In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 119: The Bat Event (1)

Chapter 119: The Bat Event (1)

Blade looked up at the terrifying monster in mid-air, took a couple of steps back slowly, swallowed his saliva, and then took out his mobile phone and spoke into the phone, "They are planning to declare war on humanity!"

At SHIELD, Nick hurriedly walked through the corridor with agents following behind him, and as the footsteps echoed through the office, the lights turned on. Nick spoke rapidly into the phone, "Jack! Get the defense map of Queen's District ready immediately! Fiona, contact the vampire hunters in New York and find out what's going on?"

Nick turned a corner, and the agents assigned to the mission separated from the group and headed to their own offices. More people continued to follow Nick as he said, "Who's in charge of coordinating with the Daywalker?"

"Coulson, boss, it's always Coulson."

"Assign this task to Sharon and have Coulson immediately coordinate with Stark. If the vampires are really declaring war on humanity, we must organize the strongest resistance force as quickly as possible."

Natasha emerged from one of the offices and walked alongside Nick. Both of them were moving quickly. The female agent said, "The information provided by the Daywalker has been confirmed to be accurate. The monster is currently hovering over Queen's District."

"Should we bring him here as he has shown a strong willingness to cooperate?"

"Let him go to the underground facility in Sector 2. After all these years of unwillingness to work with us, his change in attitude is likely a big deal."

"I'll arrange it now," Natasha said. "There's another issue: Captain has already gone to the battlefield and made preliminary responses to that monster, but we still need to arrange the follow-up combat plan."

"Let the combat team prepare to leave immediately. No matter what the vampire is doing, we must first deal with that monster."

Natasha took out her phone and said into it, "Clint, how are you and Daisy doing? The helicopter will depart in 2 minutes. Once you arrive at the destination, please report back immediately!"

As Nick walked, he assigned tasks until he arrived at his office, where Coulson was already waiting for him. Coulson said, "I have contacted all the combat forces that we could reach."

Before he could continue, Hill walked in and said, "The vampires have indeed shown unusual activity. Director, I have retrieved their activity range for the past 6 months. The entire East Coast vampire community is intentionally heading towards New York."

As Nick's most capable assistant, Hill spoke clearly and walked quickly to the screen, then opened the projection and introduced it. "About a week ago, there was a vampire-police conflict at the border between Queens and Brooklyn. The vampire group involved only arrived in New York a month ago."

"In addition, the 15 recorded vampire attacks this month were not committed by local New York vampires," Hill added.

"Who is responsible for monitoring this community's movements?" Coulson asked.

"Now is not the time to blame anyone," Nick said. "SHIELD's laissez-faire attitude towards vampires is not without reason. If possible, I would also like to drag them all out and expose them to the sun, but we all know that this is not possible."

"But this time is different," Coulson said. "We have allowed the vampires to roam free on the premise that they are only scattered individuals attacking. Once they really declare war on humanity, we will strike back fiercely!"

At this moment, Nick's phone rang and he picked up his mobile phone and said, "The Daywalker has arrived? Good, don't act recklessly, first appease him. I'll be there soon." He then said to Coulson, "You go keep an eye on Stark... Actually, Hill, you go instead. You go to Stark Tower and make contact with Pepper first. Phil, you go to the Psychological Clinic in Hell's Kitchen."

"Schiller probably won't be willing to intervene. He has always publicly claimed that he has no special abilities."

"I'm not asking him to go out and fight vampires directly. Coulson, don't you realize yet? We recruited him not for his special abilities, but for his brain."

"You don't need to do anything. Just stay there and wait for my instructions. Once the situation changes, I'll tell you how to negotiate with him."

After Coulson left, Nick quickly started the elevator and went to the meeting with Blade in Zone 2. After he left, the entire SHIELD organization quickly went into action. Countless agents who received instructions began to operate. Despite the different power affiliations within the organization, SHIELD's talent management system remained united in the face of the invasion by outsiders. After all, if vampires and humans really went to war, they would all have to resist.

In a dimly lit underground meeting room, Blade heard footsteps approaching from afar. When Nick opened the door, Blade walked up and shook his hand. Nick said, "Time is of the essence. Let's cut to the chase. First of all, we're not here to interrogate you." But Blade interrupted and said, "Stop talking. I'll tell you everything I know right now."

