In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 140: It Works (1)

Chapter 140: It Works (1)

In the bustling press conference venue, the guests who attended the event were all dressed in formal suits, including many high-profile figures.

On the left side were military and political dignitaries, including even a White House advisor, while on the right side sat well-known figures from the business world, including Pepper and Stark, Osborne, the head of Hammer Industries, and the CEOs of more than 20 other companies.

In the rear right were academic professionals, including Schiller, Strange, Connors, Ethan, and over 30 other PhD holders or renowned university professors. Combined, these two rows likely had hundreds of PhD degrees.

Among them, Strange and Schiller were sitting together on the far right, behind Stark. Both of them were impeccably dressed, sitting upright in their chairs. Strange didn't even turn his head, just whispered to Schiller, "The theory of the so-called eternal youth factor and its effect on nerve system repair is just nonsense, I can't even bear to read it."

"Whenever you can't bear to read it, just think of the string of numbers at the end of the contract."

"So for the next few months, I have to stand in situations like this and spout those utterly nonsensical theories like a fraudulent charlatan?"

"No, for the next few months, you have more things to do, like quitting your job and moving, and most importantly, counting money."

With that, the MC invited Strange to the stage, and he stood up, adjusted his suit and tie, then took a speech script and walked to the front of the press conference.

"...just like the research results previously announced by Stark Industries and Osborne Industries, as an expert in the field of neurosurgery, after obtaining precious experimental samples, I have also discovered the secrets of human body's self-repair and rejuvenation..."

Stark, who was dozing off in the audience, was tapped by Pepper. He jolted awake, rubbed his eyes, looked around, and noticed that the chair next to Schiller was vacant. He quietly walked over and sat down next to Schiller, saying, "How much money did you promise him to make him speak such blatant lies without changing his expression?"

"In any case, much higher than his salary."

"I thought he would be the kind of person with some professional integrity."

"He does have it. He claims to be the world's greatest neurosurgeon, and he's proven it. Haven't you heard of his title? 'God's gift to the medical world.'"

"He sure has a big ego. I haven't called myself 'God's gift to the scientific world' yet."

"I promised him a number he couldn't refuse, and then hired him as the chief physician of the new sanatorium. You know, he has a big name and is capable of handling the position."

"What about you? I thought you would personally take on the role of chief physician."

"No, I am the dean. I don't have time to personally treat patients. I have a lot of things to do."

"You two are both shameless doctors," Stark concluded. "Anyone who goes to your hospital is really unlucky."

After a while, Strange finally finished speaking. When he came back, he found that Stark had taken his seat. They stared at each other, neither willing to give in. In the end, Dr. Ethan next to them moved a chair for Strange.

Strange said to Stark, "You better make sure that the salary your United Group gives me is worth my brain being polluted by these terrible theories."

Stark snorted disdainfully from his nose and said, "Your annual salary is not even close to what Stark Industries earns in one minute."

"Don't say that," then Schiller comforted Strange, "Later I will take you to meet Congressman Bolt. He is very interested in the Eternal Life Factor and happens to need a private health consultant."

"Wait a minute." Stark looked at Schiller suspiciously and asked, "Why is there still a congressman involved?"

"You guys aren't taking money from multiple parties, are you? You two are consultants for the United Group, and both Osborne Group and S.H.I.E.L.D. are paying you salaries. The construction fund of the sanatorium should also have a salary for you. Now you want to meet a congressman?"

Strange's eyes turned, and he said, "I think it's necessary to broaden my career path appropriately."

Schiller strongly agreed, "That's right, and they begged us to do it. The gentlemen on Capitol Hill, everyone wants to know some information about the potion from me in advance, but you guys need to know that I'm just a psychologist and don't understand the specific medical principles. At this time, some professionals need to provide me with help."

"By the way, Stephen, later you and Dr. Connors should coordinate your testimonies. Those congressmen have their own health consultants, who are your enemies..."

"I promised him a number he couldn't refuse, and then I hired him as the chief physician of the new sanatorium. You know, his reputation is big enough to take on this job." Strange snorted, "I'm just pretending to be a fraud, and those health consultants are real frauds."

Then he leaned forward a little and whispered to Schiller, "Is what Stark said true? Are you planning to collect money from multiple sources?"

"Not me, but us," Schiller also leaned in, and the two discussed in a low voice. Schiller said, "What is currently lacking for the new technology that could change the future of humanity?"

Before Strange could answer, Schiller answered himself, "All the factions want someone to explain to them what it is and what changes it can bring."

"As true researchers who participated in the study, we have the clearest and most specific explanation. Everyone wants a piece of it. We not only collect money from multiple sources, but we also serve the highest bidder."

"But I can't explain anything," Strange said, "I've read Connors' research report, and we haven't really figured out what this thing is..."

"You don't need a real explanation, just use the professional terms you know, and keep repeating the phrase, 'It's useful.' Remember, this will be the main theme for the next few months, keep repeating, 'It's useful.'"

"Is it really useful?"

"Don't ask such a stupid question," Schiller looked around. There were congressmen in suits and military representatives in uniform. "We are just an emotionless harvesting machine. What do you care about how long these rich and powerful fools live?"

"I like your attitude," Strange said, tilting his head. "It seems that I misunderstood you earlier. We do have a lot in common."

