In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 198: Why Are You So Skilled? (2)

Chapter 198: Why Are You So Skilled? (2)

Late at night, on the streets of Manhattan, Dora was chasing Eddie quickly from behind and asked, "Where are you going?"

"You're not supposed to be infiltrating the Life Foundation's base? " Eddie replied.

"Yes, but we need to go to Brooklyn first..."

Eddie stopped and turned to look at Dora, "You're not planning on just taking me in, are you?"

"I have a high-level pass to the base, we can just drive in and you can hide in the trunk..."

"That's not a plan at all."

"You have the detailed map of the base, right? How do we find the place where Drake stored the classified materials? How do we bypass the security measures? How do we open the safe? How do we avoid security? How do we investigate and collect evidence? What if we have physical evidence, how do we move it? What if we get caught, how do we escape? "

"You're not prepared at all, are you planning on just going in like this?"

Dora looked at Eddie in shock and asked, "You're really a journalist, why do you know this so well?"

Eddie didn't answer her question, because he himself didn't know. He asked Venom in his mind, "Are you really an alien? Why do you know this so well?"

"Because I am a bat... I mean, Venom!"

Eddie turned to Dora and said, "Go get the car, I have a few friends who can help us."

The two drove back to Eddie's apartment, where Peter, Matt, and Thor were already waiting. When Eddie walked in, the other three looked at him. Peter first looked at the symbol on his chest, then looked at the Spider-Man suit he was wearing. "Hey! You copied my spider logo, isn't it?"

"You're not looking carefully, is this a spider?" A hoarse voice came from Eddie's throat.

Peter was choked for a moment and muttered, "Okay, but you just replaced the spider with a bat, the design is still the same, you need to pay copyright fees..."

"Three barrels of cheese balls."

"It must be five barrels, and they must be big ones."


After Dora came in, Eddie introduced her to everyone. Peter pulled out a chair for her, and the five of them sat around the coffee table.

"Thor and I have been selected as volunteers," Peter said, then looked at Matt. Matt shook his head, "Don't forget, I'm still a lawyer, they may have concerns about this profession, so I wasn't selected."

"You and Thor, one is a high school student with no money or background, and the other is a warehouse worker who used to be homeless. The Life Foundation will naturally be more likely to trust you."

Dora looked at Peter and Thor with wide eyes and said, "You guys didn't go to apply as volunteers for the Life Foundation, did you? It's dangerous, you must not go!"

"If it's just testing products like Medicine, it's okay. But if you're assigned to the product development department, you might die!"

"They're not really going to be volunteers, they're just going to help us infiltrate and figure out the secrets of the Life Foundation."

"But I have to warn you." Dora said very seriously, "They have very strict control over volunteers. Once you enter the foundation's base, they may inject you with anesthetic or other sedatives, and then you may be powerless."

"Don't worry, they are not ordinary people, at least anesthetics won't work."

"Can you get the detailed map of the Life Foundation's base?" Eddie asked Dora.

Dora thought for a moment, "No problem."

"The part of the experiment I'm responsible for is very important. Drake gave me the highest level of access, which allows my pass to directly open the door to the security room. There should be a detailed route map in the computer there."

"But my specialty is in biology. If the computer is protected by security measures, I may not be able to crack it."

At this point, Peter raised his hand, "After I get in, you can come find me directly, and then we can go in together. You just need to let me deal with the computer."

Matt then said to Thor, "Although you don't have any extra power, your physique is different from ordinary people, and most human drugs are ineffective for you. You are responsible for cooperating with Peter, creating opportunities for him to escape, and then picking them up."


"So, the plan is like this..."

Three days later, outside a factory in the east of Brooklyn, a car with high beams drove to the factory gate. A female hand reached out from the car window, and the guard used a machine to verify her pass.

The guard looked down at the machine screen, which showed a woman's ID photo with the name "Dora Milna's" next to it.

The Life Foundation building in front of them was shrouded in darkness, with only the windows of the High-rise building flickering with light. Among them, Peter was standing in a crowd, listening to Drake explain the concept of the "Life Stone".

"...You, yes, you, you look young. What's your name?"

"I'm Peter, Peter Parker, sir."

"Okay, Peter, you have a good name." Drake walked to Peter's side, put his arm around his shoulder, and led him out. "You're different from those homeless people who were taken downstairs. You will be the great practitioner of the Human Life Foundation plan and the first batch of testers. You will be written on the monument of human history."

"Uh, but... sir, I still don't understand what the Human Life Foundation plan is. I just came to try it out after hearing about this project."

"That means you are very talented." Drake patted Peter's shoulder and led him to a cylindrical lab table where a cube projection was playing.

"I know, at school, teachers tell you that there is no conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life for humans. That's what it is for ordinary people."

