In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 121: The Bat Event (3)

Chapter 121: The Bat Event (3)

In a small alley in Queens, Peter hurriedly put on his Spider-Man combat suit and argued loudly with Venom in his mind.

"If it weren't for the bat monster you created, New York wouldn't be under martial law! Goodness, is this going to be a world war?" Peter exclaimed.

"You're too scared. If you ask me, we can still take a spin over New York City!" Venom said. "You're such a coward, what are we afraid of? Nobody can touch us anyway."

Peter was getting frustrated. He said, "Listen to what they're saying! They're actually saying the Bat God is coming? Come on! I'm Spider-Man, not Batman! I hate bats!"

"Oh really? I think it's pretty cool," Venom said casually, which made Peter roll his eyes in anger. He continued, "Alright, listen, you already had your turn being Batman earlier, now it's my turn to be Spider-Man, and you can't interfere!"

Peter climbed up to the rooftop of a building and looked into the distance. It was completely dark now, but the entire city was engulfed in the red glow of vampire eyes, especially near the Brooklyn Bridge, where countless bats were visibly battling with ground forces.

Peter slapped his head and said, "What is going on? Even if they misunderstood, there shouldn't be so many vampires popping up all of a sudden, right?"

"Do you really think this is all because of us? Clearly, they had planned it beforehand. Didn't you investigate before? Many new vampires have been flocking to New York. Can you guess what they originally intended to do?" Venom replied.

"Are you saying that they had planned to invade New York a long time ago?"

"That's not what I said," Venom said. "The incident that broke out in Queens had already reached a certain level of escalation. A few weeks ago, there were already traces of these monsters in Hell's Kitchen. Those vampires who came to New York recently didn't know how to restrain themselves and provoked the wrong people."

"Hell's Kitchen? Isn't Dr. Schiller in danger? No way! I have to go over there now. His Psychological Clinic has no defense, I have to go protect him!"

"It's too late for you to go now. When we appeared, he was already taken to Stark Tower."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, then put on his hood and said, "Forget it, they were planning on doing something bad anyway, so it's not my fault. I'm going to be Spider-Man now."

Peter shot a spider web and swung to the rooftop. He said, "Oh yeah! Good neighbor Spider-Man is here!"

Within a few minutes, he arrived near the most intense battle. A large group of high-level vampires with magical abilities, apparently under someone's command, were executing tactics that were quite coordinated, pushing back the defense line of armed police officers.

Spider-Man grabbed onto a spider web and swung hard, kicking a vampire in the back. Then he did a somersault in mid-air and landed on the back of a large bat, slamming it to the ground and punching it hard several times.

As soon as they arrived, they took down two vampires, which of course caught the attention of the police. The Chief of the Queen's district police station, George, was on the phone saying, "…we can begin the counterattack now? Okay! I've been tolerating these sons of bitches for too long!"

He shouted loudly to the police on the front line, "Prepare to suppress with heavy firepower! Machine gunners, get ready!!"

One police officer on the front line shouted, "Quickly, look! It's Spider-Man! The one who plans to fight against all the vampires in the world!"

George cursed and hung up the phone, walking behind a riot shield and watching Spider-Man show off his power in the sky, punching each bat with one blow. He said, "What are you waiting for? Cooperate with him! Focus on attacking those bats on the ground! This is a good opportunity to take care of them!"

Then he picked up a rifle and shot at the closest bat's wing. Logistics personnel quickly came up and restrained him, saying, "Chief George, please return to a safe location. We just received news that you are to be the overall commander of the three streets at the border of Queen's district and Brooklyn. You cannot get hurt!"

In the sky, the tactical plan kept revolving in Peter's mind. He took advantage of the gunfire and gestured to the police to coordinate with him.

Spider-Man aimed at a recently exploded truck on the roadside, wrapped spider webs around the body twice, and then violently threw it. The bats on the other side were planning to organize a formation and attack again, but they were directly hit by the truck, and all of them were crushed under the heavy wreckage of the vehicle.

The advanced vampires are capable of teleportation, but only if they are not stunned. Spider-Man's attack came too suddenly, leaving two vampires trapped between a truck and a wall, and three others pinned under the truck, rendering them momentarily incapacitated.

The police had already received Spider-Man's signal and armed themselves with a large number of silver bullets. They unleashed indiscriminate firepower towards the vampires, resulting in the instant death of all five bats.

The police had been holding back from using heavy firepower before, but now they were frustrated and didn't hold back. Snipers fired high-powered armor-piercing rounds, and the flying bats had nowhere to hide from the sharp eyes of the well-trained marksmen. Even grazing hits, such as hitting the wings, would result in severe injuries.

The tide of battle began to turn in favor of humans as they pushed the front line towards the entrance of the Brooklyn Bridge. However, further advancement became difficult.

The bridge piers of the Brooklyn Bridge provided natural cover for the bats, and many of them hung upside down under the bridge, avoiding the heavy firepower from humans on the shore. They would swoop out and launch surprise attacks during the intervals when humans were reloading, resulting in a stalemate.

Spider-Man didn't have a good solution to this situation because unlike the streets, the distance between the bridge piers was too wide for him to swing around. He had no choice but to engage in close combat.

However, this deadlock didn't last long. Soon, armed helicopters from the humans entered the scene, engaging in an aerial battle with the bat army for air superiority. Sometimes the helicopters fired machine guns, bringing down several bats, and the ground forces finished them off. Other times, the armed helicopters were damaged by the bats, with their propellers smoking and crashing down.

