true god. He looked at Thor and said, "You truly are a fool. Even if you could understand a word of the Allfather, you would not have the chance to be mocked by me here."

He turned to the side and gestured for Thor to come inside before saying, "Do you want to see where I live? A luxury apartment in the wealthy Manhattan district. And you? Some shack in a poor neighborhood?"

"You are not only a failed god, but also a failed person," Thor retorted.

"This is what you are, Thor. Your perceived bravery comes from the physical strength the Allfather gave you. The honor you believe in is nothing but pity and sympathy given to you when people praise the God King Odin..."

"Everything you are proud of comes from the Allfather's favoritism towards you. Once you disappoint him and lose this privilege, you will be nothing," Loki said with his eyes filled with malice.

Loki's eyes grew even more sinister under his furrowed brow. He looked at Thor and said, "Admit it, from beginning to end, you are a failure, brother."

He bit the last word heavily before slamming the door shut with a loud bang.

Loki turned around and walked a few steps before stopping next to the entranceway. The sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows across from him, but it did not touch his body. His Adam's apple quivered violently as he looked like he was trembling all over.

After several seconds, he exhaled and put one hand against the wall, slowly clenching it into a fist.

For some reason, he wanted to see Frigga now, to see his mother, to return to the bedroom he thought was so boring.

Suddenly, he heard the door behind him being knocked. The sound echoed in the room, and Loki turned around in disbelief. He heard Thor's muffled voice outside the door, "Open up! I want to rent a room!"

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