In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 134: The Big Bat Event (16)

Chapter 134: The Big Bat Event (16)

"Listen, Peter, relax, take deep breaths... yes, don't let those emotions control you, you need to calm down..."

Peter's chest heaved violently as he gasped for air, as if trying to suck all the air out of the surrounding area.

After a while, Schiller let Peter sit back in his chair and looked into his eyes, soothingly saying, "Don't dwell on that image, it's all just your imagination."

"No..." Peter covered his eyes in pain and said, "I've seen these kinds of images in my spider sense before, and they've all come true!"

"But at least they haven't happened yet, what you need to think about now is how to turn this situation around." Schiller tapped the table, redirecting Peter's attention, and said, "I believe you've seen yourself in danger in this power more than once, but you've always been able to turn the situation around with your own strength. This time will be no exception."

Peter's Adam's apple trembled, and he grabbed onto a lifesaving straw, saying eagerly, "Really? Yeah... that's right! I've avoided all the danger I've sensed before! I'm sure it'll be the same this time!"

As he spoke, he stood up from his chair and began pacing in place, saying, "It's okay, as long as I keep an eye on Mr. Stark, I'll keep watching him, or make sure he doesn't go up to the high-rise building, everything will be fine..."

Schiller reminded him, "Remember the analysis method I taught you before? You can start from the cause, not just the result. Why would Stark be in danger?"

Peter was stunned for a moment, then looked thoughtful and said, "That's really strange, why did Mr. Stark take off his Mech armor? And in the middle of a battle..."

Continuing, without needing Schiller's reminder, Peter said, "Right, I've seen it before. Mr. Stark seems to choose to activate the Mech armor when facing great danger."

"But who could bring him such danger?" Peter was very puzzled, and he said, "And even if he activates the Mech armor once, wouldn't there be other Mech armors to catch him? He has so many Mech armors, there must be one that can fly over, right?"

"And besides his own Mech armor, we were also there, so why didn't we catch him?"

The more Peter thought about it, the more anxious he became. Suddenly, he seemed to have a sudden realization and said, "It must be that Bat God! Yes, it must be him, I can't think of any other reason!"

Peter spoke quickly, "Those crazy bats, although some of them are dangerous, they can't possibly keep everyone busy. If Mr. Stark is really in danger and no one comes to rescue him, it means that all of us are being restrained."

"Only that mysterious Bat God could possibly do this."

Finally, Peter quickly ran to his chair, grabbed his backpack, and said to Schiller, "Doctor, sorry, I don't have time for further psychological counseling. I need to figure out how to deal with that damn Bat God."

With that, he ran out. Schiller watched Peter quickly run out of the mansion's second-floor window, then began searching the streets for Stark's figure.

Stark was in the midst of a pile of Mech armors, doing the final adjustments on them, when he saw Peter running towards him. Stark greeted him and then immediately hugged Peter's shoulder, pointing at the Mech armors and saying, "Look, I've made adaptive modifications to these 15 Mech armors. They also have wings to assist with flight, making it difficult for them to lose balance when attacked in the air..."

Peter was very anxious and said, "Mr. Stark, my spider sense just told me that you will face great danger later!"

Stark was stunned and looked at Peter, saying, "Danger? What danger could I face? I have prepared over 100 Mech armors, not only here but also on the road from Stark Tower to the Brooklyn Bridge. No matter what danger I encounter, they will be able to respond to me immediately."

"It's not that!" Peter anxiously explained to Stark the principle of his spider sense, and emphasized that all the images that appeared before had happened. Steve heard what Peter said and walked over from the sandbags on the ground.

"Falling from a high-rise building? It's strange. Why would we run up to a high-rise building? Even if we were fighting the monsters in the air, we don't need to stand on the top of a building, right?"

Stark rubbed his forehead. No matter who heard the news that they might die in the next few hours, they would feel the pressure. But his thinking was still clear, and he said to Peter, "I agree with your thoughts. If there is anything in the upcoming battle that threatens my life, it must be that mysterious bat god."

"Do we not need any ceremony to summon that thing? Like we saw last night, maybe we can destroy the ceremony."

Peter told the two of them what he had heard at the vampire command center earlier. Steve frowned and said, "If he is going to appear, there must be a location. We should prepare an ambush."

Peter shook his head and said, "Since there is no ritual, he can appear anywhere. It just depends on the summoner's mood."

"I don't think we should waste too much time on this. Peter, you said that you've managed to avoid these kinds of visions in various ways before, which means this is just a warning, not a definite prophecy. I think I'll be able to find a way to avoid it when the time comes."

Peter wanted to say something else, but Stark's tone was heavy. "We all know that the situation at night is not optimistic. The number of crazy bats has increased several times. Once they launch a coordinated attack, the whole battle line will be intense."

"If we divert our attention to prepare for a possible death scene at this time, the ground forces will suffer heavy losses."

Stark looked into Peter's eyes, and Peter saw a resolute emotion in his eyes. Stark said, "Don't forget why we are here. If we want to avoid danger, I could just hide in Stark Tower, couldn't I?"

"When you talk about possible death, you've only seen a vision of me possibly dying. But anyone could die in this battle tonight."

"I still have so many Mech armors protecting me, and you are all watching out for me. But the police on the ground only have their own guns, and if they aren't careful, they could lose their lives."

"If everyone cared about whether they would die the next second and how they would die, the entire Brooklyn area would have fallen long ago," Peter looked at Stark, he opened his mouth but ultimately chose to remain silent.

Stark said to him, "Just like I once told you, I could easily choose not to put on this steel combat suit, and comfortably stay in my headquarters."

"I have no obligation to rush into battle and come to the front lines, but since I have chosen to do so, it proves that I am prepared to sacrifice like ordinary people on the front lines."

Although Stark's tone sounded relaxed, Peter and Steve both knew how much panic and pressure hearing an accurate prophecy about their own death could bring.

Steve tapped his shield and said, "Now I admit, you are indeed a warrior, Iron Man."

Peter pursed his lips, looking towards the horizon, the last bit of dusk swallowed by darkness, the sky completely darkened. He felt as if he had returned to Matt's small house, watching these good people get injured, bleeding, and suffering, but he was powerless to help.

The group of bats began to swagger in the approaching darkness, a sense of anger overwhelmed Peter. Hiding and being cautious should not be the job of these heroes. From beginning to end, Peter firmly believed that good deeds should be rewarded.

If that's the case, then he would make these monsters that should have stayed in the darkness roll back to their dark corners.

With the first bat taking flight, on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline seemed to be engulfed by a black tide, as numerous bats with red eyes danced and flickered in the air, obscuring the entire sky in an instant, even the moonlight faded away.

Everyone looked up in awe at the astonishing might of the bat army. Steve said, "We underestimated their madness."

As the two of them were discussing, Stark saw a figure swinging on spider webs and landing directly in front of the front line.

Stark and Steve were both shocked, and Steve shouted, "Spider-Man! What are you doing?! Come back now! It's dangerous!"

That was even farther than the first line of defense, with almost no cover or protection measures. Once there, he would immediately face the crazed bat attack in full force.

But Peter seemed to have ignored him and then, unexpectedly, something happened that surprised everyone.

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