In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 189: Karma Taj "Enlightenment" (2)

Chapter 189: Karma Taj "Enlightenment" (2)

The power system in the Marvel universe is actually quite organized, although in some comics, there are often operations that break through the upper and lower limits, but generally speaking, there is a logical system to follow.

The well-known ranking is the universal classification, which ranges from smallest to largest: individual universe, multiverse, megaverse, omniverse, and unique, five levels.

Most of the heroes known to Marvel movie audiences belong to the individual universe level, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and so on.

However, viewers who have read some comics may be aware of the existence of several other levels, such as the five major creators at the multiverse level, and of course, the most well-known ultimate villain in the film universe, Thanos, who wears the infinity gauntlet.

But even though Thanos with the gauntlet is powerful, he is only at the multiverse level and there are still many abilities that exist above him.

The most famous in the megaverse is the goddess of revenge, who is actually the true source of the Infinity Stones.

To put it simply, the story is that the goddess of revenge became bored with her existence and transformed herself into six gems, so the culprit behind Thanos' snap must be traced back to the megaverse-level goddess of revenge.

At the omniverse level above this, there are also two well-known figures, one is Living Tribunal, which is a story of a loser's revenge, and the other is the well-known Phoenix Force.

Living Tribunal was originally created by the goddess of revenge, but later killed by the transcendent god clan, and Adam became the new Life Court, directly obedient to the Marvel universe's boss, OAA (One Above All).

As for the Phoenix Force, it is needless to say that the Marvel universe is not short of Phoenix Force stories. However, it should be noted that the omnipotent Phoenix Force refers to the most complete version of the Phoenix Force, and below it, there is a White Phoenix Queen, a multiverse-level existence.

It should be noted that the complete version of the Phoenix Force has never truly appeared in the Marvel Universe, even the most powerful White Phoenix Queen is only a small fraction of the complete Phoenix Force, and compared to the true Phoenix Force, their strength is not worth mentioning.

At the top of these levels is OAA, who is omnipotent and omniscient, and can be considered the boss of the Marvel universe.

These level designations are actually more complex than they appear, as you also have to distinguish their stance, behavior logic, and background.

For example, although Spider-Man is an individual universe-level existence, the spider totem behind him is at the multiverse level, and the Morlun family is also at the multiverse level.

From this example, it can be seen that there are differences between multiverse levels, and if you really get into it, the Morlun family and the White Phoenix Queen are both considered multiverse-level existences, but their strength is worlds apart.

You may be thinking, how weak can a multiverse-level existence be?

But in fact, in the comics, the Morlun family has not had any outstanding performances, their so-called power absorption is more about restraint factors, and their opponents are basically at the individual universe level. Their ability to mix into the multiverse level is all thanks to the Weaver, who is a relation.

Returning to the concept of dimensional gods, this is actually a general term, including both multiverse and individual universe level existences.

Among them, the powerful Lord of the Crimson Dimension, Salatok, is a big shot at the multiverse level. He not only ignores the influence of the Infinity Stones but can also beat up anyone in his own territory.

A little weaker than him is Dormammu , from the Dark Dimension, who was very strong in the old setting and was described as second only to the old version of the Living Tribunal, but later became a bit weak.

Then there are eye demons and Zom, who originate from the Cthulhu Mythos, who are said to be stronger than Dormammu but relatively obscure.

Of course, there are also Hell Lords such as Mephisto, Lucifer, and Blackheart, who can all be considered as dimensional gods.

Although these designations may sound a bit mystical and complex, if you look at it from a different perspective, it is easy to understand.

For example, these dimensional gods are not completely unrelated to each other. They know each other, have formed some organizations, and will cooperate and join forces when encountering trouble and crisis, but they have also split apart after cooperation.

Doesn't it sound familiar?

Yes, they are like an enlarged, evil version of a superhero team, where members know each other and live in different territories, occasionally chat, establish temporary task forces when encountering problems, and fight each other when there are disagreements.

They also understand the strategies of uniting and borrowing strength and winning with the weak, and Mephisto once suffered from paranoia, thinking that Dormammu was going to kill him, so he convened a war council with Hela, Mephisto, Hades, etc., and decided to deal with Dormammu .

Their meetings are no different from those of superheroes, just find a table to sit at, express their opinions, and then leave without any resolution.

In the Fear Itself storyline, even the rulers of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu and the Eye of Agamotto, participated in the meeting. Basically, everyone took turns speaking in a circle, and in the end, Mephisto's shocking words were not very useful.

This proves that they actually have a stable social relationship and their own interests and positions.

The stronger ones among them seemed more aloof from the world, like the ruler of the Dark Dimension, who could live a good life behind closed doors and seemed to have no desires or demands.

But in reality, this was not the case. In the comics, the ruler of the Dark Dimension had also organized his own team of demonic gods to create influence on Earth. And as for Dormammu, he couldn't stand not spreading darkness on Earth for even a day.

The stronger demonic gods were even more blatantly fighting over power and territory. They would fight small battles every three days and big battles every five days. When they were in the mood for it, they would even split their territories and cause chaos. Every few days, they would make big headlines.