Spider-Man was busy rushing to the location where the airplane was crashing to save people. At this moment, the intensity of the aerial battle reached its peak for no other reason than the entrance of a group of SHIELD agents, including Hawkeye and Quake.

Hawkeye, although the weakest Avenger, was much stronger than ordinary people and policemen. His arrows usually did not need to be fired, and he had switched to high-power silver explosive arrowheads. As long as he hit a bat, it would definitely lose its mobility.

Quake, Daisy, was also very strong. In the comics, her abilities were quite formidable, and she had even defeated Magneto when he was being controlled by an energy body. However, she had just joined SHIELD not long ago, and her abilities had not yet fully come into play. This was her first time participating in such a large-scale battle.

But she was well-suited for the current situation. She could use her vibrational wave frequency to coat the armed helicopter where Hawkeye was located with a shield. As long as any bat dared to approach, it would immediately be shaken away, ensuring the safety of the main output.

Natasha was in another armed helicopter and was the overall commander of this aerial battle. The female agent shouted loudly into the radio, "Southeast helicopter team, retreat immediately! Pull up now! Those monsters under the bridge are coming again!!"

She cursed in Russian and then said, "Contact the ground troops immediately and intercept that group of monsters in the southeast direction. We can't afford to lose another team."

"And, why hasn't Spider-Man connected to communication yet? Send someone to give him a radio. I need to know the safety of the crashed helicopter's pilot."

Not long after, Spider-Man's voice came from the radio, "Hello? Can you hear me? This is Spider-Man channel, serial number 10611. I am currently on the east side of the bridge. The helicopter pilot here has fallen into the water and is stuck in an underwater rock crevice. The situation is complicated, but my underwater mobility is weak. You need to send someone over quickly."

Natasha was a little surprised because she knew Spider-Man's true identity. In the past, Spider-Man's style was to save everyone, even if it meant being impulsive and not caring about time efficiency.

But now, he was actually considering efficiency and even asking for help. It had to be said that this was a big improvement for a boy of his age.

Natasha immediately replied, "Don't go into the water. Repeat, don't go into the water. Blindly rescuing without understanding the underwater situation can backfire."

"We will immediately send professional personnel for rescue. You head to the west. The situation there is too intense. I need you to rescue the pilots of two helicopters, and then have them return to the battlefield immediately. Remember, tell them to fly high before entering, otherwise they will definitely be shot down!"

Spider-Man immediately left the area, and soon after, the unlucky pilot who had fallen into the water was rescued. At the same time, Spider-Man had also rescued the other two pilots.

Looking up, the armed helicopter team had suffered heavy losses. Of the nine armed helicopters that entered first, only three remained. If it weren't for the protection of the shockwave woman, Hawkeye, and Natasha's three helicopters, they would have been shot down long ago.

Although human technology was strong, the large bats had the advantage. They were numerous and agile, and once hit, they immediately used magic to escape. Their healing abilities were also very strong, and they quickly returned to the battlefield.

Natasha frowned as she observed the situation. She shouted into the intercom with her eagle eyes, "This won't work! I've seen a bat three or four times already, and it's always the same one! If we keep going like this, they'll be endless."

At this moment, under the dark night of Dark, bats covered the sky over the Brooklyn Bridge, like layers of terrifying curtains shrouding the bridge and the river. The gunfire flashed incessantly, and occasional screams made the scene even more horrifying.

After a while, J.A.R.V.I.S's voice came over the intercom, "1200 special night vision devices have entered the field, and the ultraviolet radiation devices are being set up."

Natasha said, "Leave two devices for me, don't deploy them yet. We'll give them a big surprise from the air!"

Then she shouted to Shockwave, "Daisy, are you confident in controlling a device weighing about 120 kilograms?"

"At most 5 minutes!" Daisy, wearing a tight suit, hung below the helicopter. She waved her hand, and a bat was knocked away from a distance. In the midst of the battle, she said, "My ability is destruction, not control! And I have to allocate energy to protect the safety of the helicopter. If it's a device that requires delicate control, I can only handle it for a maximum of 5 minutes!"

"That's enough. J.A.R.V.I.S, inform Stark that the airdrop target is Hawkeye's helicopter."

"Daisy, be prepared. Once the devices are deployed, immediately take control and make them fly southeast, then stabilize. It will only take a maximum of three, two minutes! You just need to hold on for two minutes, and we will use our formation to force the bats in that direction!"

At this moment, Natasha's voice came through Spider-Man's walkie-talkie, she said, "Spider-Man, try to make some noise under the bridge to make the bats fly. Try to drive them to the southeast and make them stay in mid-air for a while."

"Watch this!"

Spider-Man hung up the communication, jumped high in the air, and landed on the riverbank under the bridge. Countless black tentacles stretched out from behind him, like a spider web, sticking to countless boulders on the riverbank, and then fiercely stuck them to the bottom of the bridge. In an instant, a large group of bats flew up like startled sparrows.

"This move is really cool! Let's make an even bigger web and throw them over!"

Venom directly stuck a tentacle on the bridge pillar, and then the black slime exploded, forming a huge spider web.

Peter grabbed the spider web and swung it a few times, and then threw it forward fiercely. Suddenly, a dozen bats in mid-air were caught and trapped by the web. Peter hung on the top of the bridge pillar and with a little force, a large group of bats were thrown into the range of the ultraviolet generator in the southeast.

Natasha exclaimed, "Beautiful! Spider-Man! I underestimated you!"

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