"Listen, that huge bat monster has a background you should know about. You see, vampires have the ability to transform into bats, and this ability doesn't come without reason.

As for the mystical knowledge related to the origin of vampires, I won't go into detail. But within the vampire community, there are also disputes about their origin story that have been ongoing...

Just like what you humans say, some believe that vampires originated from the Bible, created by God.

However, there are also some people, whom I call the Bat Followers, who firmly believe that deep in the universe, there is a bat totem that grants vampires the power to transform into bats and feed on blood.

The Theists and the Bat Followers have always been at odds with each other. Of course, Theists are generally more friendly towards humans, and those who interact with high-level humans are mostly moderate Theists.

They believe that humans and vampires are both creations of God, and that we should be brothers and sisters. They have always been the restrained faction among vampires, with many different rules, not advocating for killing, willing to accept frozen blood, and preferring to live hidden among humans and participate in human society."

"We have records of this group of people," Nick said. "Some moderate vampires even proactively come to us for backup."

"That's true, but where there are moderate factions, there are also radical factions within the vampire community. There has always been an extremely radical faction that worships the bat totem, as I mentioned earlier.

"They believe that as followers of the bat totem, they are naturally superior to ordinary humans. They see themselves as part of the bat god and believe they should naturally rule over humans."

"I have heard of this." Nick walked over to the table and sat down. He poured himself a glass of water and said, "I know that the Circle has been experimenting with bat totems. Can you tell me more about it? I guess this new Bat Warrior, Eric, knows something about it." Eric hugged his arms and said, "You should know about my background. I am not a full vampire. All the information I have comes from my vampire hunter teacher. But I also have a few friends who are moderate vampires, and they bring me the latest news from within the community.

"One of my friends works for the famous Count Dracula, and recently he sent me a message that the radical faction led by my enemy, Deacon, is about to take action."

"It seems that they have received a prophecy through some kind of ritual that the power of the Bat God will come down in the New York area. Whoever can get this power will be the new leader of the vampires."

"You know, originally everyone thought this was a lie they made up to fight for power. Such things are not uncommon."

"Of course, of course. Creating a seemingly plausible prophecy and then organizing some small actions is enough to put pressure on opponents."

"But now it seems that things are not so simple." Eric also walked over and sat down. He and Nick sat at opposite ends of the table, and there was only one flickering light bulb overhead.

He said, "In fact, this prophecy is not entirely false. According to my investigation, they do have a ritual that can summon a bat-like shadow. This shadow can bring great enhancement to vampires, but the price is that they will turn into crazed bat monsters."

"It was through this ceremony that they heard a voice, telling them to go to New York. I am trying to find out the specific details of the prophecy, but I haven't found anything yet. However, what we do know is that the terrifying bat monster in the sky right now is the manifestation of the power of the Bat God."

"Well, I understand the backstory now, but the question is, how do we deal with it?"

Nick took out a projection device and played a video for Eric, showing Steve chasing the bat monster. Nick said, "It's daytime now, and this bat is not afraid of sunlight. It looks incredibly strong, with special abilities and tactics. It seems to have intelligence on par with humans. I suggest you don't use the usual methods to deal with ordinary vampires. If it's truly a product of the Bat God, then it won't have the same weaknesses as vampires. You should treat it as a high-level monster."

"Moreover," Eric frowned and said, "this is a signal. They want to declare war on humans. They want to welcome the arrival of the Bat Totem and rule the world. Perhaps you can deal with this monster, but you must be prepared for the massive vampire invasion that will follow."

After speaking, he stood up and said, "I will contact all the vampire hunters I know, as well as the moderate vampires who do not want to participate in the invasion. We will try to form a frontline. At least for now, we stand together with you to make those crazy bat monsters go to hell!"

Nick also stood up, and the two shook hands. Nick said, "The destruction of human society is not good for anyone. You can use this point to persuade them. If they still want to have a prosperous society to live in, they better not let those beasts invade."

Eric nodded, and their black hands clasped together, signaling the beginning of the bat invasion event.

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