"It's hard to expect demonic gods born in chaos and disorder to understand what rules and order are," summarized the Ancient One. "Their pursuit of power is innate, it's engraved in their instincts."

"I don't quite understand," Strange asked in confusion. "If they want power, why come to Earth? What attracts them here?"

"Earth is special, it's the center of the universe," the Ancient One said calmly.

Before Strange could speak, the Ancient One explained, "I know that in your worldview, Earth is just a normal planet in the universe, and the center of the solar system is the sun, and the Milky Way is also incredibly vast. But in the theory of the multiverse and dimensions, it's not like that."

"The vast majority of extra-dimensional demonic gods come from Earth. Part of their power comes from the beliefs of Earth's followers. Therefore, they want to come here to expand their influence and gain even greater power. This is an instinct that no demonic god can escape, even someone as powerful as Dormammu."

Then, the Ancient One's tone became lighter. "That's why I said your plan has brought me a lot of surprises. You've hit the nail on the head."

"Although dimensions cannot be simply understood as distance and proximity, if you have to use concepts that you can understand to explain it, the current situation is that the Dark Dimension is relatively close to Earth, the Hell Dimension is not far away, and the dark dimension where Dormammu is located is relatively far away, closer to the split domain, but still very close."

"With these three dimensions, most of the weaker demonic gods can't extend their territories to Earth. This is also the understanding that several generations of Earth's supreme sorcerers have reached with them."

"But the problem is that with these three dimensions, other demonic gods don't have the power to extend their territories here. I'm fine with absorbing the power of these demonic gods for myself, but it's troublesome for them to keep running out and being blocked at the door."

Strange even heard a hint of expectation in the Ancient One's tone. The Ancient One continued, "Now there are fewer and fewer demonic gods who dare to rush into Earth. Many of the new generation of demonic gods have become smarter. Even if they have something to ask the other demonic gods in this area, they will go knock on Odin's door first."

The Ancient One shook her head and said, "Those demonic gods who used to come to Earth and shout about ruling it haven't appeared in a long time."

Strange wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but he heard a deep sense of regret in that sentence.

"When I first took over as the Supreme Sorcerer, I was inexperienced and handled things too rashly, which led to a lack of successors now," the Ancient One said in a low voice.

But based on the Ancient One's past experience, Strange knew that she was regretting being too harsh when she was young. Those demonic gods who came to Earth were beaten too badly, to the point where most of them were too scared to come back.

"But thankfully, you will certainly be a qualified successor."

Strange quickly said, "We still need your help with this plan. There are still many obstacles we haven't overcome."

"I can help you contact the Vishanti. I think they'll be very interested in this plan."

"There's also a question about the power of demonic gods. I already know that there are many different demonic gods in the universe, but is their power common? Can it be treated as a general equivalent like money?"

"If their powers are completely different, why do they fight over territory?" the Ancient One asked Strange.

Strange thought about it and realized that she was right. If attacking an opponent couldn't allow one to plunder usable power, then why bother attacking at all?

"The universe origin remains constant, and power is only a manifestation. However, if there is an exception, that would be Earth," the Ancient One revealed more secrets to Strange. "The belief of the human race on Earth is unique, and they can provide the most essential power to the demon gods. That is why they strive to gain followers on Earth."

"While the power between the demon gods can be converted, it takes time and incurs losses," the Ancient One continued.

Strange stroked his chin, understanding the Ancient One's meaning.

In simple terms, the power of belief from Earth's humans is like a Wagyu steak, delicious and nutritious. Other demon gods' power is like black bread, not tasty and challenging to eat, but it can still fill you up.

The main reason why this plan can succeed is that most of the universe demon gods born from chaos have an insatiable pursuit of power, like an insatiable eater who can never get full.

If it takes the same amount of effort to obtain a Wagyu steak and a loaf of black bread, everyone would choose the former. But if the choice is between a Wagyu steak and a ton of black bread, these bottomless stomachs would undoubtedly choose the latter.

To Strange's surprise, the Ancient One didn't find this plan immoral. Instead, she quickly helped Strange improve the execution method on the mystical level. The Ancient One continued, "Odin, the father of the gods, is the rightful ruler of the nine kingdoms and the nominal lord and king of the Midgard. If there is a meeting, it will undoubtedly be held in the temple of Asgard."

"Let's do this." The Ancient One said directly, "I will take you to meet Odin later, and we can discuss this plan together and see when his temple will be available. It should be in a few days."

Then, she turned to the king next to her and said, "Let Mordo communicate with the Dark Dimension and ask if Dormammu has any free time recently."

"You personally communicate with the Crimson Dimension. I remember that Surtur has ended his last season of hibernation. Although he belongs to a neutral demon god, he should be willing to join in the fun."

"What was the name of the apprentice who last contacted Mephisto? Lucas? Let him go and ask the Lord of Hell if he has any free time recently."

"I remember that Valtorambu went to wander in the limbo. I don't know if he has returned yet. If he has, remember to call him. Kararkan was beaten half to death last time and probably hasn't recovered yet..."

The Ancient One shook her head, a little frustrated, "There are too few that can be used."

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