"What about you? I thought you would personally serve as the chief physician."

"No, I'm the dean. I don't have time to personally treat patients. I have a lot to do."

"You two shameless quacks," Stark concluded, "whoever goes to your hospital is really out of luck."

After a while, Strange finally finished speaking, but when he returned, he found that Stark had taken his seat. The two stared at each other, unwilling to back down. In the end, Dr. Ethan had to move a chair for Strange.

"You better make sure that whatever salary your so-called joint group is paying me is worth the damage to my brain by those lousy theories," Strange told Stark.

Stark snorted disdainfully, "Your annual salary is not even worth a minute of Stark Group's earnings."

"Don't say that," Schiller comforted Strange. "Later, I'll introduce you to Senator Bolton. He is very interested in the Elixir of Life and just happens to need a private health consultant."

"Wait a minute," Stark looked at Schiller suspiciously. "What do you mean by Senator Bolton?"

"Are you collecting money from multiple sources? You two are joint consultants for the joint group, and both Osborne Group and S.H.I.E.L.D. are paying you. Nick should also pay..."

"Don't forget, as soon as the resignation procedures at the Elder Council Hospital are done, you'll go straight to the convalescent home to work. The positions for the next two months are fully booked, so you'll be very busy."

"What about the profit-sharing?"

"It's the same as we agreed upon..."

Stark heard the two of them whispering for a long time and became curious about their conversation. But he didn't want to eavesdrop openly, so he pretended to be indifferent and said, "You two unscrupulous doctors must be up to no good."

Strange and Schiller exchanged a glance and said, "We may be unscrupulous..."

"...but we're definitely not mediocre doctors."

After the press conference, Schiller brought Strange to the reception center office of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick was waiting for them in the office. As soon as Schiller walked in, Nick walked up to Strange and shook his hand, saying, "You're the chief consultant of the Elixir series, right? Hi, I'm Nick Fury."

Strange looked around the environment of the S.H.I.E.L.D. office and before he could ask any of his questions, Schiller directly asked Nick, "The convalescent home should be close to completion by now. When will it be open?"

"The previous owner of the old bank took great care of it, so there isn't much to repair. It should be open within a week."

"What about the ribbon-cutting ceremony? Is it arranged?" Nick and Schiller walked to a desk and sat face-to-face, with Strange sitting next to them.

"No problem. Everyone who needs to attend will attend. In addition, the follow-up construction plans for the convalescent home have also been put on the agenda. But for those future projects, you'll have to talk to Stark and the Osborne Group. They are the real investors."

"By the way," Nick looked at Schiller and said, "What are you planning to name this sanatorium? You can't just call it Eternal Factor Sanatorium, right?"

Schiller smiled and said, "How about Arkham Sanatorium?"

"Arkham? Isn't that a surname?" Nick had just finished speaking when he paused and, along with Strange, looked at the ring on Schiller's hand.

Schiller continued, "I was just joking, the name doesn't matter, you guys can decide..."

"No, no, no, sorry, you don't have to explain. Naming rights are up to you, you can choose any name you want."

Schiller glanced at both of them, and Nick and Strange had very strange expressions. He knew that these two must have misunderstood something.

When everyone's attitude towards a misunderstanding is "No, you don't need to explain," it's already difficult to clarify, and when they put on an attitude of "I understand, I totally understand," there's no hope of clarifying.

Nick and Strange both knew something about the origin of Schiller's cryogenic technology, as he had referred to it as "I have a friend." But the more he said that, the more everyone felt like he was covering something up.

"I have a friend," well, those who understand, understand.

Anyway, this name was hastily decided upon, and due to its hastiness, on the day Arkham Sanatorium opened, no one knew why it was called Arkham.

Schiller was relatively low-key before, and he wasn't as famous in medicine as Strange. Most of the time, he stayed behind the scenes, and apart from a few core characters, others knew little about him.

To the point where most people thought the dean's surname was Arkham, so Schiller directly lost his real name. Most people called him "Dean Arkham" instead of "Dean Rodriguez".

On the day of the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Arkham Sanitarium, it was a rare sunny day. At the ceremony, Schiller invited all of his friends in the world and conducted intensive training for them the night before.

"...Yes, I'm sure it works. Although I'm in charge of pathological research, I also know some confidential research results. Of course, I can tell you this..."

"Oh, yes...that's right, I'm a high school student, and in the lab, I'm just helping Dr. Connors. What? Have I seen the exact report? I can't reveal that to you. It's confidential...Well, I can only tell you that with so many researchers working together on this thing, it can't be completely useless, right?"

"Indeed, I am a physics PhD, but I think you have a misunderstanding of the scope of physics. I did participate in this experiment, especially in the development of medical equipment for the immortal gene. Do you think I would spend so much energy on something useless?"

"Longevity? You estimate its effectiveness too conservatively, sir. As a psychology expert, I can responsibly tell you that it is also effective in regulating people's emotions..."

"In short, don't ask so many questions, I am a Stark! If Stark tells you it's useful, then it's useful!"

"I think you heard it..."

"Yes, that's right, we all say it like that..."

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Do I have to emphasize it again?"

"Of course, it's effective..."

"It's useful!"

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