"But since you're here, of course, I'll show you something different, especially for children like you who are talented and have potential. You should have realized the truth about this world earlier."

"Uh... are you an alien?"

"No, that's too narrow-minded. Humans always tend to judge others by themselves, thinking that other forms of life in the universe should be like humans, with hands and feet, but in fact, human physique and strength are too weak. Life in the universe is much more advanced than human evolution."

"Really?" Peter asked curiously. "Don't they look different from humans? What can they look like?"

Drake was a bit helpless. "You lack imagination in this regard."

"But it doesn't matter, you're still young, you can take it slowly."

"But you still haven't told me what the Human Life Foundation plan is."

"Don't worry, child, haven't I told you? You will be the first batch of practitioners of this plan."

Drake's tone became excited, and he turned to a dozen or so volunteers who were similar to Peter. "You will become the strongest warriors in humanity and become the guardians of the Human Life Foundation!"

"With you, neither the Stark Group nor the damn Osborn Industries can interfere with my great plan."

"Okay, but what do we have to do?" Peter asked Drake.

"Peter, come over here to me..." Drake walked to a glass observation window and waved at Peter.

Peter walked over and saw a lab table in the center of the room with a box containing a purple liquid that was constantly churning.

"This is what you're going to do next. Later, you will go in and help me take out this box."

Peter narrowed his eyes and looked at the box. He muttered to himself, "Why does this thing look a bit familiar? Why is it purple? Shouldn't it be black?"

"Familiar?" Drake smiled. "This is not ketchup, kid. Okay, go in quickly."

Several people in lab coats walked over and helped Peter open the door. Peter walked in and walked towards the box.

Just as he reached out his hand to touch the box, Drake outside waved to the experimenters and they pressed a few buttons on the door.

The lid of the box suddenly popped open, and at that moment, Peter's hand happened to be above the box, and the purple slime instantly wrapped around his arm, then quickly covered his whole body.

At this moment, a hoarse female voice came from Peter's throat: "...huh??"

The purple slime slowly solidified and began to transform. The shape of two spider compound eyes appeared where his eyes were, and white spider web stripes appeared on his body. A spider pattern appeared on his chest.

Peter moved his neck and wrists. "The lines on the chest need to be more dense... the spider pattern needs to be bigger, yes..."

The symbiote attached to him was baffled. The female voice in his mind asked Peter, "Are you really human? Why are you so skilled?"

"Because I know your relative, Venom. He's black. Do you know him?" Peter replied.

"Who are you? Venom???" The symbiote exclaimed.

"Damn it, you're Venom's former host! Goodbye!!!"

Drake, who was outside the glass window, saw the purple slime quickly detach from Peter's body and flee as if in a panic, instantly returning to the small box and extending a tentacle to cover the lid.

Peter obviously did not expect this turn of events. He opened the lid and reached out to grab the purple slime, saying, "Don't run away, why do you hate me so much?"

"I had a good collaboration with Venom. We were both..." The symbiote started to say.

As soon as Peter's finger touched the slime, he heard her roar in anger, "It's precisely because of your good collaboration with Venom that I want to stay away from you! You must be crazy, get away from me!!!" She immediately stuck the lid back on and extended several tentacles to firmly fix it to the box.

Peter was also not without anger. He rolled up his sleeves and went to pull the lid off the box. Standing straight and using his body weight, he put one foot on the lab table and pulled the lid out like pulling a carrot.

"I think we can talk! You must have some misunderstanding about me. I can't let you spread rumors about me. Quickly open the lid, or I'll use force!" Peter said.

"Dream on, I have nothing to say to a lunatic like you! I'm a normal symbiote, stay away from me!!!" The symbiote replied.

"Quickly open it! Don't blame me for not warning you, I'm very strong!" Peter warned.

"No way, I don't believe you!!!" The symbiote refused.

"Bang!!!" When the lab table shattered, Drake and all the researchers were shocked.

Peter bent down and picked up the purple slime that had fallen on the ground, "I told you, I'm very strong. You better explain to me clearly, did Venom badmouth me to you?"

The purple symbiote's tone was desperate, "Exactly! Green Thorn and Thunderbolt were right! No one who has been possessed by that crazy Venom is normal, they're all lunatics!!!"

"Don't waste your energy, I don't want to possess you. Holding onto me won't help, and with your strength, what do you need me for?!" Symbiote said.

"I need to figure out why my reputation in your community is so bad. What's the reason behind it? If there's a misunderstanding, I can clarify it..." Peter said.

"In fact, my collaboration with Venom was really pleasant. Although we occasionally argue, it's not a big deal. I'm really a good person and I never bullied him. You have to believe me..." The symbiote explained.

Just then, a loud noise suddenly came from the laboratory, and the slime let out a fierce scream, "Swoosh!" and darted to the corner of the wall.

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